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Everything posted by Anjin-san

  1. Hi gondo,all, What does that have to do with her musical tastes? BTW,she plays classical piano rather well,.........I got it! She has a crush on Jonesy! Another Led Zeppelin -mystery- solved.Your welcome Steve. KB
  2. Hi all, When in Rome,er,Vancouver,... KB
  3. Hi all, Ally runs the town and province,yes, no surprise.Not in an official sense of course.But you want things done,he is the man! I was not payed for this announcement,facts being facts,... KB
  4. Hi all, That would be cool,... Remember it's only Rock and Roll,... KB
  5. Bro,

    No problem!

  6. Hi BLD,all, PM sent! Now,how about some BBQ beans,smoked ribs and home made slaw? KB
  7. Hi all, Since the Lear Gulf stream is in the shop , if Brothers Ally and Bonzo would get there arses up here,I'd cook dinner! A true,bean supper 'round here would mean a church would cook up a vat of Boston Baked Beans,serve it with Boston Brown bread and good company. Shoot,how about a clam bake on the beach this summer? KB
  8. Hi all, No sure where to put this,... someone is selling this:Led Zeppelin 93 Blimp Inflatable But 93? I know there is some BS out there,would Atlantic have issued this in 1990,the time of the box set/remasters? And no,I could get this made and printed from the local art school,which rocks BTW! I await your judgment,... KB(tanked)
  9. Hi all, Here are some cool Boston Baked Beans and Brown Bread,been done around here since the 1700's Ingredients: 16 ounces (2 cups) dry navy beans 2 quarts cold water 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup molasses 1/3 cup brown sugar 1 teaspoon dry mustard 4 ounces salt pork 1 medium onion, chopped Rinse beans; add to water in saucepan. Bring to boiling and simmer 2 minutes; remove from heat. Cover; let stand 1 hour. (Or add beans to cold water; soak overnight.) Add salt to beans and water; cover and simmer till beans are tender, about 1 hour. Drain, reserving liquid. Measure 2 cups liquid, adding water if needed; mix with molasses, brown sugar, and mustard. Cut salt pork in half; score one half. Grind or thinly slice remainder. In 2-quart bean pot or casserole (I prefer the bean pot), combine beans, onion and ground salt pork. Pour molasses mixture over. Top with scored pork. Cover; bake in 300 oven for 5 to 7 hours. Add more liquid if needed. Makes 8 servings. Boston Brown Bread This is best made the night before, this way the flavor will be enhanced and you can clean up some of the mess the night before. I wrap the bread in foil, freeze a couple and just reheat in the oven. This is also a nice bread to bring camping or hiking. Keep in the can and just heat near the campfire (away from direct flames). Sift together 1 cup sifted rye flour, 1 teaspoon baking powder, 1 teaspoon soda, and 1 teaspoon salt; stir in 1 cup cornmeal, 1 cup whole wheat flour, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, and 1/2 teaspoon allspice. Add 2 cups buttermilk, 1 cup raisins, and 3/4 cup dark molasses; beat well. Divide batter among 4 greased and floured 16-ounce fruit or vegetable cans (labels removed). Cover tightly with foil. Place on rack in deep kettle; add boiling water to depth of 1 inch (cans should not be resting in water). Cover; steam 3 hours, adding more boiling water if needed. Bread is done when it has risen almost to fill the can and the center has puffed slightly. (If center remains indented, steam 15 minutes or so more). Cool 10 minutes. Remove bread, best done by removing bottom of can and pushing bread out of can. Wrap; store overnight. Makes 4. Lots of work but,mmm,mmm, GOOD! KB(Cornbread? Where???)
  10. Hi all, The were originally called The J Geils Blues Band.Peter Wolf was the night time DJ at WBCN,which was the original rock station in Boston in the 60's.(Which was also one of the first stations in the US to play LZ 1 ) J. Geils is the name of the guitar player. After the -love stinks-centerfold- MTV era,the band broke up,the drummer had to quit music for health reasons,... And yes the new Peter Wolf song is great! KB
  11. Hi all, Listen girlfriend,post the cars,hot rods,modified,.....put those broads in the "Beautiful Women who drive fast cars." thread! OK,sister? KB
  12. Hi all, Sweet Girl! More please! KB
  13. Hi all, Where is 11?Fook,there,.....Weeeeeeeeeeeeee! KB
  14. Hi all, Hi S&S! Alice, does Saturday nights on http://wzlx.radio.com/ The kid is riot,plays great tunes. KB
  15. Hi all, Con,didn't mean that,.....sorry. Is that a flow chart? KB
  16. Hi all, Before the flame throwers come out,. I mentioned in LZ live that I got 30+ bootleg CD's of various Zep shows.Like I said Sam, a jaw-dropping Emotion would be over used by me! Even the jazz and rock-jazz,progressive,live recordings I have,....When the lads were on,...as JPJ said,'We could wipe the floor with the lot of them'.IMHO. KB (ALLY RULES!!!)
  17. Hi all, Agree Bro! Pat Boone?WTF??????? KB
  18. Hi all, Any time a politician is on TV,.... KB
  19. Hi redrum,all, Thus him pioneering mid-engine dragsters,excuse me Top Fuel dragsters. Well,if you drag racing fans ever come out this way: New England Dragway My friend Sully and his dad race in Pro Street,fooking 630+horsepower Chevy!Yeah baby! KB
  20. Hi all, I still like old train stuff and old Harley's and such. Want creepy?Ok,.... My link My link My link My link 3 miles down the road,frickin' condos now,oh and it burned to the ground before it was finished,.... KB
  21. Hi all, Thanks for posting this! Trains& motorcycles being my other passions,... KB
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