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Everything posted by Strider

  1. Met another member of the Forum last night at the "Celebration Day" screening at the American Cinematheque. This was my third Forum member I've met in person and she was as nice as the other two I've met(Ledzepfvr and Texas Melanie)...sweet as a peach, as they say. It also made me happy that I got to play Secret Santa and give her a little Zeppelin joy for Christmas. I'll leave it to her discretion if she wants to be revealed.
  2. Doesn't look like anyone's posted this magazine cover yet...this is the current issue of Metal Hammer:
  3. Did you finish it in time? You poor child...that's 102° F. In America, mother's give their sick children chicken noodle soup...what do they do in Italy? Minestrone? Hope you get well soon!
  4. ^^^ Ahhh, you've entered the Roger Moore era. Nice contrast with "The Woodsman", one of Kevin Bacon's more unheralded and underrated efforts. Back-to-back movie nights for me, as the marquee in the photo attests. Last night it was "Empire of the Sun" starring a very young Christian Bale and John Malkovich being John Malkovich. Tonight it's "Celebration Day"...my 4th time seeing it in the theatres.
  5. Got in three hours of tennis today. Now I'm wrapping presents and writing Christmas cards while watching "Around the Horn" and "PTI" on ESPN. Later tonight I'll be going to see "Empire of the Sun" at the American Cinematheque. Oh...and I should make my NFL picks, too.
  6. Why? Why is it so important what people look like to you? You are always badgering people about posting pictures. Unfortunately there have been some regrettable incidences for some girls here when posting photos, so I completely understand why most are cautious about posting photos or any type of personal info. There are some creeps out there who deserve an ass-kicking.
  7. ^^^ Yes, chillumpuffer...but I'm playing tennis later for a couple of hours. That should burn off a few calories.
  8. What have I got? My breakfast of champions: Three eggs scrambled with chorizo, ham, green onions, jalapeno peppers, mushrooms, Monterrey Jack cheese, and Tabasco. A bowl of fruit: cantaloupe, watermelon, berries. Three red velvet pancakes with cream cheese icing. Coffee, orange juice and water.
  9. Baked beans(usually Heinz as seen on the cover of "The Who Sells Out") on toast. It's an English phrase...the English are full of fun terminology for their food.
  10. All right Virginia! It seems like only yesterday that you were sending her off to college...time flew by! Enjoy these few weeks with her!
  11. That was my thinking when I recommended the foil jacket. Plus, less dishes to clean up afterwards. So...how'd it turn out? My turkey enchiladas turned out pretty good. Dipped the corn tortillas in some leftover molé negro sauce I had, then filled them with the leftover turkey and yams from Thanksgiving and rolled them up. A little sprinkling of queso and into the oven they went. Served with a little steamed rice, avocado salad and agua fresca. More molé on the side. Tasty. Tonight it's Chicken Tom Kha soup to ward off the chilly night. Hot green tea with lemon and honey.
  12. ^^^ Love it Stormbringer! Looks like you're squeezing every bit of juice from the lemon of life.
  13. Ugh...I've gained 12 pounds since Labor Day, with Christmas and New Year's celebrations ahead. Oy vey!
  14. So poor P is starving while you're munching on his PB & J? Hehe.
  15. How about in a tin-foil jacket? I'm defrosting the last of my turkey leftovers...think I'll make some turkey and yam enchiladas for dinner. Sheldon is right!
  16. Wunderbar mein freund! Are you writing for Samo's album? KLOS? The sun is out and it's warm...warmer than it was last week. And I don't have to work until Saturday. So yeah, I'm happy.
  17. Missing my godson's performance at his high school's Christmas Show extravaganza this weekend. I thought I had the weekend off...wrong-o boy-o! Hope his parents videotaped it.
  18. I've said and written it here several times. So have others.
  19. In other words, a jumbled mess. Watching Dallas @ Cincinnati on Fox.
  20. Whoah...quite a change of pace from your Bond marathon, eh Ady? In light of that, I'd like to recommend one of my favourite films that deals with the subject of war: "The Red and the White" by Miklós Jancsó, from 1967. I've managed to see quite a lot of movies lately...some that I'd like to discuss and recommend with the forum. So a warning to those who hate my wordy, long-winded posts: Be afraid, be very afraid.
  21. Happy birthday Preetha! I know you've been hard at work but I hope you can come out from your books long enough to celebrate your day in fun and style! At least I hope you get plenty of cake and ice cream! You're one of the few I've been friends with the longest here...which is odd since you're still so damn young, haha! Here's to a happy Celebration Day Kiwi and many more to come! Happy birthday to poortom, too! Wherever he may be...haven't seen him much lately. Have a great day!
  22. What bullshit. Everybody? Only everybody who didn't have a brain would have assumed that. This was nothing but a rehash of the same ol' shit. If this is representative of the kind of interviews in this current issue, then it doesn't appear to be worth plunking money down for; certainly not going to buy it for the cover. I haven't seen the issue yet and luvlz 2 didn't say who did the interview with Jimmy, but if it was Brad Tolinski, he's slipping.
  23. Steve and Knebby hit the nail on the head. The Jan. 2013 Guitar World IS the worst Led Zeppelin cover photo of all-time. It's also misleading, given that it's about a concert that took place 5 years ago while the headline "Led Zep Rides Again" makes it seem they're coming back now. Isn't Brad Tolinski no longer with GW? I seem to recall reading in Publisher's Weekly that he's the former editor of GW. I have gotta think if Brad was still there, he wouldn't have allowed this horrible cover to happen. Just checked online and it appears Brad is still Editor-in-chief of GW.
  24. Have just finished watching ESPN's "Around the Horn" and "PTI" back-to-back and saw the "Celebration Day" tv ads for the first time! They were the ads for Best Buy and they aired once during each half-hour show.
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