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Everything posted by Strider

  1. You don't really need to post this, as this has already been hashed over to death. NME is a trifle late to the party as the BBC and the NY Times links have already been posted here.
  2. I see your point but I'll wager you that Les Paul in 1973 was still busier than Jimmy Page is today. Heck, for years even up to his death Les Paul played every Monday Night in New York City. My point in using Jack White was to illustrate that it is not that difficult to get a band together and play if that is what you really want to do.
  3. ^^^ A fair assessment Steve. The monsters are the only memorable characters in the movie...and they take a loooong time before revealing Godzilla himself. Those M.U.T.A. creatures get more screen time than Godzilla. There aren't really any "annoying" characters, but there aren't any characters you care about either...unless you're talking about Godzilla. There is not one single human character worth mentioning. Some don't even stick around long enough to register as a character. Which makes the casting even more dubious and cynical. I mean, what were Bryan Cranston, Juliette Binoche, Sally Hawkins, Ken Watanabe, all estimable actors of quality, doing in this movie? They weren't given anything to do except wander around with a dazed expression on their faces most of the time. Hell, blink and you'll miss Juliette Binoche's entire performance. Bryan Cranston's wig (or hair) was distracting. I was so used to seeing him bald in "Breaking Bad". I imagine the casting went something like this... "Ok, we need somebody French for the French/Euro market but they have to be able to speak recognizable English...we don't have the budget for dubbing. How 'bout that Binoche dame? Alright, we need a Japanese icon for the Far East market...who was that guy in "Inception"? That movie made a ton of loot! Ken What's his name? Don't forget the U.K. We need a Brit or someone with a Brit-like accent but we cannot afford any highfallutin Shakespearean actors. Hey, I just saw "Blue Jasmine" and there's a girl in there that would be perfect...and we know Woody Allen only pays scale so she'll work cheap." What a waste of talent. As for the two young kids who play the couple...Elizabeth something and the guy...I've never heard of them before and judging from "Godzilla" probably won't in the future. If they do make a sequel to this Godzilla, there better be more Godzilla and less dopey humans.
  4. Whoa Paul, I certainly didn't see that coming...did you? Has Indiana been playing possum all this time to trap the Heat into getting over-confident? I mean, for weeks Roy Hibbert has looked more suited for a straight-jacket than playoff basketball. The Pacers looked barely able to beat the Sisters of the Poor and seemingly disintegrating from within. Then comes yesterday's game and all of a sudden it's the Pacers of November-February again. Rick, does Ibaka's injury and unavailability for OKC change your betting schemes? Even with Serge, I thought OKC would struggle against the Spurs.
  5. +1 Now now JTM. The British don't own a patent on irony. Plenty of Americans get and use irony in their speech, as well. Just because a few get their knickers in a twist over a little Plantation doesn't mean we're all dunderheaded Yanks over here. Hell, good ol' American David Lee Roth's old interviews with Van Halen used to be dripping in irony and taking the piss on boring old bands.
  6. Here are the three things I took from that New York Times interview... 1. Yet another self-reference to his mortality. Jimmy's acknowledgement that he's "a gentleman of an advancing age" suggests he is aware time is short and this is his final chance to present to fans the complete Led Zeppelin catalogue in the manner in which it deserves, bells and whistles attached. 2. His mention of Dr. Dre's Beats headphones has me concerned. Yes, as Jimmy said those headphones have changed how people hear the music...but not for the better. It's all boom-boom BASS. I hope to god Jimmy didn't master these new releases for the Beats generation. 3. Jimmy walked right into that hip-hop sampling question/trap. You would think by now he would recognize the bait. Oh well. Anyway, we're almost two weeks away and I'm excited. As for all the hand-wringing over whether Jimmy's mad about what Robert said or if he is really serious about playing again, I really don't concern myself anymore with that idle speculation. If he does, he does, if he doesn't, he doesn't. It is one thing to have ideas, quite another to execute them. For an example, I suggest comparing Jimmy's post-2000, or even as recent as post-2008, timeline with Jack White's. As for the poster who wondered why John Paul Jones was so silent...well, isn't he busy writing an opera and playing with other people? Besides, dignified silence was always JPJ's MO.
  7. Yep...they certainly scored some goals for a change. Except for the Blackhawks. Who will be tough and rested. Can the Kings author a different outcome from last year's series? Damn...I really wanted someone to knock off Chicago before the Kings had to face them.
  8. ^^^ The Rolling Stones are a machine. Kiss is a machine. 'Led Zeppelin' aren't quite as well-oiled and together as all that. Oh, every now and then, the dinosaur sputters to life but it's hard to predict when and where. It's an erratic beast and operates on 'Zeppelin Time'. Blimey! Considering that there are still six more Zeppelin remastered sets to be released over the next year or so, I sincerely hope we don't have to go through all this over and over again. Maybe the "reunion question" can be retired for once? As David Byrne said..."say something once, why say it again?"
  9. Welcome aboard the Zeppelin Physical Rocket Express jimjam! Congratulations on discovering Led Zeppelin while still in your teens. Granted, Led Zeppelin's music is eternal and enjoyable at all ages but there is a certain pleasure, a frisson that one experiences when hearing Led Zeppelin during your teen years. The hormonal surge in the music combusts with the hormones running rampant through adolescence to create sonic explosions that mark one for life. I'm curious to know which Led Zeppelin song first set you off?
  10. Hey Super Dave! It's really super that it's your birthday...may you have a grand Celebration Day! Thanks for all the support and kind words over the years. I'm sure you're still reveling in the UConn men and women's basketball championships. Cheers.
  11. ^^^ +1 They look primed to get better, E. As Miami showed against the Nets, regular season results mean diddly-squat, so I don't care what Indiana did in the regular season vs. Miami. The playoffs are a different beast and in these playoffs, one team has looked focused (Miami) and the other like a basket case (Indiana).
  12. Haha, you must be one of the few people in Western Civilization that doesn't know what happens at the end. I just hope you managed to avoid all those spoiler clips that kingzoso posted throughout this thread. Enjoy the Finale!
  13. The new Rex Ryan didn't last long. Rex the Mouth is back...he says nobody's going to want to play the Jets this season. Yeah, I'm sure the AFC East are quaking in their boots. Oooooh, those scary Jets are coming to town, daddy. Bwahahaha.
  14. That corrupt retard Sepp Blatter has finally admitted what every other rational person knew long ago: It was a mistake awarding the 2022 World Cup to Qatar. They're now going to move the games from the summer to the winter.
  15. I'm nervous about tonight, no lie. Wonder who the Ducks put in goal...Hiller or the kid? Kings won the first two games at Anaheim so they've shown they can win on the road. We need to score some goals...and scoring first would be a big help.
  16. ^^^ Playing sports for a living isn't a right, it's a privilege. If you can't abide by league rules and decorum, then adios. Go dig ditches or become a plumber where you can make cracks about gays and minorities and women all day long.
  17. Say what? What brought this on? It's generally acknowledged that Torii Hunter is one of the nicest, well-liked players in MLB. I wished he was still an Angel. One reason I went to see the Tigers play the Dodgers was to get a chance to see Torii Hunter again. One difference between the Giants and the Braves is that the Giants know how to win a World Series or two. And a friend of mine is going to that game. I hope "Million Dollar Arm" is good...not least because an acquaintance of mine worked on the movie. My favourite baseball movies... Eight Men Out Major League Bull Durham 42 A League of Their Own No, I didn't care for Field of Dreams. Too sappy for my liking.
  18. Nope. Maybe the first popular movie, but the first film to use Led Zeppelin was a 1970 film called "Homer". I have never seen it...never. And I've seen just about everything. But I have the original soundtrack album...you can still find them around for $10 or so in record shops. It has Led Zeppelin's "How Many More Times"...along with The Byrds, Buffalo Springfield, Cream, and others. A fairly ambitious soundtrack for such a low-budget movie.
  19. Thanks for your take on the Eagles reformation but...Argh! For the love of Bambi, JOHN PAUL JONES WAS NOT RELEGATED TO KEYBOARDS AT LIVE AID!!! Rolling Stone is full of shit. Anybody with eyes can clearly see John Paul Jones playing bass on Rock and Roll abd Whole Lotta Love. He moved to keyboards on Stairway to Heaven...just as he always had done. Another bass player was brought in to play bass on this song, yes, but it's not as if JPJ played anything differently. Stop repeating this bullshit myth propagated by this Rolling Stone article.
  20. The Clipper Curse lives!!! We thought it might have been lifted with the ban of the Donald but apparently it still resides in Clipperland...probably in the person of Shelly Sterling. That poor team can never catch a break. It is so doomed. Clippers must have broke poor Rick's heart...if not his betting account. Let's see...my tally was 2-2...my Les Boulez and Clipper picks flamed out. Since Miami and the Spurs were my winning picks and seem to mean business again this year, I'm picking them to win their respective conference finals. Like Walter, I think we get a NBA Final Redux of Miami vs. San Antonio.
  21. Considering all the trouble caused by Twitter these days, if I was an owner I would seriously consider banning all use of Twitter by my players and employees.
  22. Well...I've seen it. Just heading home from the midnight show. It's definitely a bad-ass Godzilla. Nothing cuddly about this version...there are some truly dark and chilling imagery and scenes. Not a film for small children...no Son of Godzilla cuteness. It's not flawless and there are some puzzling casting choices and plot points. Juliette Binoche and Sally Hawkins aren't your typical actresses usually seen in big summer action blockbusters. But I don't want to give away any spoilers. If I were giving it one of those Cinescore grades I would say a B or B+. Sadly, no music used from Akira Ifukube's great original score...but there was a tip of the hat to Kubrick's "2001" with the use of Ligeti's music. And I could have sworn I saw a Mothra reference in one of the early scenes.
  23. That sorts the scarf question then...solid black. Thanks Cookie for the Tonight Show date...I was thinking it might be aired the Monday night before the Zeppelin releases on June 3rd or in the week before. May 21 is a little early in this short-attention-span world of ours but any publicity is good publicity.
  24. Best birthday wishes to you Jules! Bet hubby had a grand present waiting for you when you got home from work. Happy Birthday and many happy returns of the day! Cheers!
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