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Everything posted by Anjin-san

  1. Hi Bro,all, Good question! KB
  2. "The initial info [about the courier] came from Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Who is at Gitmo
  3. Liz,go take a crap,... I was talking to Knebby,....
  4. Eternal Light, Next. So glad we capped his @$$. Next. KB
  5. Hi all, Where did I say that?He wasn't talking about bin Laden,was he? Next. KB
  6. Hi Joel,back again? Every terrorist had to change their underwear yesterday. I would suggest cracking a history book at some point.It never ends. Your sick,wonderful comment as always,... KB
  7. Hi all, Correct.The Navy Seals don't operate that way: Richard Marcinko The Pakistanis have a lot to answer for. I hope every terrorist around the world is soiling themselves,... KB
  8. Navy Seal Team 6! Kick ass,then take names! Pakistan has a lot to answer for,... KB
  9. Anjin-san

    ANZAC Day

    Hi all, I'd like to thank these veterans for there service! KB
  10. Hi all, <know for a fact they're all very nice girls; it'd be a source of joy to have any of them nag about taking out the trash, cutting the lawn and washing the car.> Now, what a minute! KB
  11. Hi all, Me first Steve. You cover the East,I'll take care of the West! KB
  12. Hi all, Well?Get to it Brothers and Sisters! KB
  13. Hi all, Cats or dogs first? Then we can get to the two legged? I have some tales to tell,.... Chin up girlfriend! KB
  14. Hi all, Losing a loved one,either 2 or 4 legged is the worst,...I have lost more than I can count,.... That said,I do remember the good times.There were many. KB
  15. You,...........ROCK!


  16. Hi all, Lot of good looking broads in that country! KB
  17. Hi all, Very cool stuff,.....as Alice Cooper says on his radio show "Gotta love the 80's!" KB
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