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Everything posted by Strider

  1. Whew...victory hangover. Good thing I am off work today. Did I stay to the end? Are you kidding...of course I stayed to the end! How do you think I took that photo of the end-game celebration? Here is something about me that I will share...I NEVER EVER EVER NEVER LEAVE EARLY!!! For anything. It is never over until it's over. That is something I learned long ago when I was a little kid watching my first NFL game on TV: Jets @ Raiders in November 1968. The Raiders scored two touchdowns in a minute to win a crazy game. If I go to a sporting event with someone, I always warn them that I ain't leaving until it's over...I don't care if it goes into triple-overtime or 20 innings. If they want to leave early, fine, I can find my own way home. And "beat the traffic" is not an issue for me since I take the subway to the games...it stops right at Staples Center. That reminds me...what do you think was the first thing I saw when I got off the subway? THIS GUY! But soon I was in a sea of Kings Jerseys...some old school purple and gold, most silver and black. Given all the ex-New Yorkers living in L.A., there was quite a contingent of Rangers gear, too. Ticket hawkers were getting thousands of dollars for tickets. Insane! The statues at Staples Center were all in Kings gear...Kareem, Magic, West, De La Hoya, and Gretzky of course. TV reporters were all around...both the NHL Network and Fox Sports crews had special soundstages set up outside, plus all the usual fan festivities. Here are some of the sights before the game last night. Best shirt I saw all night:
  2. He's not so loud now. KING'S WIN!!!
  3. Hey zepscoda! My phone gets spotty reception here so I'll be brief. T-shirt is fine by me for our wager. Quick is obviously ok as you can see after his practice mishap. Rangers definitely look fresher, faster put of the gate. But it's even now...should be a great final period. Just my luck...LOUD Ranger fan wearing a Beukeboom sweater sitting behind me. LET'S GO KINGS!!!
  4. ^^^ Don't you mean NBC Rick? Zepscoda, Fox Sports West 1 and 2 carry most of the regular season games, so I think 693 or 694 is the Direct TV channel for local Kings coverage. I don't know how old you are, zepscoda, but the last time the Kings played the Rangers in the playoffs, THIS happened: http://touch.latimes.com/#section/-1/article/p2p-80390052/ I was in Army boot camp at the time so I missed the entire season...Kings and Lakers. This was back when the NHL still had the Campbell and Prince of Wales Conferences and teams were seeded 1-16 for the playoffs. That's how you would get an east coast team like New York playing the west coast LA Kings in the first round. As for our friendly wager...how about one of the next batch of Zeppelin Box Set releases?
  5. One of the horn players looks like Bobby Keys and since the Rolling Stones were playing Hyde Park around that time, it is feasible he would be there. It was such a rarity for Led Zeppelin to have other people join them on stageso that photo was quite a surprise.
  6. Just finished listening to both the album and the Paris show. I'll wait until I do some more listening and some A-B comparisons before expounding at length. But for now, I will say that I'm impressed with the sound. My Super Deluxe Box is number 3,950. One odd bit...the Paris show runs in the proper sequence on the cd, yet is out of order on the vinyl. Some odd edits in the show, too. Got a jolt of surprise when looking thru the booklet...on page 9, there's a photo from the June '69 Proms show at Royal Albert Hall that shows TWO HORN PLAYERS playing on stage with Zeppelin! Huh?!? Maybe I am late to the party and I missed this bit of info but who are these guys and what song are they playing?
  7. The fact that someone whose name is Trufan is even wondering about getting a physical copy shows a tremendous gift for irony. I mean, seriously...it's LED ZEPPELIN! That's a shame, TDL. For one who shows such appreciation for the finer qualities of viny, I would have thought you would get your box sets at your local record haunt? That sucks for all of you who are having snafus with your amazon orders, especially if you were hoping to get a numbered edition. I knew from last night that Amoeba got tons of limited numbered editions of the Super Deluxe Box set, but after the crowds and hassles of Record Store Day back in April, I still wasn't taking chances. I got up early so I could be there right when the doors opened at 10:30am. FYI, none of the Best Buys and Targets that I checked were selling the Super Deluxe Boxes...only the regular and deluxe double-cd packages. I'm still at work, but this will be waiting for me later tonight as I finally give Led Zeppelin I a spin. For the record, I am immersing myself one record at a time. Which means, Led Zeppelin will be what I listen to for the month of June. Then, for July I will break out Led Zeppelin II and Led Zeppelin III in August. Just as I had to wait and be satisfied with the one album when I first bought Led Zeppelin in 1969, I want to build up the anticipation for the next album, while still allowing myself time to fully ingest the current album. Yes, I'm weird like that.
  8. You bet I'm ready! And thanks to a very dear friend, I'm going to Game One Wednesday night!!! LA vs. NY have met many times in the NBA and MLB championships but this will be the first ever Stanley Cup Championship featuring the two biggest cities and media markets of North America. Shall we have a friendly wager?
  9. I just happened to be in the record store when they brought the boxes down to prepare them for going on sale tomorrow morning. Price for the Super Deluxe Boxes will be $129.99. As you can see from the label, it tells you whether you are getting a limited numbered edition or not. Can't wait for the morning...I'm like a child on Christmas Eve!
  10. ^^^ Are you getting any physical copies of the album, Khronikos, or just sticking with the Hi Res files? Led Zeppelin III is one of my favourite Zeppelin albums...top 2 or 3 at least...so I am anticipating with relish hearing these new "That's the Way" and "Friends" mixes. "Jennings Farm Blues" I've had for years already on bootlegs but it'll be sweet to hear in audiophile form. One thing I feel sorry about for those who only get the download files: How do you download the spinning wheel?
  11. That is appalling, Andrew! How your spirit must have been crushed when you opened your packages with unbridled excitement only to discover the damaged goods inside. Did you take a photo of the evidence? Would you mind sharing it with the forum so we can see the vile villainy perpetrated by the couriers? I take it from reading over these threads that the high res files are already available? I'm still waiting to get my albums Tuesday before I listen...with a bottle of Zeppelin wine and a nicely rolled joint. A question about the Paris Olympia disc: Is it one continuous listen, like on the bootleg? Or did Jimmy separate each song into individual tracks with a fade-in and fade-out between each song? Are there any Plantations? A note to notfadeaway: You're off-topic. I don't care about some professional critic's opinion...there's already a place for the newspaper and media reviews and Steve A Jones had already posted the LA Times review before I was even awake Sunday (SAJ, do you ever sleep? Haha). As I thought I had made clear in my original post, this is for us...the regular folk on this forum, whether it be old-timers going through their 10th go-round with the Zeppelin catalogue or the young kids new to Led Zeppelin and having their first experience of buying a Zeppelin album. It is for discussing your reactions upon listening to these albums...the CDs, the vinyl, the High Res, whatever format...and sharing your emotions and feelings and your critiques, pro and con. What do you like? What do you think could be better? It is not for posting media links or conjecture about ITTOD or anything other than Led Zeppelin's first album. When the next batch of remasters are released, there will be threads for those albums in due time.
  12. KINGS WIN! KINGS WIN! KINGS WIN! The Kings seem determined to send me to an early grave. I don't know how many of these overtime thrillers I can handle. Not to mention yet another 7 Game win on the road...three in one playoff season, a NHL record. Thanks for your enthusiasm Rick. I couldn't join you as I was working today and had to watch the game on tivo later. Both teams looked exhausted and legs spent in the OT. Having home ice advantage for the Cup finals will be a new experience for the Kings after being Road Warriors so far. Game One is Wednesday, and not having to travel should help the Kings recover from the Chicago series. LET'S GO KINGS!
  13. Oh, I forgot to mention that you should feel free to share any photos you take of your Led Zeppelin II sets, what the books look like and the booklets, the joy of you opening the package for the first time, etc. Also, if you care to when you are posting your thoughts, please denote which format of the remasters you got: The Deluxe, the Super Deluxe, CD only, Vinyl only, iTunes, etc.
  14. Oh, I forgot to mention that you should feel free to share any photos you take of your Led Zeppelin III sets, what the books look like and the booklets, the joy of you opening the package for the first time, etc. Also, if you care to when you are posting your thoughts, please denote which format of the remasters you got: The Deluxe, the Super Deluxe, CD only, Vinyl only, iTunes, etc.
  15. Oh, I forgot to mention that you should feel free to share any photos you take of your Led Zeppelin I sets, what the books look like and the booklets, the joy of you opening the package for the first time, etc. Also, if you care to when you are posting your thoughts, please denote which format of the remasters you got: The Deluxe, the Super Deluxe, CD only, Vinyl only, iTunes, etc.
  16. Since people have been talking about already receiving their Led Zeppelin remastered sets, I guess it is time to set up separate threads for us to discuss each album's merits and our thoughts and reviews on the music, the bonus tracks, the remastering job, the packaging, all the bells and whistles...pro and con. This is the Led Zeppelin "I" thread. Yes, I know it is technically "Led Zeppelin" not Led Zeppelin I, but in the interests of clarity I felt the "I" warranted. Let me be clear...this is for your reaction to the actual product. Not what you heard on youtube or third-hand from a friend's phone. Also, no press reviews please...there is already a thread for those in the news section. This thread is for us fans on the Forum to discuss the remastered Led Zeppelin I sets once we receive them and have listened to them...hopefully on a good-quality sound system.
  17. Since people have been talking about already receiving their Led Zeppelin remastered sets, I guess it is time to set up separate threads for us to discuss each album's merits and our thoughts and reviews on the music, the bonus tracks, the remastering job, the packaging, all the bells and whistles...pro and con. This is the Led Zeppelin II thread. Let me be clear...this is for your reaction to the actual product. Not what you heard on youtube or third-hand from a friend's phone. Also, no press reviews please...there is already a thread for those in the news section. This thread is for us fans on the Forum to discuss the remastered Led Zeppelin II sets once we receive them and have listened to them...hopefully on a good-quality sound system.
  18. Since people have been talking about already receiving their Led Zeppelin remastered sets, I guess it is time to set up separate threads for us to discuss each album's merits and our thoughts and reviews on the music, the bonus tracks, the remastering job, the packaging, all the bells and whistles...pro and con. This is the Led Zeppelin III thread. Let me be clear...this is for your reaction to the actual product. Not what you heard on youtube or third-hand from a friend's phone. Also, no press reviews please...there is already a thread for those in the news section. This thread is for us fans on the Forum to discuss the remastered Led Zeppelin III sets once we receive them and have listened to them...hopefully on a good-quality sound system.
  19. One of the best bands from that era, and an exciting live act, to boot. So sad that Paul Weller is a boring old fart now. Two more days before my Led Zeppelin embargo will be over...and I am still only listening to pre-1969 music. Tonight it is...
  20. In theory I get what they are about and think their heart is in the right place. It's just that whenever I listen to their music, it leaves me cold...for one thing, I find the vocals annoying most of the time. That's probably why I liked the album they did with Bettye LaVette, "The Scene of the Crime", more than their own records.
  21. Very astute of you, as usual. Here... http://forums.ledzeppelin.com/index.php?/topic/14477-what-show-or-live-song-are-you-listening-to-now/page-117 and here... http://forums.ledzeppelin.com/index.php?/topic/20732-is-there-a-09191970-soundboard-out-there/
  22. Pretty much all the west coast dates are excellent on this tour...from LA to San Francisco to Seattle on the second leg...and all (well, except for parts of 6.3.73) in good sound-quality. But since we're talking about PERFORMANCE, I have to give a shout-out to two sleepers from this tour that I think rank among the most exciting shows of 1973: Boston on July 20 and Providence, RI on July 21. The band practically has the crowd frothing at the mouth.
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