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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. No, what encourages her to be self-destructive is the fact she has no one around her willing to smack her in the head and tell her to wake the hell up. All she has around her are yes-men, going along with everything she does and says because she's got the cash and they don't. What also encourages her to be self-destructive is the fact that she doesn't have the brains God gave her. She doesn't care about herself or her children, evidenced by the fact she doesn't even have custody of them anymore. She puts herself out there the way she does, flashing her genitals at the cameras, getting drunk/high in public, running over peoples' feet in the street, running red lights and generally acting like a stupid moron. If she actually wanted to do something about the way she's portrayed, she would leave the spotlight completely, go home and stay there a couple years. If you don't like people talking negatively about celebrities who do insane things in public, stay out of this thread and others like it. Yes. They're celebrities. When celebrities do things, good bad or indifferent, people talk about it. If you don't like that, stop reading immediately and go do something else.
  2. Well good for you. I wouldn't talk bad about my mother either, because she's done nothing to warrant it. However, if you think for one second that Britney Spears IS a good mother, you're in la-la land. Britney Spears is a bad mother. Grasp that concept. Saying she's a bad mother is not bespeaking Mother Teresa. It's the equivalent of saying that water is wet. Give me a break. Please show me where comments made in this thread were directed at all women, all over the world. People are talking about these two girls in this one family. Not all women everywhere.
  3. Oh spare me and cue the violins. What does the way I talk about Britney Spears have to do with the way I talk to and about my mother? I respect my mother, I love my mother. I neither respect nor love Britney Spears as a) I don't know her and b ) she's a horrible mother. She has two children she doesn't have custody of, because she's a shit parent. I can't respect that and neither should anyone else. So quit with the sanctimony, already.
  4. I really don't care where he was fucking his mistress. Sexual peccadilloes are none of my concern unless they involve animals, dead people or children. Past that, if he wanted to fuck her in Times Square with a traffic cone on his head, more power to him. All I said was that he was socially liberal -- I'm socially liberal, so when I noticed politicians who are, I take note. That's all I said. I made no other comment about where he stands on other issues because I don't follow his campaign as again, I'm not a Republican. So he sucks. Most politicians do. Is that supposed to be news? I'll alert the media. All I agree with is his stance on abortion, gay rights and stem cell research (I've heard he is for it). His stance on any other issue really doesn't interest me.
  5. She's a Spears, so go ahead and assume that's the case. And apparently in July, some tabloid broke a story that she was knocked up, and it turns out that now, she's about 3 months along. So maybe they were right and she's further along than is being reported, or she decided to make the tabloids look smart (which is rather easy). The funny part is apparently Britney didn't know until some paparazzi asked her what she thought of it. She's like "my sister's not pregnant, whatever". Either she's in denial or the two of them aren't as close as they let on.
  6. The only Republican I would ever consider voting for is Guiliani, and that's because of his liberal stance on social issues.
  7. Who cares what religion Obama is? Why does it matter?
  8. There are good covers? Interesting. Led Zeppelin to me is one of those bands who I would prefer not have their catalogue covered. Something about not being able to come close to the original, so don't even try.
  9. Ugh. So their politics/abilities/intelligence don't matter? As long as they have two X chromosomes, you'll vote for them? To me, that's a wasted vote. I don't pay attention to those things when casting a vote; I worry about things that actually matter.
  10. I can't stand that son of a bitch. If I was on that show and he started screaming at me like that, I'd haul off and punch his lights out.
  11. You can watch all of them on VH1 Classic's website.
  12. All you need do is look at a song list and figure it out.
  13. Jesus Christ. That whole family is fucked up. Keep Britney away from that kid, though.
  14. What Is And What Should Never Be
  15. I'm all about some Christmas, now. I think since it's a week away, we can all get into the festive spirit a little more. I even have Christmas music playing right now.
  16. I limit what I listen to because I know what I like and what I don't. I hate rap music. So why would I listen to it? I don't like polka music, so why would I listen to it? If you know someone who hates raw onions, would you chastise them for "limiting their tastes" because they don't eat them? You're right when you say to each their own, but you're coming off like you think I'm wrong.
  17. How eerie......I'm eating crackers and drinking some water. *cue Twilight Zone theme*
  18. I love Led Zeppelin, but they don't consume my life. I think there's more important things in this world to be that focused on, don't you?
  19. It Never Rains In Southern California - Albert Hammond, Sr.
  20. Did I say you said "any of that"? No. "Any of that" refers to the songs I mentioned.....in other words, I'm glad you don't have a problem with any of those songs (save the Sheryl Crow song you said you didn't like). My God. And no, I haven't heard it because unless it's classic rock/oldies/classical/some pop music/electronica-dance.....I don't listen to it. I have very specific tastes and that doesn't sound like something I would listen to unless I was forced.
  21. I'm glad you didn't have a problem with any of that. You don't see a pattern emerging in all those covers/collaborations though? The file name is called "Shit that shouldn't happen on the Devil's worst day".
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