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Everything posted by Strider

  1. Here's to one of the good ones! Happy birthday Deborah! You're a 'good egg' and I'll drink to that! Cheers to you on your Celebration Day!
  2. Bagel, lox and cream cheese. Half a Cantaloupe. Orange juice. Earl Grey tea.
  3. Free Beer (Dis)Honourable mention: Titties & Beer
  4. There are certain teams I just don't trust yet...especially on the road. Arizona, Chargers, Vikings, Seattle. That's why I didn't pick Chicago against Dallas last Monday Night; Cutler is just as up n down as Romo. So yeah, the Rams at home was an easy pick for me even with Arizona's 4-0 record.
  5. The original cd issues were a travesty, with Physical Graffiti, Led Zep IV, Presence and Led Zep II being particularly egregious. To even ask the question is somewhat silly. There was a total disregard on the part of Atlantic with the first cd releases of Led Zeppelin's catalogue. Disrespect towards the music and to the artwork and packaging. The answer is simple: the remastered cds.
  6. I can only speak for myself, jb126, but I could talk about Led Zeppelin concerts until the cows come home. It never gets tired for me...I would much rather discuss or answer questions about Led Zeppelin in concert than rehash the same hogwash about devil worship/backwards masking/groupies that comes up. That's one reason why I rarely visit the Newbies section.
  7. Actually there are so many great ones from 1971, it's easy to overlook many of them. What finally swung my pick towards 9-29 Osaka was the absolute stellar violin bow segment...haunting, eerie and musically melodic; and the melencholy "Pennies from Heaven" dropped in unexpectedly.
  8. Week 5 picks... Rams Steelers Packers Giants Redskins Bengals Ravens Panthers Bears Patriots 49ers Vikings Saints Texans
  9. All right...the AL West is settled and the Nats won. All eyes now turn to the AL East. Et tu, Baltimore and New York?
  10. ^^^ Welcome to the wonderful world of English, Bong-Man. It is skiing…as in, "I am going skiing this weekend." It is skier…as in, "Patty is a marvelous skier."
  11. ^^^ My condolences redrum. My suggestion is to start drinking heavily and often. Say what?!?
  12. It's a TEXAS-SIZED MELTDOWN!!! 12-5 Oakland bottom of the 8th. If it's Texas vs. Baltimore, I'm going for Baltimore. If it's Texas vs. Yankees, I'm going for Texas.
  13. I said before the season Valentine was toast. Fuck him and the Red Sawx. Pathetic Oakland cannot even sell out their rinky-dink stadium for the most important game of the season. 8-5 Oakland in the 7th inning stretch. What a gag job by Texas losing a 13 game lead.
  14. If the Dodgers get in while the Angels don't, I will vomit.
  15. Session guru Big Jim Sullivan dead at 71 James Tomkins aka Big Jim Sullivan is dead. Before Jimmy Page came on the scene as a hot-shot '60s session guitarist, there was Big Jim Sullivan laying down licks for 1000s of recordings. The acoustic guitar that Jimmy used on the first Led Zeppelin album was given to him by Big Jim Sullivan. There are frankly too many credits to list. But here's a couple obits with clips to give you an idea of the importance and legacy of the man. http://m.classicrockmagazine.com/news/session-guru-big-jim-sullivan-dead-at-71/ http://www.sonicstate.com/amped/2012/10/02/prolific-session-guitarist-big-jim-sullivan-dies/
  16. Likewise, Black Dawg has one too many games to his credit. So far 63 games have been played, and Black Dawg's 36-28 record adds up to 64 games. Don't worry DAS...if I have time, I'll go over everyone's picks tonight.
  17. They were good at Coachella...they even played "Poptones"! Have fun! Rocktober has started with a vengeance. My original plan of going to see Deerhoof tonight has been complicated by the fiscovery of additional shows taking place tonight. I now have to choose between... 1. Deerhoof @ The Echoplex 2. Emmylou Harris and the Red Dirt Boys @ Royce Hall, UCLA 3. Garbage @ Hollywood Palladium...w/ Screaming Females Having recently seen both Deerhoof and Emmylou Harris, I am leaning towards the Garbage show. Not so much because of Garbage, although Shirley Manson is quite the Scottish treat, but because I have been hearing all kinds of buzz and good word-of-mouth about Screaming Females.
  18. Totally different application...songs and poems don't count. I guarantee you that when Bob Dylan writes a check, he dates it in the mm/dd/yr fashion.
  19. Not that you're not worth listening to, Julia, but no, your post had nothing to do with changing my 'style', as you put it. Due to my schedule, I only eat a typical American-style breakfast three or four times a week. The other days I skip or I'll just grab a croissant and coffee or have some fruit. Today's breakfast was a German-style Oven Pancake at Dinah's on Sepulveda. Baked in the oven...add a little butter, lemon and powered sugar and MMMMMM...Sehr gut!
  20. Well said, zemun! This is one of those movies Jahfin and I didn't see eye-to-eye on("Tree of Life" was another); I liked it, he didn't. I can't remember if I posted a lengthy review of "Drive" or just a brief blurb, but it's no matter as you said it better than I did. Too bad "Drive" was lost in the shuffle of 2011...a fate common to good, small movies released in the summer.
  21. That might have been amusing in 2000 but now you just look silly asking that. FYI, Muse have existed as a band longer than Led Zeppelin did. Before someone misinterprets that, I am NOT saying Muse is better than Led Zeppelin. But they've been around and have headlined before massive crowds at Coachella and other Festivals. They have a body of work that is pretty good in spots.
  22. Today marks the 40th anniversary of the start of the 1972 Japanese Tour. Kind of overshadowed over the years by the 1971 tour. I haven't listened to the 1972 tour in ages. I only have two of the dates...Oct. 2 and Oct. 9. So today I'm listening to October 2, 1972 Budokan, Tokyo.
  23. I have noticed most cinemas are having screenings at 7pm and 10pm, or thereabouts. If I was a theatre manager, I would add a midnight screening of "The Song Remains the Same" to the schedule.
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