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Everything posted by spidersandsnakes

  2. CHICK FROM THE SUBWAYS By blackglove at 2011-01-17
  3. THE REAL QUEEN OF ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!, she had more balls than 1000 men put together......rip wendy:( By blackglove at 2011-01-17
  4. ....and Lemmy does that too in Brainstorm (HW:))...:)
  5. I've seen Motorhead live over 20 times now....I assure you they're BOMBERS:):)
  6. Wow last.fm......MUCH better than any silly FB for music lovers:);:) http://www.last.fm/user/crownanchor ROCK ON!!!:)
  7. My G F who plays guitar says it's the guitar player who should be doing the writing in a band....naturally, hehehe
  8. Thank you for the friendship:):)

    ROCK ON:)

  9. Finally.....a bio on Sammy :) By blackglove at 2011-01-17
  10. Did you see the movie by Weir??! Grand!! If you get the chance, go see the REAL Hanging Rock north-west of Melbourne Australia.....that place is REALLY magic :)
  11. These lyrics reflect the words by Jimi HEndrix in If 6 was 9.....NO-ONE has the right to make men cut their hair if they don't wanna.....MY G F likes me with my hair long...she says long hair relects "other" attributes of a male, heheheheheh ::)
  12. Giving us all MISSY HIGGINS:) By blackglove at 2011-01-18 By blackglove at 2011-01-18 By blackglove at 2011-01-18
  13. I'm glad EYE don't look like that, heheheheh
  14. Delicious beetroot, ham and cheese sandwiches:) By blackglove at 2011-01-17
  15. I like all the HW members and that means Robert Calvert too
  16. Here's my "TV" of the future:) No movie interrupting ads, no silly reality shows, no little black box sitting there in front of me trying to brainwash me (that's what TV is doing today), max. interaction and not only passive receiving. .....utopia you say...could be???!!
  17. FIREBALL JOHNSON:) By blackglove at 2011-01-15
  18. .....who's gonna kill the video star??.....NAMELY that crap that has been going on with the name of TELEVISION???! Remember the Buggles tune? IT DID happen in reality.......I won't live to see it, but I REALLY hope that the Internet will one day KILL T.V. as we know it today...what with all those stupid reality shows and fake news and silly ads and everything...it's SO BORING:):) LONG LIVE THE INTERNET :)
  19. Do tell, who would have played bass so majesticaly and given HW that turbo sound if not Lemmy??!!:):)
  20. WE could argue that Elvis managed to unite two segregated styles of r'nr and country & western and dish it out to White America....the younger generation (as always is the case) picked this message up and Elvis became the WHITE KIng of R'n'R:):) The REAL king is LITTLE RICHARD though :)
  21. Hawkwind gave Lemmy Kilminster and Dave Brock and Stacia to us....that's enuff for me!!!!!!!:)
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