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Everything posted by Strider

  1. Riff Raff's part in this song always gives me chills:
  2. Who doesn't love Samantha? Hubba-hubba! That Darrin was one lucky dude.
  3. She's coming for you, Sath!
  4. Happy Halloween Led Zeppelin Forum Members and Crew! ?????
  5. Sweet! TCM usually has a good lineup every Halloween. I have seen all of those many times over...and I bet paul c has, too! Enjoy the flicks zepscoda. ?
  6. ^^^Wicked evil, TypeO! You'll freak some people out for sure!
  7. It looks pretty dire for the Mets but I recall the Mets coming back from 0-2 to win the World Series. 1986 anyone? Of course that was against a snake-bitten Red Sox team with the likes of old hangdog Bob Stanley in their bullpen. These Royals don't resemble those Red Sox in the slightest.
  8. Happy birthday Walter! You're a good bloke...and there aren't too many Yankee/Cowboy fans I am willing to say that about. I'm sure you're already cranking the Zeppelin and I wish you a merry day with the Missus and Junior. (Have you seen Junior's grades? Ahahahahaha ) Cheers!
  9. Remember, this was nearly 20 years ago. Page's stance on a film might be entirely different now and he may be no more interested than Plant at this point. In answer to your first question, there are no actors who could believably portray Jimmy, Robert, John and John Paul in their prime.
  10. Don't despair just yet, PC...the Dolphins and the Jets still get the Patriots in their house later in the season. One never knows what can happen then. Hell, New England could take the Washington game lightly and the Taters could play the game of their...okay, that's not going to happen, haha. After all, there are some things in life that are beyond the realm of all possibility.
  11. Canada's SCTV was far more groundbreaking TV than "Breaking Bad", and the influence of SCTV is still felt to this day, 40 years later. 40 years from now, "Breaking Bad" will be lucky if it is remembered with the same fondness as SCTV. Heck, it will be lucky if it is remembered at all. "Breaking Bad" was great if you were into Nietzsche, "Catcher in the Rye", and other adolescent wish-fulfillment obsessions. But it doesn't wear well...it doesn't hold up under repeated viewings. Eventually, the nihilistic fascination of "Breaking Bad" will fade.
  12. Statistics are fun and it is one way to objectively quantify and identify something as subjective as athletic merit. Endless bar arguments have been predicated on this basis for decades. But I try to not let 'stats fever' run amok in the way the analytics people have infested ESPN. Just a couple weeks ago, they were making a holy racket about there being a record number of home runs hit in a single day of the playoffs. Never in history blah blah blah... Well, yeah, that's because until very recently MLB didn't have 4 postseason baseball games scheduled on one day. For most of baseball's history the postseason consisted of one playoff series..,the World Series. Later they added divisions and so you had the LCS and the World Series. Until the new millennium, the most games you would have scheduled on a given day in the playoffs was two. You schedule four games on a single day...naturally a lot of home runs are going to be hit. So while I will grant you that the Green Bay @ Denver game is an interesting statistical quirk or anomaly, and certainly is fun for the fans and will have playoff implications down-the-road, I hesitate to annoint it "amazingly historic" before a down has been played.
  13. Hahaha, your carping about the 'wretched Frenchies' brings to mind the wonderfully silly scene in "Monty Python & the Holy Grail" wherein King Arthur gets involved in a pissing match with a looney French guard of a castle. "I fart in your general direction." Ugh, MLS. I am sorry your Toronto footies couldn't get it done against Montreal. But I just can't bring myself to care enough about MLS to watch...and that's even with a team (Los Angeles Galaxy) that has won multiple MLS Cups and had the starpower (dimmed from his peak though it surely was) of Mr. Posh Spice himself, David Beckham. I have a friend who is a rabid soccer fan and she has season tickets to the Galaxy. We'd go to games, but after a while I just couldn't take the poor level of play anymore and I began to start creating excuses not to go...gotta work, gotta babysit, gotta get my teeth cleaned. I'd rather watch women's basketball or softball than MLS.
  14. I know what you meant. That's why I posted the info...so people would have a fuller picture. I wasn't questioning your math or conclusions. Thanks for the spot on my Detroit typo. Enjoy perhaps is too strong a word, hehe. It's definitely interesting and crunching numbers is an amusing way to kill time. But it's not like there aren't other activities I would rather be doing. However, have no fear, when I have some down-time I will crunch all the numbers and post the stats for the first 8 weeks. As for the games where we have a clean sweep, it's a curious thing that early on it usually involved games where everyone picked New England, Carolina, or Seattle. Lately, though, it has been Arizona and Atlanta that have united us together as one.
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