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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. There's no way Bush was behind 9/11......he's too stupid to be able to pull it off and keep up the charade all this time. 9/11 required a lot of planning, a lot of foresight, a lot of work. If you think this current administration knows how to do any of that, you're nuts.
  2. I don't equate getting blowjobs from an intern with leading our country into war under false pretenses and then basically blowing smoke up our asses about it for 4 years.
  3. I respect the office of the President, but not as much as I should. I know that being President is difficult and the 43 men who have held the job have all had their share of misfortune while in office. I don't want it to be a cakewalk. It should be hard. However I think Bush, especially in the last 5 years, has made it harder than it needs to be. And in the process, made the office of the President look like a joke. Which it should not.
  4. First question: I'm not that certain. I know that I'll have more respect for the office of the Presidency, I know that I'll have more faith in politics and the ability for people to mobilize behind someone who can truly do something different and needed. Will I suddenly be able to afford a car or a vacation or something? No. That onus is on me. Second question: I'm 25, turning 26 in about 2 1/2 months. I'm excited about this election because for the first time that I can remember, a candidate has actually inspired me to get off my ass and do something. I've done more volunteering and stuff around my area in Atlanta than I've ever done for anything else in my life. I can thank Barack Obama for that and in the event that he doesn't win, I'm still going to be doing it because like he said "WE'RE the ones we've been waiting for." It's hokey and cliched to some people and they're entitled to feel that way, but for me....Obama is the first politician in a long time that doesn't come across like a politician.
  5. You're not a fan of nuke-yuh-ler power? Or our strategery in Iraq?
  6. I can put eyeliner on with one hand, especially the bottom lashes. I pull the bottom eyelid down and rim the eye with it, so that the eyeliner isn't beneath the lashes, but above them. I wear it heavy too, but only because I wear glasses and if I'm going to put the damn stuff on, I want people to be able to see it.
  7. Don't feel bad.....I work at Macy's and we sell MAC cosmetics, so I get employee discounts up the wazoo. That's the only way I can afford it. I do have some Covergirl stuff....mostly pressed powders and eyeliner. I've found I like those better than what MAC makes.
  8. 10 months, 7 days, 6 hours, 17 minutes until he's gone.
  9. What's your favorite brand of makeup? I am partial to some of what Sephora makes, especially when it comes to skincare products. I use a lot of MAC cosmetics, though....they make amazing lip glosses and eye shadows. This is a smattering of what I own: http://www.maccosmetics.com/templates/prod...SKU_ID=SKU26977 http://www.maccosmetics.com/templates/prod...SKU_ID=SKU26972 http://www.maccosmetics.com/templates/prod...?SKU_ID=SKU4868 http://www.maccosmetics.com/templates/prod...?SKU_ID=SKU4751 http://www.maccosmetics.com/templates/prod...SKU_ID=SKU17098 http://www.maccosmetics.com/templates/prod...SKU_ID=SKU27094
  10. Yes, how bout that Obama. I was watching his keynote address from the 2004 DNC earlier last night and it just reinforced to me how much this country needs a leader who can communicate to the people and not sound like someone reading off a broken teleprompter.
  11. I'll resist his advances, for you are his ain true love.
  12. I'll be the maid of honor. Let's go pick out a dress. I'm thinking of something off-the-shoulder.
  13. Edit: That filth isn't worth it.
  14. Thankfully he makes low-heeled shoes along with the super-high heels, so there's something for me to be comfortable in. Although I'd wear the stilettos just to say that I had them. As my sister likes to say, those shoes are for sitting and being seen, not walking around. Just make sure people can see the red sole.
  15. Yep. I want a pair of Louboutin's so badly. They're hella expensive, but they'd be worth it.
  16. I will own these one day......oh yes....oh yes.
  17. Keep that shit out of this thread, you simple-minded bigot. P.S.: Sunray, don't listen to that fool.
  18. Everyone knows Hillary is still "alive" because she's not been mathematically eliminated. I put "alive" in quotes because she's not the frontrunner, nor has she been for a while. I'm dying to hear more of your downright vomitous comments about Obama anyway......I'm sure you have more chestnuts stored away somewhere. Maybe you can try and connect him to 9/11 since his middle name is Hussein. I don't think you tried that one yet.
  19. My hair is a disaster and I can't wait until I can get it done next week. I'm chopping about 7 or 8 inches off, so it's layered up to my shoulders.....dying it light brown with blonde highlights. It's time for my spring and summer cut/style and color. As for shoes, I have a specific pair I have to wear for work since I'm on my feet all day, but when I'm not at work, I have a ton of cute shoes. A lot of ballet flats.....I hardly wear heels. I'm 5'3 so you'd think I'd want to be in heels, but I think they look wrong on me.....I only wear them for formal events. These are the ballet flats I wear about 99.9% of the time: http://www.zappos.com/n/p/dp/36470581/c/65.../10/w/M_12.html I buy a lot of shoes on Zappos.
  20. Might have been held back in one of the earlier grades or might have been born after September, which forces the student to wait a year before being able to start school. Take my sister and I for example. I was born in June, so I was able to start kindergarten in 1987 with no problem. My sister though, was born in December, so she had to wait a year later than other kids her age....so she was always one year older than everyone else in each grade she was in. You have to be 5 years old to start kindergarten, so if you're born after the start of the school year, you need to wait.
  21. I don't live in Atlanta, so I was never in any danger. Alpharetta is 20 miles north of the downtown area, although I have a lot of friends who thankfully survived.
  22. That's right, "when". I used both words as the election has not happened yet, no one has won.
  23. I just spent the last 35 minutes reading through the last 3 pages of this thread. I wish I hadn't. I get home from work having to deal with idiots there, and now the Bigot Brigade took over this thread, one I had previously enjoyed reading. Wonderful. Thanks to Hermit for getting this thread back to the spirit in which it was intended. When/if he is inaugurated, I am throwing a huge party. In the words of Bob Dylan, the times, they are a-changing.
  24. Whatever you say, dear.
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