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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. One of those Hormel Compleats meals.
  2. I just had a sandwich made with a barbecue chicken spread.....quite tasty.
  3. I don't really think it's possible to have a great song without both. I mean, you could have some great music with lyrics that are absolute shit, or you could have really deep and meaningful lyrics that sound like they're being sung over a Casio keyboard being played by a disabled chimp. Either way, that song is going to suck. I think LZ managed to do both very well......really great music with lyrics that while at times could be a little odd (a spring clean for the May Queen?), with very few exceptions, they didn't do shit songs.
  4. I don't care about what was going on behind her, I eat meat so I am in no position to complain. I just think the obliviousness of what she was saying matched with what was going on behind her was fucking hilarious.
  5. In a way I want her to fark off back to Alaska and not darken the lower 48 again, but in another way.....she's just too frickin' funny. Bush will be gone soon and then who will we laugh at? Maybe she'll do another Katie Couric interview, only this time blank on the capital of the United States or something.
  6. I love that he spelled morphine wrong twice, and neither spelling was the same. I mean, if you're going to pretend to be a complete lunatic, be consistent.
  7. No, I would not mutilate myself for money.
  8. It's supposed to get down to 17 degrees here tonight. I think I'll be breaking out the hot cocoa!
  9. Nat King Cole - I Love You (For Sentimental Reasons).
  10. The Bill Ayres of today is not the Bill Ayres of 40 years ago. He's a pillar of his community and frankly, climbing up his ass for shit he did during the Vietnam War, regardless of his personal feelings about it now, just makes all these people look silly. Okay, he thinks Weather Underground could have done more to protest the war. Okay.....well, they didn't....and they won't. So it's basically conjecture on his part and speculation on everyone else's. And this has to do with Obama how? Oh that's right, they're friends. So that somehow means Obama was in on it and tacitly approves of what they did. I forgot. I have a friend who dealt drugs in college, that must mean I'm a drug dealer by association or something.
  11. Re: Ayres-Obama.....get back to me when Ayres becomes one of his advisers and/or any of Ayres' previous political positions become Obama's. Then maybe I'll think about possibly being slightly concerned.
  12. And as long as they teach, are competent at teaching and don't try to have sex with their students.....the problem is what, exactly? My professors could have come to class wearing anti-war signs plastered to their clothes and I wouldn't give a damn as long as they did their jobs, which is to teach the material according to the curriculum. Now, if they showed up looking like that and proceeded to not teach, but rather hold a symposium on why George Bush should rot in hell.....now that would be a problem. But see since nothing like that ever happened, again I didn't get my knickers in a wad over it. Hell, I saw one of my professors taking part in an anti-war march in Atlanta in 2004 and I had class with him the next day.....didn't seem to present itself as a problem when I think about it. And most of the people in my class were hardcore Repubs anyway.
  13. Who cares if a professor "preaches" his politics? If you're not smart enough to form your own opinion, independent of what he/she thinks, that's your bigger problem. I had professors who were super liberal, I had professors who were super conservative. I even had one who was a borderline anarchist. Didn't seem to bother me any, I was more interested in their ability to teach the material than what political view they subscribed to. Seriously, some of you are getting worked up over nothing.
  14. I was rude? Give me a break. I said that it belonged in the main section of the board (which is where Zep-related stuff goes) and then I said we had several threads discussing it already. If I had said "God damn it, not this shit again......we've heard this before!"....THAT would be rude. But since I didn't say that, you were just a tad off-base. And then you say we have a stick up our asses....HA! I can proudly say that nothing goes up my ass. Including sticks.
  15. Also, Ayres was never convicted of anything, he never killed anyone and he's not served a day in jail. In fact, he's a model citizen and a very respected professor at UIC, a place I went to school. I know someone who had him as a teacher and apparently, he's a riot.
  16. Why do any of you care about this? Furthermore, why do you care enough to be bothered by it? Bill Ayres is allowed his opinions whether you agree with them or not, that's the beautiful thing about free expression. I swear, you lot will get all in a tizzy over nothing.
  17. This belongs in the main section of the board and besides, we already have several threads talking about the possibilities for a new singer.
  18. Dude, it's spelled "ditto". You just gave the name of a British singer.
  19. Oh my God, that was like, so mean. Like, I think I'm going to cry. Excuse me. *one tear* I'm like, scarred for life now.
  20. THE FIRST LED ZEP is a study in why huffing paint is a bad idea.
  21. I'm shocked anyone still gives a shit about this.
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