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Everything posted by Anjin-san

  1. Hi all, Your talkin' deep-fry in peanut oil,right? KB
  2. Hi all,hey Charlie Harley! The Wilson sisters always rocked and still do. Now Nancy,... Damn you Cameron! KB
  3. Anjin-san


    Hi all, Wonderful things!Tell me more,... KB
  4. Anjin-san


    Hi all,BLD, True,plastic models are big $$$.What kind did you build? KB
  5. Anjin-san


    Hi all, BD,ye didn't answer me question,... Ye,need a hand,to hang some rock(sheet)? KB(yesh)
  6. Anjin-san


    Hi all, OK,anyone one do modeling?No,not you HOT Zep chicks on this forum! Miniatures,planes,trains,autos,etc,.... Well? Hi Ally!Big D!Charlie!WTD! KB(HO German trains,...)
  7. Hi all, A simple question,are these d-bags,a-holes cashing the royalty checks? Or are the pencil pushers not knowing? KB(FU!)
  8. Anjin-san


    Hi Charley,all, Yeah baby! KB
  9. Anjin-san


    Hi all,hi Dan!! Harley? The V-rod,..e-mail me! Maybe an PM about your figure painting,K? Lad,I could help you with all your DIY projects,how about a plane ticket? Yeah,with time LZ rules more than ever. KB(if you go down to the streets,baby,you'd better open your eyes)
  10. Anjin-san


    Hi all, Atta boy! Pat Travers
  11. Anjin-san


    Hi all,Brothers and Sisters, That's sweet,never really surprising that folks around here are into so many great things. Keep it coming,or else! If,it does not bore the collective,I will reply to the above. KB (Hey,hey what can I do?)
  12. Anjin-san


    Hi all, Just a wonderin' what other Zep fans do for fun(?) #1 is my Harley U? KB
  13. Hi all, Best of luck from Red Sox Nation! KB
  14. Hi all, The best that there ever was,or will be. KB
  15. Hi Danny,BSB,all, The more things change,the more they stay the same. You harbor these a--holes,duck. You want to live in peace?That is more like it. Aijin-sama
  16. Hi all, Your kidding,....eh? KB
  17. Hi BigDan,all, Your already defeated. KB
  18. Hi all, You can defeat it,if you have the will to do so. KB
  19. Hi all, And what did you expect? No matter who POTUS is,they are going to catch it. KB (been a long time since,...)
  20. Hi all, Gas,lot's of it.Industrial.Lot's of cabbage.Better now.Eh? KB
  21. Hi all, When your born,and maybe even before,you start dying,... KB
  22. Hi all, Ya get what you vote for,....... KB
  23. Hi all, And that folks,is funny as hell! KB
  24. Hi all, No need,my friend. Actions,speak louder than words,or threats,...eh? No matter,was not my daughter,... Or was it? KB
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