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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. Under The Boardwalk - The Drifters
  2. I don't drive manual transmissions. The first car I ever learned how to drive was a stick shift, and my dad tried to teach me to drive it, but it wasn't working out. So they traded that car in for an automatic and we've only had those ever since.
  3. No, it's not. Being told one of your closest friends is dead because they OD'd on heroin is one of the worst things you can be told. Someone telling you they aren't interested in you is nothing.....NOTHING. Grow up.
  4. Of course you can't. You're neither. And we know it.
  5. They certainly aren't approaching because of his attitude and personality.
  6. Bonus points if he grabs his crotch as he says the word "this".
  7. I had a good feeling Obama would sweep and I'm beyond thrilled that he did.
  8. I wish people could just be thankful they got back together as it was and let them get on with their lives.
  9. I'm going to avoid commenting on that.
  10. "waiting for a lazy man to get off his ass" You thought she was the bee's knees, but rather than go up to said woman who you thought was super groovy, you sat on your ass and expected her to get off hers. As if you were so damn special, you were beneath approaching a woman you were interested in. "Oh no, I can't possibly ask her for her number since I think she's foxy......she must use clairvoyance to know that I think she's foxy, and therefore must ask ME for my number or give me hers." Bullfeathers.
  11. SHE WASN'T PLAYING GAMES. Seriously, I want to find this woman and buy her dinner for not approaching you. Talk about getting a pardon from the Governor 5 seconds before the needle hits your arm.
  12. Who said we aren't already annoyed?
  13. Someone just got the smackdown laid on them.
  14. I probably have 2 Cosmopolitans a year.
  15. Ha, in the 36 years my parents have been married, my mother has never asked my dad to buy her feminine products. He wouldn't do it anyway, but that's beside the point. Hell, I can't imagine asking him to buy mine! Going back to what was said originally about men and shopping lists, my dad does the grocery shopping for the house and he's really good about buying only what's on the list. He might throw a couple odds and ends in there somewhere, but he can go shopping without an issue.
  16. Ridiculous. I hope athletes speak out while they're there and if any Chinese athlete wins a gold medal, I hope other medalists turn their backs while on the podium as the anthem plays. Show the world watching that they DON'T support the atrocities the Chinese government commits.
  17. There is no Led Zeppelin tour until one of them or all of them hold a press conference and publicly announce it. So this shit is tedious already.
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