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Everything posted by Strider

  1. Lucky sod. There are tons of women who would kill to have your problem. You should write a book...your money problems would be solved and no worries about having to sell your Zeppelin memorabilia. Yes, she is.
  2. Liverpool vs. Crystal Palace. Hard to believe how Liverpool has risen up from the dregs they were in just a couple years ago. GO RED!!! Hahaha...and just after I post this, Allen scores for the Red. 1-nil Liverpool in the 19th minute.
  3. ^^^ Hmmm, maybe the game will be scheduled for a 12noon start and then the concert can follow at night. The Forum in the old days and now Staples Center has this problem all the time, thanks to having three tenants: Lakers, Clippers, Kings.
  4. For what it's worth, I don't think in terms of just one song to define a decade. There are too many songs that recall or sum up a certain decade for me...and yes, that includes the 2000s. Rock music still exists.
  5. ^^^ Never heard of him. What happened to Herman Ze German?
  6. ^^^ If they're anything like Laker tix, it'll be pretty pricey.
  7. StZ, I understand your point...it does seem easier and cheaper to find junk food in lower-income areas than fresh, healthy options. You don't see the farmers markets and Whole Foods in South-Central LA that proliferate on the Westside and Valleys. A friend did point out to me that the 99¢ stores do sell fresh vegetables and fruit, so in theory, a mother should be able to buy her kids a bag of carrots or apples for a snack instead of a bag of chips or pop tarts...all for a buck. But some habits are inbred I guess and hard to break. My point about the government remains though. Since the government is partly responsible for creating this problem to begin with (see the 1977 George McGovern Report), why should we believe that government would be able to fix it without creating even more problems? I don't want or need my government telling me what to eat, drink, smoke, etc. All I ask is that they make sure the food that is sold is safe and not infected with mad cow disease or E. Coli. The issue of the availability of healthy food options in poor communities is one that should be addressed by the communities and private enterprise themselves.
  8. This is outrageous. If I were this girl's father, I would be enraged at this judge. Dallas judge Jeanine Howard needs to be removed, in my opinion, before she wreaks any more havoc in other cases. Unbelievable. http://mobile.news.com.au/world/judge-jeanine-howard-sparks-outrage-for-saying-sexually-assaulted-14yearold-not-the-victim-she-claimed-to-be/story-fndir2ev-1226905281625
  9. Your team is looking good, redrum. Everyone was jumping on the Dodgers but I had a feeling the Giants wouldn't go away. Plus, I had a sneaking suspicion that the Dodgers Australian trip would affect them in some way.
  10. +1 Yes...put the draft back in April, Roger Goodell!
  11. Rick, San Antonio may be old but they're wilier than Wile. E. Coyote. As Paul noted earlier, they're like the St. Louis Cardinals...just when you think they're dead, they come back. Washington is a young team growing before our eyes...now we see if 1) John Wall and crew can graduate to the next class; and 2) was Indiana's (and Roy Hibbert's in particular) struggles more a product of a bad matchup with Atlanta's style of play or endemic of a team-wide systemic collapse? I think Washington is now the second best team in the East and therefore, I think Washington can beat the Pacers. The key is to steal that first game in Indiana...Les Boulez will be much fresher and rested than the Pacers. Paul, I agree with you: OKC vs. Clippers is a tossup and I'm not going anywhere near this series with my betting money. Too close to call. I see a 7 game series. My picks: Miami in 5 Washington in 6 San Antonio in 6 (Flips coin) Clippers in 7 Rick, good luck with your bets. Paul, have you ever attended a Miami Heat playoff game?
  12. ^^^Oh well...at least he got the win, as you said.
  13. Me too. Oy vey. http://www.whatstransvaginalmesh.com/
  14. What inning was it in, pc? I checked the game at one point and it was in the 7th inning and V still had the no-hitter going.
  15. Strider


    Jack Bauer is back, eh? Depends on if it conflicts with the Kings playoff game. Also, 24 is the type of show that I prefer to watch the whole season on dvd all at once.
  16. And if you're watching Mel Brooks' "Spaceballs", 'May the Schwartz be with you!'
  17. He didn't use the Alembics in concert until 1977. In 1973 he had great tone...don't judge by the boots, especially the soundboards. Even the Alembics sounded better at the show than what they sound like on tape.
  18. If I were a Heat fan, I would rather play Toronto...who are losing at the moment. The end is taking forever, argh. Later...well it's over. PC, your Heat get Brooklyn next...Paul Pierce and KG comin' to South Beach. Brooklyn almost choked it away at the end but held on 104-103. And won me some money that will go towards the Zeppelin Deluxe Box Sets.
  19. Talk about bad timing. During a commercial timeout late in the Clipper game last night, a commercial about a Transvaginal Mesh lawsuit came on. Transvaginal what? I am almost afraid to look it up...I am thinking maybe it has something to do with vaginal rejuvenation surgery, clinics for which are all over the place here in Southern California. Can any woman here shed any light on what the heck this is?
  20. ^^^ Dyawne Wade should be 100% healthy by the time the Heat play their next game. It seems like a month since they last played.
  21. In all of NBA history, the most Game 7s in one playoff was 5. There have been 5 in just this year's first round alone, so 2014 is sure to be a record breaking year. Competitive balance or mediocre parity? What do you think? I think the strength of the West definitely contributes to the tough battles. The East is weaker, which is why they had less game 7s than the West. All three home teams won their Game 7s yesterday...but only the Clippers didn't cover the point spread. The Clips were favoured by 7 and won by only 5. Toronto and San Antonio host Game 7s today. Toronto is favoured by 3 and San Antonio by 6.5. I think both games will be close, so I put small bets on both Brooklyn and Dallas.
  22. ^^^ So you like the Miami Dolphins in football but the NY Mets in baseball, pc? Does this mean you don't care about the Dodgers-Marlins series?
  23. Happy that I don't live in Ukraine or Russia...or Nigeria, for that matter. If further proof were needed that the Olympics are pretty much useless and their intended goal of promoting world brotherhood has seemingly gone by the wayside, the blowup in Ukraine makes it clear. There were many people who thought awarding the Olympics to Russia was a mistake. Well, it looks like they were right. After reveling in the world's attention for the Olympics, Putin wasted no time in reverting to his thug tactics. Is Ukraine going to be the next Sarajevo? Will this devolve into a Serbia/Bosnia type brutal war? Oh wait...this is suppose to be the 'Happy' thread. "Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens..." The Google doodle today definitely made me happy: http://www.google.com/m?source=mobileproducts&dc=gorganic
  24. One quarter to go in LA and Clippers clinging to a 3 point lead. So far the home teams have won today...can the Clippers continue the trend?
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