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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. I don't think you need to be such a jerk about it, frankly. Are non-Americans not allowed to wish an American a Happy 4th of July? Am I not allowed to wish a Canadian a Happy Thanksgiving in October when ours is in November? Come off it already. I know plenty of people who are full Irish and they think the whole day has been destroyed of any actual value and is nothing more than a commercialized day for binge drinking and debauchery. Me saying Happy St. Patrick's Day to those who are Irish isn't demeaning the day. It's me saying "Happy St. Patrick's Day", which last I checked......is a complete farking non-issue.
  2. Very sad. Hopefully this will further convince people that any time you sustain any kind of head injury, even if you don't feel bad, to seek medical attention immediately. No other family should have suffer like this. By all accounts she was a class lady. My thoughts and prayers are with Liam and their two boys.
  3. PULSE is amazing. Obviously it's not a complete representation of the band because Roger Waters isn't there, but 75% is better than 0%. I happen to think Gilmour's solo in Comfortably Numb from PULSE is his absolute best. The solo in High Hopes is pretty damn good too.
  4. Rick Wright got that one chord in "Breathe" from this album. Great work, my dad has it on vinyl.
  5. According to another site I was reading about that particular drink, it's not uncommon for British pubs to refuse to serve them. Which is completely understandable.
  6. Not for nothing, but here's the backstory on the Irish Car Bomb cocktail: http://www.irishcarbomb.com/ It's basically a Boilermaker, but it uses Irish liquor instead. I can understand how some people who have been personally affected by IRA violence might be offended by the drink's name, but it appears to have been a tongue-in-cheek reference to the reaction the two ingredients had when mixed then anything else. I don't think the person who said "car bombs away" was trying to be offensive or cruel. I think he was just voicing his drink of choice for today.
  7. Please. Pink Floyd re-uniting? That was a fucking coup for Bob Geldof. Echoes, their greatest hits compilation package released in 2001, went up by over 1300% in sales after they appeared at Live8. Sure there were people there to see the other acts, but come off it. If Led Zeppelin had performed at that show, there would have been the same number of people, if not more. Live8 very quickly went from "great string of concerts for charity" to "Everyone let's see Pink Floyd!". Nothing wrong with that, a band of that size and influence can bring in large amounts of money and attention to your cause. Hell, David Gilmour has his accountant check his revenues each year to make sure that any money he makes on that Echoes compilation goes to charity because he didn't want to profit off it. Just another reason why I love that man.
  8. No spats, you're basing your opinion on erroneous facts. You have no clue why people went to see them, what kind of energy they had or whether or not the audiences would be smaller if they didn't have the light show. You just don't know. You're claiming you do know and basing your opinion on that. You can't do that. You're arguing facts not in evidence. I have seen clips of Pink Floyd live waaaay back in the day and I happen to think they had a very magnetic stage presence. You were constantly looking at them, wondering what they were going to do next and simultaneously listening very closely to each note they played. Several people have already explained to you why they had the light show and why they had the stage show that they did, you've chosen to completely ignore it.
  9. St. Patrick's Day is synonymous with boozing and being a general party animal. For strict Catholics, obviously it's a lot different. If St. George's Day or St. Andrew's Day or even St. David's Day had a general atmosphere like St. Patrick's Day does, then yeah I think there'd be more people celebrating them. I don't who was responsible for turning a Catholic feast day into an excuse to be drunk from sunup to sundown, but they basically made it impossible for the true spirit of the day to be celebrated without well.....spirits.
  10. I saw David Gilmour live in Chicago during that same tour at the Rosemont Theatre. I have an interview with him where he said he specifically chose smaller venues specifically for acoustics AND because he wanted the audience to feel like they were part of the show, and in a 30,000 seat arena it's hard to do that. Seriously spats, do you ever know what you're spouting off about before you open your mouth?
  11. I don't have an opinion one way or the other about whether or not he was trying to tell a joke. All I was doing was posting the recipe for an old cocktail that I assumed he was referencing.
  12. Irish Car Bomb: one-half shot (1 part) of Irish whiskey, 3/4 pint of stout (~24 parts) and one-half shot (1 part) of Irish cream
  13. Wikipedia is your friend. BTW, my mom made Colcannon tonight for dinner. YUMM-O.
  14. I don't care if you're 100% Swedish and celebrating St. Patrick's Day. It's personal choice. I know people who aren't from the US, but they do fireworks and stuff for the 4th of July. A good friend of mine who lives in Vancouver, does a huge backyard barbecue and fireworks. She's not even American, but she has fun with it anyway. I don't personally celebrate Canada Day on July 1st, but if someone wanted to, to each their own. And I always wear green on St. Patrick's Day. And my socks have shamrocks on them. I'm like 2% Irish, but so what? It's not affecting anything or anyone.
  16. Delta Airlines. So my sister's flight from Valdosta to Atlanta yesterday was delayed. Delayed by so much, she'd have 5 minutes between that flight and the one leaving to Greensboro. There's no way in hell she'd be able to get from B Concourse to D Concourse at Hartsfield in 5 minutes. So she had to drive 5 hours from Valdosta to Atlanta. In a rental car. Thank God she had a GPS in the car. Then the flight to Greensboro was delayed. She was supposed to be home by about 7pm last night. We didn't get home until damn near midnight. She has made up her mind; she is never flying again or leaving the state.
  17. They didn't want to be the focus of the show. They wanted the music and the experience to be what you took away from it. So they hid behind the lasers the smoke and the whole nine yards, not because they had no stage presence, but because they didn't think they as people were important. It was the music.
  18. You have no clue why Pink Floyd had the stage show that they did. None.
  19. I love Fool In The Rain. First time I heard it, I didn't even think it was Led Zeppelin, because it sounded so different from what I had heard of them. But that's the great thing about them, they had the ability to switch it up and do different genres/styles of music and it never seemed forced.
  20. Not all of Roger's lyrics are whining, though. Everything to about Animals was great. But once he started getting all pissy and political, I think the quality of the lyrics decreased. That went hand in hand with him taking increased control of the group, to the detriment of the other three guys. I mean, he all but forced Rick Wright out and Nick Mason was next on the chopping block. I don't fault him for having a vision. I fault him for thinking he was greater than the sum of his parts. He's a great writer and a great musician, I've never disputed that. I just can't stand what his ego did to the music. The band that made The Dark Side of the Moon and Meddle and Wish You Were Here was too good to make The Wall and The Final Cut. Those albums are below their talent level.
  21. It pissed my parents off more than it did her to be honest, because they're stuck here unable to do anything to help her. Fortunately Delta picked up the tab for her hotel room since they canceled the flight AND she was able to rent a car. She's under 25 so she had to pay an extra fee, but at least she had a car to get around in today and then tomorrow. She found a place to eat, went to Target......she calmed down as soon as she had two guaranteed flights to get back here. And yeah, it is bullshit. Especially when she had her entire sorority and friends in Chicago trying to find someway to get her here. She's Phi Mu, so her Big Sister was trying to get a hold of the chapter at Valdosta State to see if they could do anything to help her, but because it's Spring Break in Georgia now, they had all scattered. Then she had friends volunteering to pick her up in Atlanta and drive her back up to Greensboro if this "friend" of hers would just drive her that far. But no......we have to go party with our friend in Jacksonville instead of helping someone you had fly down to see you to the tune of $400. Seriously, I'm sitting there calling people I know that live around there, my one friend in Chicago who has even seen my sister in about 9 years volunteered to drive down and get her. Now, it's about 13 hours from Atlanta to Chicago and tack on another 4.5 to get from Atlanta to Valdosta. She was willing to do that for my sister, but her friend wouldn't turn back around on I-75 and pick her up at the fucking airport. My God, if I ever see this girl face-to-face, she won't have much of one left.
  22. I like some of the stuff the Beatles did with their solo work. Paul: Maybe I'm Amazed, Band on the Run, Silly Love Songs Ringo: It Don't Come Easy John: Instant Karma, Imagine, Woman, Watching The Wheels George: My Sweet Lord, What Is Life However, I much prefer the work they did together as a band over what they did as solo artists, as much as I do like that work.
  23. Okay, here's my pet peeve for the day. Shitty friends. My sister was on Spring Break last week and a friend of hers who lives in Valdosta, GA asked her to fly down there and spend the week with her, which she did. She was supposed to fly back to Atlanta and then on to Raleigh today, but her first flight got canceled, so she's stuck there. When she found out the flight got canceled, she asked her friend to turn back around and come get her so she could spend tonight at her apartment, rather than a hotel room near the airport alone. Her friend said and I quote, "I'm too tired, I don't want to drive back." Now this is the same friend who spent the last two nights drinking and partying with friends leaving my sister alone in the apartment. This is the same friend who was less than 1 hour from the airport and still in Georgia when she called. This friend had to drive back down to Jacksonville to drop another friend off at the airport there, only that flight isn't leaving until tomorrow night. So she had plenty of time to drive back to Valdosta and get my sister and still make it to Jacksonville the next day. Pardon my language, but what a twat.
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