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Everything posted by Strider

  1. A sample lyric from this version: "cause you're a little bitty girl and I know you don't mean me no harm".
  2. Plant's voice sounds great...kind of earthy and I dig the different lyrics and accents he gives.
  3. Errrr, it's different but "much better"? I miss the banjo and 12-string and the electric guitar solo.
  4. Watching it on youtube and some of the comments are idiotic. Who are these people?
  5. Gallows Pole rough mix. Single guitar...no 12-string and no banjo...Jonesy's bass very clear.
  6. Whole Lotta Love rough mix w/ vocal is next. Plant's words slightly different and there's no chorus of "wanna whole lotta love". The instrumental break is bare, which allows you to hear Bonzo's cymbal work very clearly. Some theremin noises here and there but you can tell it is still in the early stages. Ghost vocals of Plant all over the place give it a cool vibe. No guitar solo after the weird instro break...just the rhythm tracks. Is that Bonzo I hear growling in there? Haha.
  7. You Shook Me just faded out and now it's a rough mix w/ vocal of Heartbreaker...one of the alternate tracks on Led Zeppelin II's bonus disc. The bass sounds much more prominent on this mix. Guitar solo sounds different...slightly more dry, less echo and reverb. No weird noise after the solo and before the return of the last verse.
  8. You Shook Me from Paris 69 is next. As for visuals, it's a collage of the covers and negative covers of the first three albums.
  9. Talking is over and they have walked off stage...time to hear the music. First selection is GTBT/CB from Paris 69.
  10. The host finally announces "Ladies and gentlemen...Jimmy Page!" Jimmy's wearing a black suit and vest and white shirt with black scarf. Hair tied back in a ponytail. He spoke a little french. Jimmy speaks and then the emcee translates in French. Jimmy mentions the band playing there in 1969 and how young and raw they were. He says they will start with two tracks from the 1969 Paris L'Olympia show.
  11. Ugh...that woman's voice was annoying as hell. How can you Canucks stand listening to her?
  12. I suppose one would have to like Argentina's chances. Haven't they won the last two World Cups played in South America? Isn't Lionel Messi supposedly the greatest player to lace up a pair of soccer boots? You know, for all their accolades and titles, the World Cup ledgers of Messrs. Messi and Ronaldo are noticeably empty! Time to put up or shut up...the sand in the hourglass is rapidly slipping through. As far as I'm concerned, they have a ways to go before I consider putting them in the company of Pelé. By the by, anyone else notice how dreadfully awful the 2014 World Cup Anthem is? Pitbull...that's the best they can do?!?
  13. Yeah, but will there be anyone left alive when you do?
  14. Nice to know somebody knows how to use the search function. You guys are too wise for this forum, haha. Connery. Sean Connery. There is none better. Roger Moore and the others all have their own qualities that they bring to the Bond character, but are often outweighed by the negatives they bring as well. As noted before, Moore and Brosnan are a tad too "posh". Craig I'm on the fence about...I like his ruggedness but sometimes he's too brooding. The one I've grown more fonder of over time is George Lazenby's Bond. "On Her Majesty's Secret Service" is a ripping good Bond film...one of the best. Alas, he only made one Bond movie.
  15. Are you referring to "Rock and Roll High School"? Led Zeppelin was mentioned in that movie but no Zeppelin music was used. As far as I have been able to ascertain, after "Homer" was the first movie to use Led Zeppelin in 1970, it was another 12 years before 1982's "Fast Time at Ridgemont High" became the second movie to feature Led Zeppelin's music. Obviously I'm not counting TSRTS which was a concert document produced by the band themselves.
  16. Thank you, huw, for your musical knowledge. I knew it was a pattern I had heard before but I didn't know a name existed for it. This is really sad...the internet and radio are now flooded with the ignorant inflated smears of Zep-haters and those who are too lazy to do any real research. So everyone just takes it as gospel now that all Zeppelin did was steal their songs from others. I suppose it is both a blessing and a curse that Jimmy's appearance on the Tonight Show was pretaped before these lawsuit accusations were publicized. A blessing in that Jimmy was spared having to answer any questions about the lawsuit and having the focus of the Tonight Show spot shift from talking about the new remasters to defending these Stairway accusations. But also a curse because if he was asked about the lawsuit it would have been a perfect opportunity to show the ignorant public how ridiculous these charges are. Jimmy could have played Davey Graham's "Cry Me a River" and pointed out how Spirit's "Taurus" borrows from it. He could have mentioned the "Lament Bass" pattern that has been used for centuries. He could point out any number of examples of Bob Dylan, Rolling Stones, ZZ Top, Eric Clapton, and others "borrowing" notes, chord patterns, and entire songs without giving credit. And lawyers wonder why people hate them so.
  18. Or they could sue Pearl Jam for "Given to Fly" nicking "Going to California". I mean, ferchrissakes, if this is all it takes to warrant a lawsuit, the Rolling Stones should be forced to list Chuck Berry as songwriter on half their songs!
  19. A handy time guide for those that don't know: If you live in the East Coast of the U.S., it's GMT -4 hours; on the West Coast it's GMT - 7 hours. So since it's listed as a 7:30pm GMT start time, that's 3:30pm EST and 12:30pm PST. The rest of you can work it out accordingly.
  20. More old news. What...has Mark Andes been living in a cave? As Drop Down pointed out, he played with Heart for years...a band that loves and played Led Zeppelin in concert and on many a tour bus, I would imagine. So I find it preposterous that he's just now noticing the similarity of the opening notes of "Stairway" to "Taurus". So, not only is the lawsuit specious but it is way too long after the fact. What we have here is a classic "sharks smelling blood in the water" situation. These sleazy lawyers smell money to be made with these new remasters and they're circling. I have lost all respect for Mark Andes. I hope the judge throws them out on their arse. By the way, Stairway only uses a few notes from Taurus and even then, it's only the beginning of the song. The majority of the 8 minute song has nothing to do with Taurus. Meanwhile, ZZ Top's "La Grange" uses the exact riff of Slim Harpo's "Shake Your Hips" throughout the song yet I never hear anybody complaining or suing ZZ Top.
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