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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. I'm having a bowl of chili for lunch right now.
  2. Michael Savage is a filthy animal. I don't understand how people can listen to him.
  3. Christ Suz, you're making my stomach turn. I like heating up some peas with butter and then adding a liberal amount of lemon-pepper. I like it on peas and broccoli, especially. Those are the only vegetables where it tastes good.
  4. Wings win!! Wings win!! 3-2 in a shootout. Pasha with the sick deke that robbed Hardy of his jockstrap. Very reminiscent of the move he pulled on Turco a few years ago.
  5. We had pizza for lunch from this really great Italian restaurant near our house -- pepperoni and mushroom. It's not Chicago-style, but for where we live, it's not bad.
  6. Steve is one of the few athletes I've ever seen that have made grown men cry. When he announced his retirement (which we all knew was coming but didn't want to admit), there were members of the Detroit press corps with tears in their eyes. They were crying because Steve was retiring. I grew up in Chicago and was a huge Bulls fan and when Michael Jordan retired (we watched his press conference live in class....fun times), the Chicago press didn't cry. They were obviously upset because here's this amazing athlete that brought championships to Chicago and now he's leaving, but no one cried. I really hope that Steve ends up either as General Manager or potentially owner one day. He's got a great hockey mind.
  7. Everyone wishes he was on their team! Thank God just like our former captain, he'll be a Wing for life.
  8. Speaking of great defensemen, we have one on my team that is slowly making the case for "Top 3 Defensemen Ever".
  9. I was being hypothetical. I do believe that special needs children, be they autistic/developmentally challenged/physically handicapped need a standard of care above and beyond what parents would give children that have no issues. As for my initial post, I stand by it. You didn't need to copypasta it. I firmly believe this could have been prevented, and there's a number of factors that could contribute to that. Do I think the fact they're Scientologists somehow factors into it? Yes. There have been rumors for years that Jett was autistic, he had a caregiver (which is not normal for a child that has no health/special needs issues) and he was regularly kept out of the media's view as opposed to his sister, who apparently is 100% healthy. If he had a disease or illness that caused seizures, was he taking anything for that? Was he regularly seeing a doctor to keep tabs on said disorder, to monitor changes? Why in the name of God was the kid unattended for close to 12 hours before anyone thought to go "hey, has anyone seen Jett?" Like I said, this could have been prevented. I don't like when children needlessly die, be they the kids of celebrities, the kids of random strangers. Something about it pisses me off, even though I don't like kids all that much myself.
  10. There is something troubling about this child's death and it isn't all just because his parents are Scientologists. He had been seen going into the bathroom the night before......and was not seen again until his caretaker found him dead in the bathroom at 10am. That's a whole lot of time unaccounted for. Now, if I have a child that is special needs (as autistic children usually are) or a child with any kind of medical problems, they aren't more than 30 minutes out of my sight before I start to wonder what is wrong. How can that much time have elapsed without anyone noticing he wasn't around or that they seen or heard from him in a while? It's not customary to say you're going to the bathroom and then not emerge for 12 hours. I'm not saying that there's foul play here, I'm saying something about this whole thing reeks to high hell.
  11. Damn it. I could have sworn he wore #9. Why did I think he wore #9, my dad has a Bobby Orr jersey.
  12. It is! You make homemade mashed potatoes (it works better this way, although I suppose you could make it work with instant) and mix in either fresh spinach or frozen spinach (I used frozen, and make sure you wring out the excess moisture, otherwise they'll get runny) and pepper jack cheese. Top with bread crumbs and bake it until the cheese melts down and the bread crumbs turn golden brown. I do love both together and that lasagne sounds fantastic.
  13. I made baked mashed potatoes with spinach and pepper jack cheese. Delish.
  14. You had the "SuperNova" back then. Hull, Howe, Orr. All three wore the #9 (where the Nova part comes in).
  15. Electrophile


    In the last 10 years, I've lost 3 friends to suicide. I dare someone to tell me Obama winning the Presidential election is worse than that.
  16. Electrophile


    I stopped reading here because you chose to lie. I hate George W. Bush, however when he won in both 2000 and 2004, I would never have said they were the "worst years ever" because I didn't share his political philosophies. You know what makes a year the "worst ever" for someone? Death. Unemployment. Divorce. Losing your house. Severe illness/personal injury. Not who fucking won a Presidential election. My God. I'm not even kidding.
  17. That Winter Classic game yesterday was an amazing game. Just fabulous, obviously made better by the fact my Wings won. I've been to Wrigley Field more times than I can count, and it's an amazing place to watch a baseball game, I wish I could have been there to see a hockey game.
  18. Electrophile


    Anyone who thinks the results of a Presidential election qualify that year to be the "worst ever" in their entire lives, has their priorities screwed up. And that's being kind.
  19. The kid had medical problems their "religion" forbade them to treat. I am sorry they lost a child, no parent should have to go through that EVER, but this could have been prevented.
  20. I just picked up a GH album of theirs from 1983 on vinyl. I forgot how much I loved this group.
  21. I just ate some leftovers from lunch for dinner. Nothing better than homemade mashed potatoes.
  22. 27.0 °F / -2.8 °C Clear Windchill: 27 °F / -3 °C Humidity: 41% Dew Point: 6 °F / -14 °C Wind: Calm Wind Gust: 0.0 mph / 0.0 km/h Pressure: 30.21 in / 1022.9 hPa (Rising) Visibility: 10.0 miles / 16.1 kilometers UV: 0 out of 16 Clouds: Clear - (Above Ground Level) Elevation: 935 ft / 284 m
  23. We had a pork roast, homemade mashed potatoes and vegetables for lunch today.
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