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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. I loved Titanic, I'm not ashamed to admit that. In fact, I just watched it on TNT a couple nights ago. I even have both DVD releases of it, both soundtracks....I just loved that movie. I think I've probably seen it since its release, about 200 times.
  2. Yes, they did. Want to know why? Bush failing means WE FAIL. You really believe those who hate George W. Bush sat around saying "Oh well, if the country falls down in to a fucking sewer, who cares. Bush sucks!!111!!1"? I hated Bush with a passion but for the sake the United States, I wanted him to not fail, to not suck. The fact he did didn't make me happy and it sure as hell didn't make anyone else happy either. I got over the fact he was President shortly after he won. At that point, all I wanted was for him not to fuck up. He couldn't do that, so we all had to suffer. Can I make this any clearer for you? And for the record, NO Limbaugh did not say he wanted Obama to fail based on policy. He said "I want him to fail" with no qualifications attached to that. I saw the footage of him saying this. They showed the whole context of the quote. There was no "I want him to fail. His policies suck and blah blah blah." There was none of that. He flat out wants the President of the United States to fail, because he's stupid piece of shit.
  3. I don't need to watch Fox News to know it's a right-wing station. That's basically common knowledge to everyone. Also, my parents watch it (as I've stated, they are Republicans) and they wouldn't watch it if it WASN'T right-leaning. It's called "looking at 2+2 and getting 4". Not that hard. I don't watch MSNBC regularly. I said I watch it. Saying I watch it doesn't in any way bely how often I do. I'd say during a given week, I watch MSNBC a total of two hours. I watch CNN far more often than I do any other station in that list. All you had to do was ask. The only thing Bill O'Reilly ever did that I have watched and have enjoyed is this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5j2YDq6FkVE Anything past that, I have zero interest in. No, none of those other station I watch "of course" tilt left. You think that because you want to think that, not because it's true. You want to keep beating your "the MSM has a liberal bias" drum because it creates a sound you like. Of all the stations on TV, the only one I would say has a liberal slant is MSNBC. That's it. The rest are pretty centrist, to my ears. But by all means, be contrarian and tell me I'm wrong. You know you want to.
  4. Rush Limbaugh said on air, that he wanted Obama to fail. He said this. You want to know what's wrong with a statement like that? Not even the most ardent Bush-hater on Earth wanted him to fail, because when a President fails, the country fails. We sink or swim based on the kind of Presidency he has. By saying you want Obama to fail, you're saying you want America to stay right where it is; stuck in two wars and nearing a Depression. Who wants that for themselves, politics be damned. So Rush Limpballs deserves whatever scorn or derision he gets, AFAIC. America does not deserve to stay in the mess its in right now and to say that you want the country to fail because you don't agree with the President's politics is borderline treasonous to me.
  5. I love when people make incorrect assumptions about others here. It just tickles me. I think the media should be 100% unbiased. That'll never happen. So instead, I watch many different TV channels to get my news. However I don't watch Fox News. I don't watch it for a couple reasons. One, they had a commentator (Chris Wallace) say the following after Obama took the oath a second time, just to be 100% sure everything was legit: "He didn't have his hand on a Bible. Is he really President?" He said this. Jon Stewart showed the clip along with many other clips of Fox News commentators in the days following the Inauguration. I can't handle that kind of warrantless stupidity. I watch CNN, BBC America, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NBC and PBS. I also listen to the news on the radio a lot as well. The second reason I don't watch Fox News is that while I have no problem with right-leaning opinions (my parents are Republicans), their opinions are so far to the right it's just not listenable. I'm sure others have similar opinions about what I watch, and that's just fine.
  6. I never thought In The Evening was a "rocker", it always struck me as more dance music than rock. I don't know why, I think the synth lines had something to do with it. Not dance like disco, but something with a little more rhythm to it. I daresay it's one of the few songs they did where you could dance to it if you wanted to. It had a very light feel to it, even though it wasn't really light. The song deserves more recognition, I think. You know, I've always thought this. And for what it's worth, I don't think Tea For One or I'm Gonna Crawl get any kind of respect outside of the die-hard fans. Which sucks because they are just absolutely beautiful songs.
  7. Gordie Howe was never captain, odd as that sounds. Gretzky and Messier were both captains of their teams, but numbers aren't everything.
  8. Can you see Steve either coaching the team or being GM? Because I really think they're grooming him to be GM when Holland leaves.
  9. As you can tell, I have thing for his stomach. I love when he would expose it when playing. Yum.
  10. As promised, here are some of my pictures (I may have to split the post up to fit all of them in):
  11. I know he'll be remembered in the same way. They're already talking about him being in the Top 3 defensemen of all time, and the greatest European player of all time.....I don't doubt that when he hangs up the skates, he'll be ranked right along the all-time greats. I'm glad that my team has the kind of history it does but more than that, we have some class guys. We always have, though there have been aberrations along the way. God love Probert, but the drug problem got in the way.
  12. Well of course. Hell, Steve has only one name in Detroit; "Captain". When you say "the Captain", no one thinks you're talking about Nick. And that's just fine by me. I think Steve has earned the right to be called whatever people want to call him.
  13. I have an online radio station gadget for my Vista sidebar, and right now I'm listening to the Ambient channel.
  14. Random ambient music on the internet radio station I listen to at night. Good sleepy-time music.
  15. Caroline Kennedy never changed her name when she got married. She's always been Caroline Kennedy. The press has at times erroneously referred to her as "Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg" but again, she never legally took his name after they got married. So what is the problem with her keeping her maiden name?
  16. You don't think the men who fought for independence brought terror to those who chose to side with the Crown? Do you know what happened to the Loyalists?
  17. I cannot abide people being detained illegally with no trial and no counsel. I don't care what your rationalization for that behavior is, I don't care how much it gives you or others the warm and fuzzies. Sorry. "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin
  18. The people who fought in the American Revolution today would be called terrorists, I agree. Dumping tea in Boston Harbor? They'd get sent to Gitmo.
  19. The phrase "War on Terror" makes it sound like we're fighting an army. We're fighting an ideology. You can't destroy an ideology. It doesn't matter how long we fight, how many people die or how much money gets sucked up by this broken vacuum, there will never be a permanent end to it.
  20. He's all the best qualities of his father, I would have loved to seen him chosen for head of the EPA. The environment is his biggest platform.
  21. I think it's almost ironic that he characterized me that way when he's no different himself. Pot meet kettle, huh?
  22. Ah, so you are an America-hater. We can add that to the laundry list of other things. Furthermore, I'm even more glad that everyone here now knows how you stereotype people from certain countries. It tickles me that it's on full display. By all means, do continue. What other lies and half-truths do you want to tell about Americans? I'm anxious to read them!
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