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eternal light

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Everything posted by eternal light

  1. On the other hand, if you are terminally ill with cancer, chances are that you move on in a great cloud of morphine. If it ever happens to me that I die that way, that would be a good way to travel, on an opiate-fueled, heavenly ray of light with drums playing in the distance.
  2. :-) From Walnut, CA Walnut High School "Thunder Band" performing their musical selection When the Saints Go Marching In at the 2009 Los Angeles County Fair on Wednesday, September 30th 2009
  3. I would try to look at it all from various points of view to get a well-rounded big picture of people's lives. I would hesitate to abandon Miss Amy to the bleak enclaves of forgotten institutions of health that are themselves struggling to maintain funding for services. As long as she is on her feet and remotely coherent, she should use the best years of her life to earnestly pursue a career that allows her to fulfill her aspirations and use her talents wisely. If she ends up in rehab despite her best efforts, then at least she knows that she tried. If things get too hot and heavy, then a brief time-out could maybe make sense, but for now it seems that would be an unnecessarily extreme measure. In the future if she finds herself in a high profile position like the awards presenter, her team should try to arrange for her to arrive early and well-rested, sufficiently rehearsed but still spontaneous, positive, happy, supplied with non-alcoholic beverages, healthy snacks and preferably no drugs prior unless her doctor insists, and with excellent wardrobe support. After all, this is show business and in Las Vegas we do what it takes, but too much flashing of the goods at the wrong moment does not always follow with rave reviews, and it would be nice to see her do well. Read on, please... books.google.com Fooling With Drugs, page 108
  4. I would guess that because you seem to go somewhat into attack mode when considering the thought of those who may overindulge in substances that perhaps deep down inside somewhere you fear the temptation of that lifestyle and the possibility of losing your strength and not being able to crawl from the abyss into the light once more. So perhaps this fear drives you to aggressively oppose said lifestyle.
  5. Rosie, romping on the beach in Long Beach, California.
  6. People are afraid sometimes of being weak, so they criticize weakness in others. It is a way of distancing oneself from a perceived risk of associating with those engaged in weak behavior, to compensate for the fear of losing self-control. Until you are truly confident in your strengths, maybe it is best to avoid the temptation of being too close to that kind of weakness.
  7. You have been busy these days. She missed her cue when presenting at the Q Awards, and had some problems with her wardrobe, then people overreacted and became overly critical of her, IMO. The subject came up in a thread about Robert Plant and Glastonbury, which mentioned that Robert had just received a Q award. http://www.youtube.c...h?v=ciV34UXODP0
  8. Well, hello anyway, to you and your friend.
  9. It is important to develop calm and sensitivity when you get a moment. Though I agree that you need a healthy outlet for your aggression, I would refrain from physical contact and work on improving verbal communication before graduating to the next level. Save the slaps for your soccer ball and be extra nice around the ladies.
  10. No, that would be contributing to the delinquency of an awards presenter, out of bounds on that one. I'm sticking with getting her there early and rehearsing the lines again. Drinks prior need to be non-alcoholic. Chakra meditation might be a good way to center her energies.
  11. Courtesy of Rocks Off, Fergie and Mick Jagger, stylish in black and white.
  12. lol If you take 10%-15%, then so do I. So far this is all volunteer, labor of love and we have not yet hit pay dirt. You are not getting out of this project that easily. When there is an awards show to do, a presenter's job is to do it well and not be boring. Giver her credit, she was not boring. Your only option is to work with her as is, as long as she is on her feet and remotely coherent. And you thought that show business was easy. I would suggest that it is important to keep her smiling and happy. Audiences like smiling, happy presenters. There may be some wiggle room with the hair and dress, although the beehive is trademark, so it could get sticky on that point. I shall continue to research this problem and then get back to you.
  13. I think that a wheel chair would be unnecessarily restrictive; not the most elegant solution either. I was considering something more along the line of how best to give her a sense of balance and confidence. She has lovely eyes, but sunglasses are cool sometimes. She was doing the presenting, so it was necessary for her to speak. Maybe she could rehearse her lines a little more. It would be an inappropriate violation of confidentiality to require her to disclose her medical records in that public enivronment that is intended to celebrate music awards. Let's not encourage her to be inappropriate. I can see that we will need to consider more options before we reach enlightenment on this dilemma. Part of the problem was that she was late, and the other that maybe she had a little too much to drink prior. So arranging for her to arrive earlier and to calm her nerves with tea maybe prior would perhaps have eased the tension of making the public appearance go well.
  14. Admittedly, her public appearance at the Q Awards could have benefited from improved direction, knowing that she is so vulnerable in the spotlight. So, Dan, your suggestions, please, on how to stage her so that she would be well-received. Thank you, EL
  15. I agree. There is no way that we could know everything to make an intelligent judgement without being privy to confidential information. A moderate course is the best one.
  16. Hi Dan, Did it ever occur to you that your judgement of Miss Amy might be slightly skewed and perhaps a little bit inhumane? Warmest regards, EL
  17. http://www.youtube.c...h?v=RVMYs3enTF8
  18. http://www.youtube.c...h?v=JYUP2K182t4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yCIGsLwX3w0
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