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Everything posted by Strider

  1. ^^^ CJW, A & W should pay you for product placement.
  2. It was so cold last night I thought I might see some snow on the mountains this morning...but no dice.
  3. True...but talk about a left-field choice. This has the smell of an interim hire.
  4. Remember the Bruce Springsteen song, "57 Channels and Nothing On"? Just saw two great Rolling Stones films at the American Cinematheque tonight in Hollywood! Sound was cranking and the screen big! Will post more in the movie thread...or the Rolling Stones thread. http://www.americancinemathequecalendar.com/content/the-rolling-stones-charlie-is-my-darling-ireland-some-girls-live-in-texas
  5. The two parts of "Kashmir" that usually caused problems for them were the breakdown after the second verse("baby, I've been flying") and the ascending chord part at the end. I believe it was the ascending chord part that Jones taped a reminder note to his keyboards for. Of course, if they had all been sober they probably wouldn't have had the trouble they did remembering the changes.
  6. ^^^ Another CLASSIC! "Do you expect me to talk?" "No Mr. Bond. I expect you to die." Jimmy Page played on the soundtrack sessions, too!
  7. Basically the Lakers just wasted an off-season and pre-season where they could have used to break in a new coach and get the players used to a system. Now they are going to fumble around for months as a new coach and system gets implemented. Brown should have been FIRED the moment he mentioned putting in the Princeton offense. As I explained many posts ago, it was a dumb idea and showed he wasn't the right coach for this team. If the Lakers had fired him then, they still would have had the preseason to get the team on one page with a new coach. Now? It's gonna be chaos.
  8. ^^^ As Charles Barkley said, I want my accountant to come from Princeton, not my offense.
  9. No, not like the Spanish Tortilla or the Italian Frittata. This was an American or French-style omelette, where the eggs are folded over the filling. The mashed potatoes, cheese and bacon are all tucked inside, with a few leftover bacon crumbles for the top. And the tall glass was my own. It's Friday...time for French Toast!!!
  10. Don't worry about it, Deb...I miss threads all the time. It's impossible to read everything here. I've probably only read 10% to 20% of the forum content.
  11. Since KROQ is the co-sponsor of this poll, it might help you to know that KROQ's playlist runs along the lines of Arctic Monkeys, Weezer, Green Day, Queens of the Stone Age, Arcade Fire, Sublime, Sunny Day Real Estate, The Killers...and yes, Blink-182. Led Zeppelin, Rush, Cream, and other so-called 'classic rock' bands are not on their playlist.
  12. ^^^ "In Cold Blood" was the first true crime book I read, too, jb. The movie creeped me out when I saw it as a kid with my family at the Drive-In. Later, I began to appreciate it as much for Conrad Hall's exquisite B & W cinematography as for the performances and script. There is a scene towards the end that any lover of photography will recognize as pure poetry. It is when Robert Blake is talking as he's looking out the window as it is raining outside. The reflection of the rain drops hitting the window against Blake's face gives him the appearance of weeping. It's a haunting moment. There's a giant poster display of various James Bond movies in the lobby of the Arclight Hollywood theatre. It's somewhere between 40-50 feet high.
  13. Everybody picked Indy except Black Dawg. I'm feeling iffy on several games: Dallas @ Philly; Detroit @ Minn; Atlanta @ NO; San Diego @ Tampa; Houston @ Chicago.
  14. This! \__/ http://www.laluzdejesus.com/shows/2012/Events/Bazillion-Points/Murder-and-Power.htm
  15. My week 10 picks: Indianapolis NY Giants Miami Minnesota New England New Orleans Tampa Bay Denver Baltimore Seattle Dallas San Francisco Chicago Pittsburgh
  16. I was born in 1962. I have not known a world without the Beatles, Rolling Stones, or James Bond. Eatlier this year, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of "Dr. No", the American Cinematheque screened every James Bond movie made...from 1962's "Dr. No" to 2008's "Quantum of Solace". I didn't see every one, mainly concentrating on the '60s-70s. Saw a couple of the Pierce Brosnan's too, and was struck by how much a cartoon they had become. They reminded me of the Joel Schumacher Batman movies. What was a surprise, given how much the fans rejected him at the time, was how much I loved the lone George Lazenby film, "On Her Majesty's Secret Service". This is one Bond movie that really holds up and hits you on an emotional level. Of course, it helps that it also stars Diana Rigg(Emma Peel from "The Avengers" tv show), one of the few actresses to hold their own in a Bond movie amongst the boys and toys. Poor George Lazenby...he was cursed by having the impossible task of following Sean Connery, but his Bond is very human and interesting in his own write. I think you'll be very surprised, Ady, when you get to "On Her Majesty's Secret Service" in your Bond-o-thon. Meanwhile, the latest Daniel Craig Bond opens tomorrow...and I have already had several people who saw an advance screening of "Skyfall" tell me it is the... Best. Bond. Movie. Ever. Well, following the disappointing "Quantum of Solace", I have no doubt it is an improvement over that film. But the best Bond film of all-time? That seems a stretch. I do want to see it as the trailer looks good:
  17. Thanks for the contribution, LiveWire, and the other recent posters. Just a little note: "Blueberry Hill" was played at leaat twice on the 1970 tour...on Sept. 4 and Sept. 19(evening show). There may be other renditions from that year that we don't know about because of a lack of recorded documentation.
  18. ^^^ Fucking Brown should never have been hired in the first place. Bring back the Zen Master!
  19. Like I've been telling my friends and everyone else since preseason began...if you hate, HATE the Lakers, you're gonna have a field day this season!
  20. Yoga does seem to suffer from an image problem...many people have this outmoded 1960s hippy-dippy image of yoga. But not all yoga instructors are burnt out hippy relics from the 60s. And there are quite a few male yoga instructors. Like I said before, it seems to work and provide fantastic benefits for both your mind and body.
  21. Yes. But I told you to take the Jazz and lay the points, Rick! Don't you know the Lakers shoddy record in Utah? In fact, I'd wager that the Lakers record in Dallas and San Antonio is better than their record in Portland and Utah. Some teams just have certain places and teams that are their bête noire...Portland and Utah are the Lakers'.
  22. Breakfast: Bacon, mashed potatoes and cheddar cheese omelet(it may sound strange but try it sometime when you have leftover mashed potatoes from the night before), hash browns, biscuits, coffee. Oh, and a tall glass of water.
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