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Everything posted by Strider

  1. This? I didn't pick up the Montreal '75 show until 1980 and it was this Phoenix Records release:
  2. The 1975 North American Tour was schizophrenic. You have the early, concise pre-Dazed and Confused part of the tour. "The Wanton Song" and even "When the Levee Breaks" are in the setlist, and "How Many More Times" is used for Jimmy's bow showcase. "No Quarter" and "Moby Dick" are kept to reasonable lengths...in fact, the Chicago shows fit on only 2 cds, which is a very rare thing for a Zeppelin concert to do. Then, once Jimmy's finger heals, "Dazed" is added and the NQs and Moby Dicks get longer, as does the WLL/Black Dog encore, with the band adding the "Crunge" bits and theremin duels. SIBLY is played a few times. The concerts now start to run closer to three hours and more. The Earls Court shows in May added yet another wrinkle, with the addition of the acoustic sets, which I love and wished we had gotten in the U.S. that year. I agree that "Rock and Roll" sounds sluggish and Robert's flu-voice didn't help. Either "Wanton Song" or "Custard Pie" would have been great to begin the concert...both songs feature the raspy, scratchy Plant voice on the record, so his flu-voice would have fit in nicely on these songs and given him time to warm up. I know people loved the long D & Cs but on multi-date runs like at the Forum, it would have been nice to alternate D & C with HMMT. I remember being disappointed they didn't play more songs from "Physical Graffiti". Granted, they might not have been ready equipment-wise to play "In the Light" or "Ten Years Gone", but there are several others they could have given a go at: "The Rover" being an obvious example.
  3. You are aware that bootlegs are notorious for being wrong on dates and locations? I have long been in the 1973 Camp but no matter where and when it is from, it remains one of my favourite relics of live Led Zeppelin to listen to..."Shakin' All Over" is a real treat. At least, once Jimmy gets the timing down.
  4. It's been a question on my mind for decades, and at first, just chalked it up to laziness or drugs/alcohol. But then, I thought like you, that maybe it was something to do with Maureen. In 1977, he was leary about performing "In My Time of Dying" because of his accident in Greece, which is why "Over the Hills..." replaced IMTOD for many of the 1977 shows.
  5. It is so he has time to set up his switch from the 12-string to the 6-string neck for the solo. At the end of the solo, he would have to switch back to the 12-string and sometimes it took him a couple bars before he could manage it, so there are some live "Stairways" where you hear him play the "And as we wind on down the road..." part on the 6-string before he changes to the 12-string.
  6. It gets mentioned here, but depending on the context, it might get overlooked sometimes because of the sound quality. It is definitely in my top 10 or 12 Zeppelin shows that I like to listen to, and I rank it above Blueberry Hill and Montreux '70 in performance. But some people won't accept anything less than soundboard or Mike Millard tape quality and when they ask for bootleg references with great sound, it means shows like 9.19.70 often don't make the cut to some people's ears.
  7. Hooray! Washington will either play Indiana or Atlanta, but if it is Indiana, won't Game One be at Indianapolis, as they are the #1 seed? Or did you mean you got tix for the first Wiz home game of the series?
  8. Yes, we had a discussion about this movie quite a ways back, I'm sure, but so glad you didn't hit 'delete'. A very fine film and one that leaves you thinking and "doubting" who to believe right up to the very end. What conclusion did you reach about Father Flynn, Bong-Man? Did you believe the accusations or think Sister Aloysius was wrong? Viola Davis is in only one scene but she plays the scene so perfectly it breaks your heart. One of a handful of movies adapted from plays that do the play justice.
  9. Thank you for your input. Entertaining, as always. You're slipping, though...you actually went an entire post without mentioning 'The Great United States of America'. Save your grief for the poor people who need it...the people who had to deal with him or his wife, for instance. It is too bad Sterling couldn't be the owner of the Celtics...then you might understand how bad this guy really can be. But enough about him. He is distracting from what so far has been a fun and unpredictable playoff round (and he took attention away from the passing of Dr. Jack Ramsay). As I suspected, the number of Game 7's this round is historic: http://www.sportingnews.com/nba/story/2014-05-02/nba-playoffs-2014-historic-saturday-game-7s-first-time-ever Plus, there is still a chance for more depending on the games tonight... Toronto @ Brooklyn...Toronto leads 3-2. Good chance for Brooklyn to win at home tonight to force a game 7. I like the Nets to win. San Antonio @ Dallas...SA leads 3-2. This is tougher to figure. Spurs have the veteran pride and toughness needed to close out a series on the road, but Dirk is Dallas' X-factor. If he explodes for a big game, and Vince Carter continues his 3-point shooting spree, Dallas can send it back to San Antonio for a game 7. I think Dallas can muster up enough to win at home. Houston @ Portland...Portland leads 3-2. This is the only game where the home team has the chance to clinch the series. As such, I like Portland to end it tonight and send Dwight Howard off fishing. But think if all the teams down 2-3 tonight actually win? That would be three more game 7s on Sunday...back-to-back days of three game 7s in one round! The betting action will be thru the roof, I imagine.
  10. Looking forward to this...keep us posted, zosorose, about your experience. It makes sense, being that it is a school of music, that the students would perform some Led Zeppelin...but which songs will they choose, I wonder?
  11. It might have been Sheila E., as one of her uncles was in Santana back in the day. A mighty thanks to RH, Ddladner, Cookie, Deb and others for all the videos, photos and reviews. Having finally the time to explore this thread, I have been digging the clips. I agree the set lists have been a little stagnant lately, but since this Jazz Fest was just a one-off and they have been busy recording, maybe they didn't feel ready to change the set too much. Here is hoping he shakes it up on the next tour and dumps some of the perennials ("Black Dog", "Rock and Roll") in favour of some of the more stranger nooks and crannies of his catalogue. My lord, that is some beard on that Scouser Liam!!! I didn't recognize him at first. New SSS album in September...along with the Zeppelin reissues...2014 is gonna be a mighty fine year.
  12. What a great contest, Sam! I cannot get time free around that date, so I won't be able to enter the contest, but my best wishes to whomever from the forum does enter...hope the winner comes from our merry little gang of Zepheads! Good luck!
  13. I love NONESUCH, so I hope Robert is happy with them. They have an incredible roster of artists and they have a long and distinguished history of groundbreaking releases in all fields of music, be it jazz, classical, world, rock, electronic..."Silver Apples of the Moon", Beaver & Krause, The Kronos Quartet, Wilco's "Yankee Hotel Foxtrot. However, the first two albums that come to mind when I think of Nonesuch are these two amazing records. I wish Robert all the best in his time with Nonesuch, and am glad to finally hear some concrete news of the new album.
  14. Beautiful shots, luvlz2. I was talking to some people at Amoeba and it seems they didn't get as many copies of "Live at the Greek" as they had hoped...especially for a city the size of L.A. Oh well, I happily picked up a white vinyl edition they had for $29.99.
  15. Yeah, the Yardbirds "Sounds I Heard" was unfortunately sold out by the time we got in. Only "Little Games" was left of the three Jimmy Page-related RSD releases.
  16. I haven't been able to research this, but it does seem to me that there have been an amazing number of Game 7s in the first round of the NBA and NHL playoffs this year. Three game 7s last night in the NHL and now a whole slew of game 7s have been forced in the NBA tonight. This has been one wild ride in the playoffs so far...and it is early still.
  17. I happened to be watching the Clipper game last week while checking out the forum and right when I read your post about Billy Crystal's "700 Sundays", Billy Crystal popped up on the TV. I thought it was an amusing coincidence. Today was May Day and in recognition of its pagan roots, the Cinematheque screened two suitable films for the occasion...1973's "The Wicker Man" and 1966's "Eye of the Devil". "The Wicker Man" I'm familiar with, of course, as most of you horror fans are...the great Christopher Lee, Britt Ekland dancing in the nude, the eclectic score by Magnet. It even has the actor who played Alex's smarmy probation officer in "A Clockwork Orange". Good stuff. But I had never heard or seen "Eye of the Devil" before. A stylish British horror/occult film, smartly shot in black-and-white, it stars a complete gallery of wonderful British actors: David Niven and Deborah Kerr, Donald Pleasance, David Hemmings, Flora Robson. On a more macabre note, it is also the film debut of the beautiful Sharon Tate. You don't normally think of Niven and Kerr as the type of actors that you would see in a genre movie like this, but they're good sports and they give the film a sort of dignity. A definite precursor to later films like "Rosemary's Baby" and such.
  18. I don't know how they did it but they did...the Kings coming back from 0-3 death to take the series from the Sharks!!! When San Jose won the first three games, I figured it was over and the Kings would be lucky to win a game. Quick especially looked out of sorts. Well, maybe that was a Quick imposter and the real Quick escaped in time to play the rest of the series. Redrum must be sick over this latest Shark playoff collapse. GO KINGS! Next up...another tough division rival, the Anaheim Ducks.
  19. Like I said, you don't know shit about Sterling. You stated in your post that "he wasn't that bad"...which to those who have been paying attention, is erroneous. It has nothing to do with the phone call...I haven't even heard the tape, as I don't go to TMZ or those sites...his history before this latest imbroglio was already rancid enough for me never to root for his team. Sterling is the 'Clipper Curse' which has long haunted this team. If you lived here, you would know. But if you like him so much, maybe the NBA can get Donald Sterling to move the Clippers back to Buffalo, where they belong. You didn't make any point, so there was nothing to go 'over' or 'under' my head. You posted a video of NWA's "Fuck da police". Wow. Big whoop. You might as just as well have posted a clip of Arnold Schwarzenegger wasting away an entire police station in "Terminator". Or Mick Jagger singing "Sympathy for the Devil". But since you apparently cannot tell the difference between real life and entertainment, debating this with you is pointless.
  20. Allez Les Boulez! With the tailspin the Pacers have been on, Washington might be the second-best team in the East right now. It would be even better news if he was taking Jim Buss with him. Worst Laker-era ever.
  21. Thank you, Steve. Why the incessant need to keep starting the same topics over and over is getting old. NAILED! Exactly, JTM. Art is not a contest. It is impossible and a little insulting to older generations to just name one person as the "greatest". Unless you have lived for all eternity, how can you judge? You can have "favourites" naturally, but to quantify one as the greatest actor without having seen Sarah Bernhardt, Charlie Chaplin or others throughout history is absurd. This goes for cinema, music, art, books, etc. Just enjoy what you like without feeling the need to rank everything in endless lists. This isn't Buzzfeed, ferchrissakes.
  22. ^^^ A ridiculous response, even for you...typical straw-man argument and not even relevant to the issue at hand.
  23. Bang! Bang! Adam's Silver Hammer Came down upon his head! Bang! Bang! Adam's Silver Hammer Made sure that he was dead! With apologies to the Beatles. Still to be resolved, of course, is Sterling's ownership of the team and what part any of his family has in the matter.
  24. Rick, you may know your betting and your sports in general, but you don't know shit about the Clippers and especially that stain on humanity, Donald Sterling. His vileness has been an open secret in L.A. for years. He is the major reason why I never was, nor could ever become, a Clipper fan...no matter how bad the Lakers get, I will NEVER jump ship to that turd's team. Those of us who live in LA have had to put up with his nonsense...his slumlord eyesore buildings, his cheap, tacky self-promoting ads touting some made up award he received, his incompetence. I hope the NBA comes down hard on him today...strip him of the team. For years, Cleveland's Ted Stepien was the poster boy for the Worst Owner in Sports. But Donald surpassed Ted long ago. Yet, while the NBA stepped in get rid of Ted back in the 80s, David Stern didn't do a thing about Donald Sterling, even as all the evidence piled up. Hell, he even went out of his way to HELP Sterling. It is a smirch on David Stern's legacy that one of his final acts as commissioner was to stop the Chris Paul trade to the Lakers, only to allow Paul to go to play for that venal Donald Sterling's Clippers. Donald Sterling is a scumbag...he needs to fucking die!
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