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Everything posted by Strider

  1. Damn...the video stopped at the exact same spot as before: 1:17:21. Guess we'll never know what happened afterwards until some of the people who were there come on and give us a report. Did anybody recognize anyone in the audience? I assume Dave Lewis was there. What about Front Row Dave?
  2. Jesus, can't you be a little more patient and wait less than two weeks to buy it like the rest of us?
  3. More info from Jimmy: Led Zeppelin did not start recording multitracks of their concerts until the 1970 RAH show. So that pretty much puts an end to any speculation about multitracks existing for pre-1970 shows.
  4. One bit of information I missed the first time around was Jimmy mentioning the name of the person who did the mastering of these new releases: John Davis, who Jimmy said also did the Mothership and Celebration Day releases.
  5. Does anyone know who that host/emcee was? All I could make out was that his first name was Paul. Laughed when Jimmy said "I think we should finish and let everyone enjoy the music." Hahaha...way to go, Jimmy.
  6. The breakdown allowed me to go back and watch the first 8 minutes or so that I missed...like the RAH "Dazed and Confused" they began with.
  7. With Sammy White pairing up with Robert Woods at receiver, Manuel should have some good targets to throw at...if EJ Manuel is the real deal at QB. Crazy as it sounds, I feel the same way about my stinking Raiders. With the draft the Raiders had, I have an optimism for the coming season that I haven't felt in years.
  8. Don't bogart that joint, my friend....
  9. Rick, are you putting coin on the series outcome as a whole or betting individual games as well? I hate that the NHL makes us wait 3 friggin' days between games 1 and 2. The Kings played Chicago on Sunday...and waited and waited and waited...why? Game 2 is in Chicago...there was no travel involved and no other sporting event as the Bulls were eliminated long ago. The NHL did the same thing in the Kings-Ducks series, and they are only 60 miles apart. It is really annoying and disrupts the flow and momentum of a series.
  10. I have tried on the news page of this site and on youtube...nada. Still frozen and "experiencing technical difficulties." Sorry aen27, can't answer your question as of yet...don't know what questions were asked after the stream stopped.
  11. One should never mess with the creating forces, hehe. Damn. It's still stuck where I am.
  12. OH MY GOD! Finally an American gets a question...Patricia Johnston from the U.S.! What did Jimmy learn from his studio time as a session musician?
  13. Jimmy says he prefers to call the alternate covers an "Inverse image" not "negative".
  14. Jimmy said the most rewarding find was discovering an unlabelled box with Achilles Last Stand and other Presence material.
  15. Chris from Holland...Michaela from France...did any Americans win this contest to get a question asked?
  16. Just Jimmy and Robert. Plant's voice recorded through a Vox amplifier like in Hats Off to Roy Harper. Guitar is different though...no bottleneck. As for IS, no solo.
  17. First fan-winner question is from Marlee from Canada! Basically asking why remaster these albums now?
  18. Music is over. Visuals are back on stage and the crowd at the L'Olympia. The French guy is back saying something. Waiting for Jimmy to come back on stage. And here he is!
  19. Keys to Highway/Trouble in Mind rough mix. And so far it sounds nothing like I thought it would...I thought the guitar would be like Hats Off to Roy Harper but it is not. Only Plant's vocals share that Hats Off quality with the way it was recorded. Plant playing some tasty harmonica now.
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