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Everything posted by Strider

  1. 7 days until Christmas...I'm not even close to being ready. I'm just kind of dragging through the days, going through the motions. Not totally in Scrooge mood, just more a case of the blahs. Wonder how big our Christmas bonus will be this year?
  2. Sounds like you work with some petty people. I mean, who even comes up with such a venal and useless idea as 'evil Secret Santa' in the first place? Next year, just shit in a box and give that as your gift...that'll teach 'em. Well, it's decided to start raining last night, and keep raining. Which means I won't be going to the Post Office...which means some people's Christmas packages will be late.
  3. You just got here, Old Shep. Hardly enough time to make enemies already, isn't it? Hell, yours are among the few posts in the CT shooting thread that don't make my head spin like Linda Blair's. Slave to Zep: Congratulations to your little whippersnapper!
  4. Nobody has mentioned Bill Wyman...is he playing? I thought both he and Mick Taylor were coming back for these shows? Everyone has mentioned Mick Taylor but nothing about Bill. Also, who is playing keyboards? Is it still that MOR tinkler Chuck Leavell? The Stones decline as a live band coincided with the loss of first, Nicky Hopkins, and then Ian Stewart as keyboardists. With the addition of Chuck Leavell and all the backing vocalists and extra musicians, their sound lost its nasty edge. It's not for nothing that one of the greatest Stones bootlegs is titled "Nasty Music"...it's from the 1973 European tour. "Crossfire Hurricane" is a must-see...we watched it Thanksgiving night after dinner, as a friend loaned us his DVD screener copy. Great footage and interesting comments from the participants. Best part is that it's wall to wall historical footage with either music or the comments on the audio. None of that boring "talking heads" crap...lots of unreleased stuff from the footage Robert Frank filmed on the 1972 tour. If you've seen "Cocksucker Blues", you know very little actual concert footage was used. Two thumbs up! Catch it on HBO or get the DVD for sure! Too bad there isn't a documentary like this for Led Zeppelin. Even better than "Crossfire Hurricane" is "Charlie Is My Darling", a rollicking and wild account of their 1965 tour of Ireland. I've had a bootleg VHS of "Charlie is My Darling" since the 80s...got it for $5 at a swap meet. Even in a high-generation blurry dub vetsion, it was amazing. But to see it in a crisp, digitally remastered print at the American Cinematheque's 60-foot screen was beyond awesome!!! YOU SIMPLY MUST SEE THIS MOVIE!!! Whether you are a Stones fan or not, it is essential just to see the beginnings of the Stones mania, and how wild and crazy the early Brian Jones-era Stones concerts were. People got their panties in a twist over what happened to Plant in Brazil recently. Ha! Wait til you see the unbridled teen chaos the Stones unleashed on this '65 tour! This film is also valuable for seeing the comraderie between the guys...especially amongst Mick and Keef and Andrew Loog Oldham. There's priceless footage of the guys getting drunk and taking the piss on the Beatles and Elvis Presley. There's also a scene where you see Keith and Mick hashing out what would become "Sitting on a Fence". It is these scenes that make it more clear how and why Brian Jones eventually became less essential and estranged from the band he created. I mentioned Andrew Loog Oldham. He is still, in my opnion, a very unsung figure of the 60s and even among Stones fans he seems to get overlooked or taken for granted. For example, I don't think he is accorded nearly the praise and respect that Brian Epstein gets as the Beatles' manager. But he was a very shrewd and dapper fellow...and funny, too. As a child growing up in the 60s listening to my dad's Rolling Stones albums, my first exposure to Andrew Loog Oldham was through his fascinating and sometimes barmy liner notes he wrote for those early albums. December's children indeed. But in "Charlie Is My Darling" you really get a sense of how important a role Andrew played in shepherding the Stones through the 60s and how attuned he was to what was happening in society and how to play the Stones against the Beatles. For "Charlie Is My Darling", two thumbs extremely high up! After the screening, the Cinematheque showed an interview with Andrew conducted by Dave Grohl that is part of the bonus material on the dvd. Sad to say, Dave is out of his depth in this interview and nothing of note is revealed. I would suggest watching "Charlie..." first, then "Crossfire...". But both of these Stones documentaries need to be seen by anyone who is a fan of rock and roll. And if you have a family member or friend who is a Stones fan, make sure these two dvds are under their Christmas tree.
  5. ^^^ Thanks Knebby...baking makes me thirsty. I'm making Christmas cookies for work(sugar cookies in Christmas shapes with red, green and white icing).
  6. Don't worry Walter. Even if Madonna did, it's not something I would blame or begrudge Lady Gaga for doing also. This is the fault of the Stones...it's been their MO for the last 20 years. In their craven and desperate attempts to appeal to the younger generations and make it appear that they're still relevant and hip to the kids(this is why they hire models to populate the front rows of their concerts so Mick's ego is assuaged that young women still want him), the Stones never miss a chance to have whatever the female flavour-of-the-year is appear with them...usually on "Honky Tonk Women". Over the years, I have seen Sheryl Crow, Christina Aguilara, Norah Jones, and now Lady Gaga join the Stones on stage. I wouldn't be surprised if Madonna also was on that list. Katy Perry should be next.
  7. Thank you Missy, but no thanks. I worked briefly in a restaurant and it's not for me. Hours are too long and it's too stressful. I cook to relax and because I enjoy it...it calms me. When I worked at the restaurant it became a job and a mental drain. So, I'll just stick to cooking for me and my friends. No restaurant dreams for me.
  8. Awww, that sucks Kate! How does your son feel about it? I'm making cookies...sounds like you could use one.
  9. Scallops in hot garlic pepper sauce with linguine. Peas and butter.
  10. Now we're talkin'! One of the greatest movies ever made. Not to sound like a troglodyte, but if you're a guy and haven't seen this movie, you should have your man-card revoked. Was going to see "The Hobbit" tonight, but a hectic day working left me too tired and so I decided to go home and stay in for the night getting presents sorted and wrapped.
  11. Met another member of the Forum last night at the "Celebration Day" screening at the American Cinematheque. This was my third Forum member I've met in person and she was as nice as the other two I've met(Ledzepfvr and Texas Melanie)...sweet as a peach, as they say. It also made me happy that I got to play Secret Santa and give her a little Zeppelin joy for Christmas. I'll leave it to her discretion if she wants to be revealed.
  12. Doesn't look like anyone's posted this magazine cover yet...this is the current issue of Metal Hammer:
  13. Did you finish it in time? You poor child...that's 102° F. In America, mother's give their sick children chicken noodle soup...what do they do in Italy? Minestrone? Hope you get well soon!
  14. ^^^ Ahhh, you've entered the Roger Moore era. Nice contrast with "The Woodsman", one of Kevin Bacon's more unheralded and underrated efforts. Back-to-back movie nights for me, as the marquee in the photo attests. Last night it was "Empire of the Sun" starring a very young Christian Bale and John Malkovich being John Malkovich. Tonight it's "Celebration Day"...my 4th time seeing it in the theatres.
  15. Got in three hours of tennis today. Now I'm wrapping presents and writing Christmas cards while watching "Around the Horn" and "PTI" on ESPN. Later tonight I'll be going to see "Empire of the Sun" at the American Cinematheque. Oh...and I should make my NFL picks, too.
  16. Why? Why is it so important what people look like to you? You are always badgering people about posting pictures. Unfortunately there have been some regrettable incidences for some girls here when posting photos, so I completely understand why most are cautious about posting photos or any type of personal info. There are some creeps out there who deserve an ass-kicking.
  17. ^^^ Yes, chillumpuffer...but I'm playing tennis later for a couple of hours. That should burn off a few calories.
  18. What have I got? My breakfast of champions: Three eggs scrambled with chorizo, ham, green onions, jalapeno peppers, mushrooms, Monterrey Jack cheese, and Tabasco. A bowl of fruit: cantaloupe, watermelon, berries. Three red velvet pancakes with cream cheese icing. Coffee, orange juice and water.
  19. Baked beans(usually Heinz as seen on the cover of "The Who Sells Out") on toast. It's an English phrase...the English are full of fun terminology for their food.
  20. All right Virginia! It seems like only yesterday that you were sending her off to college...time flew by! Enjoy these few weeks with her!
  21. That was my thinking when I recommended the foil jacket. Plus, less dishes to clean up afterwards. So...how'd it turn out? My turkey enchiladas turned out pretty good. Dipped the corn tortillas in some leftover molé negro sauce I had, then filled them with the leftover turkey and yams from Thanksgiving and rolled them up. A little sprinkling of queso and into the oven they went. Served with a little steamed rice, avocado salad and agua fresca. More molé on the side. Tasty. Tonight it's Chicken Tom Kha soup to ward off the chilly night. Hot green tea with lemon and honey.
  22. ^^^ Love it Stormbringer! Looks like you're squeezing every bit of juice from the lemon of life.
  23. Ugh...I've gained 12 pounds since Labor Day, with Christmas and New Year's celebrations ahead. Oy vey!
  24. So poor P is starving while you're munching on his PB & J? Hehe.
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