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Everything posted by Strider

  1. Looks like we're on the same page. My numerical score might be a tad lower...a 6 or 6.5 perhaps. I keep meaning to take a photo of the giant Godzilla statue in the courtyard of Grauman's Chinese Theatre...it's pretty interesting.
  2. Well it's time to drop puck and see if the Kings can do what the Rangers couldn't last night...clinch on the road. For long stretches of these playoffs, Gaborik and Kopitar have shouldered the scoring load for the Kings. Now that the rest of the team has seemingly found its scoring rhythm, my hopes have risen accordingly. Of course, Quick still has to be a stone wall between the pipes. Hey zepscoda, it's 20 years since that memorable 1994 Stanley Cup run by the Rangers. Now they're close again. That would be great if NY and LA faced off in the finals!
  3. Absolutely. But I think the gap in the recording leaves people to rank it lower than 6.23.77 or 7.24.79.
  4. Did you not see StringBender's post earlier that has this exact same Henley interview from the original source? The less Rolling Stone is mentioned, the better.
  5. Print the accusation on Page One...bury the retraction on Page 12. Unfortunately that's what will happen even when this lawsuit is dismissed. All people will remember is that Led Zeppelin was accused of stealing "Stairway to Heaven" and not that they were absolved of all such claims. Another sad side effect to all this is the animosity towards Randy California and Spirit that isn't warranted. Spirit was a good band and Randy California a good guitarist...my dad had a few of their albums so I had heard "Taurus" before "Stairway" came out. Save your ire for Mark Andes and this Philly lawyer...they're the villains in this saga. I also don't get why they're trying to get an injunction against the release of these box sets. "Stairway" has nothing to do with the first three albums, so why should these first three album remasters be held up? It shows how truly ignorant Mark Andes and this lawyer scum (I refuse to dignify him by using his name) are and what a blatant extortion fraud this lawsuit is.
  6. Less than a week away from the Return of the Zeppelin!
  7. And 70% of LA wasn't able to see it, thanks to the extortion that Time Warner's Dodger Channel is trying to force on Direct TV. Direct TV so far has refused to budge and so the majority of Los Angeles is unable to see any Dodger games. Even the road games, which used to be on free over-the-air tv, are only on the Dodger Channel now. What makes the timing for this cable money-grab even worse is that this is Vin Scully's last season calling Dodger games and nobody see him. All my Dodger friends are beyond pissed and disgusted with the Dodgers new ownership for this bullshit mess.
  8. ^^^ Oh well, now the Ranger's owners get another home game and the revenue profits which that entails. Not sure if Kings will clinch on road tonight. Certainly Crawford seems ripe for cracking if the Kings can get to him early.
  9. Bees and Butterflies...our fate is intertwined with theirs.
  10. 9.2.70 Oakland 9.4.70 LA 8.31.71 Orlando 9.4.71 Hampton 9.14.71 Berkeley 9.23.71 Tokyo 9.24.71 Tokyo 9.29.71 Osaka 2.19.72 Adelaide 2.27.72 Sydney 6.19.72 Seattle 6.23.72 San Bernadino 6.25.72 LA 6.28.72 Tuscon
  11. It was stunning to hear all the Forum ones but since we're talking what's the best one to listen to through a recording, as great as the '77 ones are, I think the 7.24.79 Copenhagen just tops them all by a hair.
  12. Wasn't that great? I'm on pins and needles...trying not to do anything to jinx it. That's why you haven't seen me much here lately. Unlike football or basketball, where I can watch and post at the same time, when I am watching my Kings I have to have full attention focused on the game. I am too nervous and intense to be distracted by anything else. Even up 3-1, I am not getting ahead of myself. Game 5 is in Chicago...it ain't over yet. But it's nice to see Jeff Carter and the Kings offense has awakened.
  13. To help bankroll my purchases of the Led Zeppelin Deluxe Box Sets on June 3, I am trading in some CDs I no longer need or want for store credit.
  14. ^^^ Yes, Walter, I will resume that thread and complete it this June. With the deluxe box sets coming out, my Zeppelin juices are flowing again and unlike a couple years ago when life rudely interrupted, my schedule this June is relatively sedate. Which should leave me plenty of time to post...I am the slowest typer you've ever seen, haha.
  15. I hereby offer my services, research or otherwise, to Led Zeppelin's lawyers pro bono. Anything I can do to help, I will do.
  16. Lakers continue to lose...drop to #7 in draft lottery, behind the Boston Celtics. Boo! Cleveland lucks out again!!! This will be their 3rd #1 pick in four years...and their odds this year were only 1.7%!!! Poor Milwaukee deserved the top spot more than Cleveland, in my opinion. The Kevin Love situation will be interesting to watch. Wonder which team will offer their pick for Love...Boston or LA?
  17. Two different questions requiring two separate answers. Best taper: Mike Millard in a landslide. Best crowd: Tie - Madison Square Garden, September 19, 1970 Evening show/ Fabulous Forum, June 25, 1972. You might expect me to pick one of the Forum shows and while I have fond memories of those, when you're talking about listening to live recordings and which crowd is fun to hear, the 1970 MSG show really stands out just as much as the Forum crowds. That guy who screams they're gonna tear the Garden apart gets me every time.
  18. In case you missed it, one important bit of news from today's Listening Party with Jimmy Page was Jimmy Page saying that Led Zeppelin did not multi-track record any of their concerts until the January 9, 1970 Royal Albert Hall concert. So those of us who have been hoping/praying for some early 1968-69 concert multitracks just had our dreams smashed. Apparently, the only things available for the 1968-69 period are soundboards and whatever radio tapes that survived, such as the BBC and the Paris L'Olympia shows.
  19. Wait...I thought I had answered this question before? Are you talking about the 21st or 23rd? Because both those nights had gremlins causing a ruckus for "Sick Again". I know his strap broke on one of the nights causing a delay...but my memory isn't clear enough to remember if it was the 21st or 23rd. You see, I was still trying to get my bearings and myself sorted from the opening rush of the concert. Plus my seats weren't that close and.there was a giant haze of (marijuana?) smoke between me and the stage for most of the show, haha. If you put a gun to my head, I would say it was probably the first night (the 21st) where Jimmy switched to the Les Paul for "Sick Again" because there was a long delay between songs before NFBM. Whereas on the 23rd, they go relatively quick into NFBM after Sick Again. So, if you're keeping score: June 21: Jimmy breaks string during The Rover intro, switches immediately to Les Paul to finish Sick Again, with no stoppage by the rest of the band. June 23: Jimmy's strap on double-neck breaks and instead of segueing from TSRTS into The Rover, the band stops completely while Raymond fixes it. I believe this was the first and only time there was a complete break between TSRTS and Sick Again on the 1977 tour.
  20. Whatever you are watching it's about to get more expensive after this insane AT&T/Direct TV merger: http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/envelope/cotown/la-fi-ct-att-directv-deal-20140519-story.html Rick, watch your wallet...and this could have an effect on Direct TV's NFL Sunday Ticket and other sporting packages. Not to mention the internet. Why do we even have a FCC? http://www.wired.com/2014/05/why-the-att-directv-merger-could-be-bad-news-for-a-free-internet/
  21. That's terrible news. Did you have tickets SAJ? Hopefully, Paul recovers and can soon reschedule the tour As for the "would the Beatles reunite if John Lennon were still alive?" discussion that's been going on, I have to imagine that as time passed and they saw all these other bands getting back together, that eventually whatever was keeping them apart would either be mended or forgotten over time and they would have reunited for some cause or another. Maybe they would have done LIve Aid? Or the Hurricane Katrina concert...or the Concert for New York City? .
  22. Cool...how were they? Next show for me is... May 24: WAR/CHEECH & CHONG/THE FAMILY STONE "UP IN SMOKE" TOUR @ The Greek Theatre, LA.
  23. By the way, Wolfman, I'm interested in hearing your thoughts on Godzilla so shoot me a pm if you want.
  24. Hahaha...I believe the rough mix of Whole Lotta Love has been uploaded to youtube, too.
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