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The Rover

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Everything posted by The Rover

  1. WRONG ! ! I don't know what calendar you are using, zep maniack, but the CBS Television broadcast is Wednesday, December 26th for 2 hours, 9pm-11pm EST. Just a minor thing, but when a Zep Event is announced, the particulars are important. That said, with CBS also broadcasting the Grammy's, and that they are already advertising Dave Grohl as a headlining performer, I would assume, that for marketing tie-in purposes and synergy, that the Dave Grohl set from the Kennedy Center Honors will make it in, and some other worthy Zeppelin tribute performance will be cut instead. What's best foir CBS, after all...
  2. I saw this yesterday at a US Barnes & Noble It has extensive coverage of Led Zeppelin. LED ZEPPELIN: As their epochal O2 show emerges on DVD at last, MOJO is granted an exclusive audience with Page, Plant and John Paul Jones, while Jason Bonham, Roy Harper and The Edge relive the gig of a liftetime. “Things can be achieved against impossible odds,” discovers Phil Alexander.
  3. I needed some more mock turtleneck shirts, and I found three at Khol's for $6.39 that normally retail for $20 each.
  4. Okay, Okay ..... The Ticket says: AEG LIVE PRESENTS JETHRO TULL'S IAN ANDERSON PLAYS THICK AS A BRICK 1 & 2 My review: I saw the show in Dallas (Grand Prarie) at the Nokia Verizon Theater last night. It was not a full house. The Upper Balcony was draped off (by design). The lower balcony and floor were about 4/5's full. We were about 25 rows back, in the center. The TAAB I was okay. The TAAB II was louder and, more enjoyable than TAAB I, performance wise. The "Locomotive Breath" encore was louder still, and, the most enjoyable part of the evening. The young man singing some, of Ian's parts (whilst he's flouting...) was good, and Ian's singing is also enjoyable. I saw TAAB on it's original tour back in the day (when some new band warmed up for Tull, some California back up band called "The Eagles"....) But no warm up band last night, and that was good ! So maybe it was just me, but I really thought they increased the volume for TAAB II, and then, even louder for the encore. I just wish that TAAB I could have been at the same volume as TAAB II. I certainly remember TAAB from the 70's as being LOUD, and, that was a GOOD thing ! All in all, I did not get $75.00 worth of entertainment, but I'm glad I went anyway. The people-watching was quite fun !! Personally, I would have wanted Ian to perform "Kissing Willie" for a 1st encore, with the lovely "Locomotive Breath" as the 2nd encore. The PSA regarding Men's Prostate Health was timely for such an 'older' audience. (But, no Pink ribbons, or any other reference to Susan G. Komen for the Cure ..... Didn't he get the Memo ? ? ? ? ) There was a very nice tour book for sale. All t-shirt purchases come with a baseball style cap. I'm enjoying TAAB 'playing in my head' pretty constantly all day today. A nice result of the after glow of the concert
  5. Led Zeppelin, by way of interstellar travel, on October 17, 2012
  6. I looked at this Uncut The Unltimate Music Guide abot Zeppelin the other day at B&N. The articles were okay, and there were many photos that I had not seen before. But, my criticism, is Uncut's editorial proofreading with regards to the labeling of the photos placed around the time each album was discussed. Many of those photos are obviously mis-labeled. When I see Page indoors with the double-neck and the sunglasses on, I assume that's '77 and not '75. But Uncat has the photo labeled as '75. Ther are other examples, but that's just sloppy work for an Ultimate Music Guide, imo.
  7. There are "Gods" of this Earth, and then, there is "the Lord above".
  8. I say, only, go for the Good Stuff Strider...
  9. As regards Maureen's sister Shirley Wilson and Robert Plant's son Jesse Lee, I offer this tongue-in-cheek performance from the 1979 Concert for Kampuchea:
  10. Brazilian Women's Beach Volleyball
  11. There's a great interview and supporting articles with Eddie Van Halen, and with his son, in the August 2012 edition of Guitar World.
  12. They showed the Hindenburg movie with George C. Scott in it a few days ago on cable TV. I loved watching the film -- just too see all of the "Zeppelin" references spoken, in print, and in sub-titled remarks.
  13. Look! Up in the sky! It's Supermoon! Due Saturday http://apnews.myway..../D9UI0L881.html May 4, 2012 NEW YORK (AP) - The biggest and brightest full moon of the year arrives Saturday night as our celestial neighbor passes closer to Earth than usual. But don't expect any "must-have-been-a-full-moon" spike in crime or crazy behavior. That's just folklore. Saturday's event is a "supermoon," the closest and therefore the biggest and brightest full moon of the year. At 11:34 p.m., the moon will be about 221,802 miles from Earth. That's about 15,300 miles closer than average. That proximity will make the moon appear about 14 percent bigger than it would if the moon were at its farthest distance, said Geoff Chester of the U.S. Naval Observatory. The difference in appearance is so small that "you'd be very hard-pressed to detect that with the unaided eye," he said. The moon's distance from Earth varies because it follows an elliptical orbit rather than a circular one. Like any full moon, the supermoon will look bigger when it's on or near the horizon rather than higher in the sky, thanks to an optical illusion, Chester noted. The full moon appears on the horizon at sunset. On the East coast, for example, that will be a bit before 8 p.m. Saturday. The supermoon will bring unusually high tides because of its closeness and its alignment with the sun and Earth, but the effect will be modest, Chester said. The last supermoon, on March 19, 2011, was about 240 miles closer than this year's will be. Next year's will be a bit farther away than this year's. But no matter how far away a full moon is, it's not going to make people kill themselves or others, commit other crimes, get admitted to a psychiatric hospital or do anything else that popular belief suggests, a psychologist says. Studies that have tried to document such connections have found "pretty much a big mound of nothing, as far as I can tell," said Scott Lilienfeld of Emory University. Lilienfeld, an author of "50 Great Myths of Popular Psychology," said the notion of full moons causing bizarre behavior ranks among the top 10 myths because "it's so widely held and it's held with such conviction." Why do people cling to the idea? Lilienfeld said a key reason could be the way people pay attention to things. If something unusual happens to occur during a full moon, people who believe the myth take note and remember, even telling other people because it confirms their ideas. But when another full moon appears and nothing out of the ordinary occurs, "they're not very likely to remember" or point it out to others. So in the end, he said, all they remember are the coincidences.
  14. A little over a week ago, my air conditioning began to cool less. I know I needed some R22 added to the system. I called and made the appointment with the local service provider. Yesterday afternoon they added a pund and half of R22. So, just in the nick of time, I have good cooling from my A/C, because today, the temperature reached 90 °F, and with the heat index, it feels like 95 °F out there this afternoon! Whew ! !
  15. It was announced in the paper that Amazon will start charging state sales tax in Texas beginning July 1, 2012. I don't like it ! It was one of the few breaks I got, becuase I wasn't a wholesaler. Business gets all the breaks. The little people (who work) get little.
  16. Dallas, Tueday April 3rd, 2012
  17. http://apnews.myway..../D9U6PAAG1.html 2012 Summer Movie Preview: LOS ANGELES (AP) - As superhero summers go, this one is truly super. Amid one of the most-promising box-office seasons Hollywood has ever served up, three movies stand above the rest. The first weekend in May brings "The Avengers," the ensemble adventure teaming Robert Downey Jr.'s Iron Man with such fellow Marvel Comics heroes as Thor, Captain America and the Incredible Hulk. "The Amazing Spider-Man" follows over the Fourth of July as Marvel's web-slinger gets a fresh origin story, with Andrew Garfield taking over as teen-turned-superhero Peter Parker. Finally, in late July, there's "The Dark Knight Rises," with Christian Bale returning as DC Comics' masked vigilante in the finale of director Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy. These three are the gold standard for fans: "The Dark Knight," Tobey Maguire's three "Spider-Man" flicks and Downey's two "Iron Man" movies are the six top-grossing superhero adventures ever. Add in solid receipts for solo turns of "Avengers" co-stars Chris Hemsworth in "Thor" and Chris Evans in "Captain America: The First Avenger" - plus the lure of a new incarnation of the Incredible Hulk by Mark Ruffalo in "Avengers" - and summer's superhero meter is off the charts. "'The Avengers' is literally one of the first books I followed regularly. ... Some of the work that was done in there was really groundbreaking and really epic," said "The Avengers" writer-director Joss Whedon ("Buffy the Vampire Slayer"). "It's great fun to take characters that you are so invested in, because you grew up with them, and get to put words in their mouths and figure out what they're going to be doing with their lives for a while. Of course, there's plenty to fill in the gaps between superhero sagas. Other action tales include "Men in Black 3," with Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones; Kristen Stewart and Charlize Theron's fairy-tale makeover "Snow White and the Huntsman"; Ridley Scott's return to sci-fi with "Prometheus"; "Avengers" co-star Jeremy Renner's "The Bourne Legacy"; Colin Farrell's remake "Total Recall"; and the board game adaptation "Battleship." Cartoon makers offer up the Scottish adventure "Brave," the latest from the animation virtuosos at Pixar, while talking-animal franchises return with "Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted" and "Ice Age: Continental Drift." The comedy and music front brings Adam Sandler's fatherhood story "That's My Boy"; the all-star song fest "Rock of Ages"; Ben Stiller, Vince Vaughn and Jonah Hill's suburban romp "Neighborhood Watch"; Sacha Baron Cohen's tyrant tale "The Dictator"; and Whitney Houston's final film, "Sparkle." And what would summer be without vampires? Johnny Depp turns blood-sucker as he reunites with director Tim Burton for "Dark Shadows," a big-screen take on the gothic soap opera. "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter" has the great emancipator taking down the undead. Like director Whedon with "The Avengers," "Amazing Spider-Man" star Garfield practically has Peter Parker in his DNA. Garfield has been a huge Spider-Man fan since age 4. "I know the character really well. It's part of me already. It's like I've been preparing for the role for 24 years," said Garfield, who hints that destiny is at work in this version as orphan boy Peter's search for his parents puts him on a path with the mutant spider that endows him with superpowers. Directed by Marc Webb and co-starring Emma Stone as romantic interest Gwen Stacy and Rhys Ifans as the villainous Lizard, "Amazing Spider-Man" aims to walk the line between gravity and exuberance, Garfield said. "Marc Webb has approached this with a real eye for authenticity, emotional authenticity, a kind of groundedness and grittiness. It feels a bit darker to me," Garfield said. "Also, it's really important that Spidey has fun and is witty. The mask's a very powerful thing for anyone who wears it. It gives you leave to do anything you want, and I think in the hands of a teenager, he'll just run riot. I hope we've managed to have some of that." "The Avengers" has superhero puppetmaster Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) rounding up Downey's Iron Man, Scarlett Johansson's Black Widow, Evans' Captain America, Hemsworth's Thor, Ruffalo's Hulk and Renner's Hawkeye to take on Thor's evil brother (Tom Hiddleston), who plots to unleash alien marauders on Earth. "'The Avengers' challenge was just not so much the scope of it," Downey said. "It's funny to think about a superhero movie as being complex, but I think it was a little bit daunting imagining how you get the balance of all of these intersecting stories. ... "It was a bit of a welcome relief in a certain sense in that 'Avengers,' once it took shape, was a very, very smartly executed and controlled venture." Whether alone or together, much of the gang will be back. Downey's about to start shooting "Iron Man 3," Hemsworth and Evans have "Thor" and "Captain America" sequels coming and there's talk of solo spinoffs for some of the other Avengers. Unlike "Avengers" and "Amazing Spider-Man," "Dark Knight Rises" will not be playing in 3-D. Director Nolan just isn't a fan. Nolan does like shooting for the huge-screen IMAX format, so fans can count on a visual spectacle in those theaters. "On 3-D, I don't know if that was ever even a debate," said Gary Oldman, who returns as Batman's police commissioner ally, Jim Gordon. "It's IMAX. That's as big and bold as it gets, so there's plenty of that." Anne Hathaway signs on as Catwoman, while Nolan's "Inception" co-stars Marion Cotillard, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Tom Hardy join returning Batman cast members Morgan Freeman and Michael Caine. Nolan and his cast have kept details secret, but the film could spell a dark end for Bale's Dark Knight: Hardy plays the villain Bane, the brawny brute who broke Batman's back in the comic books. Hardy has a tough act to follow. The late Heath Ledger won an Academy Award as Batman's last foe, the Joker, in "The Dark Knight." "I find it interesting that he picked Bane as a villain, and he was not tempted to use the Riddler or the Penguin, the more obvious choices," Oldman said. "It suits the story better. It's a great read, it's a great piece. And there we are. There's the end of it." Here's a look at other summer highlights: MAY - "Battleship": Taylor Kitsch and Liam Neeson are in the Navy now as sailors take on inhuman invaders in an action tale inspired by the game. - "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel": Those classy Brits put some sophistication into summer with a tale of UK retirees in India. With Judi Dench, Bill Nighy, Maggie Smith and Tom Wilkinson. - "Chernobyl Diaries": Six rookie tourists mistakenly visit the site of the nuclear disaster and find unexpected horrors in the abandoned place. - "Dark Shadows": We bet the latest reunion of Johnny Depp and Tim Burton will bring some fresh bite to vampires as they adapt the creepy TV soap opera featuring a 200-year-old blood-sucker. - "The Dictator": Sacha Baron Cohen outdoes Castro with his wild beard in this comedy about a tyrant battling for untruth, injustice and the totalitarian way. - "Men in Black 3": Will Smith, Tommy Lee Jones return to fight aliens in a time-traveling action comedy that adds Josh Brolin as the young version of Jones' Agent K. Nice casting. - "What to Expect When You're Expecting": Everyone's in a family way with an ensemble tale about pending parenthood that features Cameron Diaz, Jennifer Lopez, Elizabeth Banks and Dennis Quaid. JUNE - "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter": Can't wait for Steven Spielberg's upcoming biopic "Lincoln"? Then catch the 16th president (Benjamin Walker) as he emancipates the land from blood-suckers. - "Brave": A Scottish lass (voiced by Kelly Macdonald) must undo the chaos her defiance has unleashed on her kingdom in the latest from the animation maestros at Pixar. - "G.I. Joe: Retaliation": The toy soldiers inspire another live-action firefight featuring Channing Tatum, Bruce Willis and Dwayne Johnson. - "Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted": The zoo animals are still on tour as voice stars Ben Stiller, Chris Rock, David Schwimmer and Jada Pinkett Smith return. - "Magic Mike": Channing Tatum takes it off again in a story inspired by his early work as a male stripper. Steven Soderbergh directs. - "People Like Us": "Star Trek's" Chris Pine comes down to Earth as a salesman tidying up his late father's estate in a comic drama co-starring Elizabeth Banks and Michelle Pfeiffer. - "Piranha 3DD": It's another Friday night fish fry in reverse as prehistoric piranha chow down on tourists at a water park. - "Prometheus": Ridley Scott. Science fiction. Any questions? The "Alien" creator returns to the genre with a cousin to his space horror tale starring Charlize Theron, Noomi Rapace and Michael Fassbender. - "Rock of Ages": Journey and REO Speedwagon ride again in a musical romance featuring old rock tunes and a cast that includes Tom Cruise, Alec Baldwin, Mary J. Blige, Catherine Zeta-Jones and Julianne Hough. - "Snow White and the Huntsman": Kristen Stewart's the fiercest in the land as she teams with a tough guy (Chris Hemsworth) to battle an evil queen (Charlize Theron). - "That's My Boy": Adam Sandler tries to grow up as a bad dad hoping to make things right with his estranged grown son (Andy Samberg). - "To Rome with Love": Woody Allen woos Italy and appears on-screen for the first time in years with an ensemble romance co-starring Penelope Cruz, Alec Baldwin, Roberto Benigni and Ellen Page. - "Tyler Perry's Madea's Witness Protection": Filmmaker Perry reprises his role as saucy grandma Madea, who takes in the family of a CFO (Eugene Levy) in witness protection. JULY - "Ice Age: Continental Drift": For extinct species, these cartoon critters sure are survivors. Ray Romano and his voice co-stars are back with another prehistoric comedy. - "Katy Perry: Part of Me": The pop superstar gets the 3-D treatment in a music documentary featuring performances and behind-the-scenes access. - "Neighborhood Watch": Ben Stiller, Vince Vaughn and Jonah Hill learn their town is teaming with space invaders disguised as average suburban dwellers. - "Ruby Sparks": A character created by a novelist (Paul Dano) comes to life as a real woman (Zoe Kazan) in the latest from the directors of "Little Miss Sunshine." - "Savages": California pot growers fight a Mexican drug ring in Oliver Stone's thriller featuring Salma Hayek, John Travolta, Taylor Kitsch and Uma Thurman. - "Step Up: Revolution": The next round in the dance franchise has a crew of Miami hoofers fighting a neighborhood developer. - "Ted": A teddy bear come to life is every boy's dream - until the thing sticks around into the kid's adult years. Mark Wahlberg stars in the comedy from Seth MacFarlane ("Family Guy"). AUGUST - "The Apparition": Ashley Greene stars in a spooky tale of a couple haunted by a presence conjured up in a college experiment. - "The Bourne Legacy": The spirit of lethal operative Jason Bourne lives on, minus Matt Damon, with Jeremy Renner at the center of fallout from the first three action hits. - "The Campaign": Dirty politics in this age of bipartisanship? Will Ferrell and Zach Galifianakis sling mud as congressional opponents in Jay Roach's comedy. - "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days": The hapless hero (Zachary Gordon) of the best-selling books stumbles through trouble over summer vacation. - "The Expendables 2": Action heroes crowd the screen again as Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li and friends seek vengeance after a mission goes wrong. - "Hope Springs": Meryl Streep and Tommy Lee Jones are a long-married couple trying to renew the spark with a counselor (Steve Carell) at a marital retreat. - "The Odd Life of Timothy Green": A couple (Jennifer Garner and Joel Edgerton) eager to start a family gets a dose of the unexpected when a mysterious boy turns up at their door. - "ParaNorman": The animated comedy centers on a boy who can speak with the dead and becomes the last hope of his hometown after it's overrun by zombies. - "Premium Rush": A Manhattan bike messenger (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) is steered into a deadly chase when bad guys come looking for the delivery he's carrying. - "Sparkle": Whitney Houston's final movie role features the late singer as mom to a girl group (including "American Idol" winner Jordin Sparks) struggling with the pressures of fame. - "Total Recall": Colin Farrell steps into Arnold Schwarzenegger's sci-fi role as an average guy on the run who uncovers a secret identity even he didn't know about.
  18. We don't have one, but if I knew 5 minutes or so in advance, I could probably make it to the lower level of a business park's parking garage. I really hope that I Never have experiencing a tornado on my "resume" !
  19. I haven't heard it yet, but I will, when a friend of mine loans me a copy....
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