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Everything posted by Strider

  1. Whenever I see Chad Smith, I momentarily think "look it's Will Ferrell"...whenever I see Will Ferrell, I think "look it's Chad Smith". I know Chad hates it; don't know how Will feels about it. I've lost interest in RHCP since Frusciante left for the 100th time...but I'm glad you had a good time Pete, and relayed the bit about Chad's tribute to Bonzo to us. Hopefully a clip will surface on YouTube.
  2. Thanks to an Angel(not sure if she has a broken wing or not) on this forum, I was gifted two tickets to JBLZE's show at the Greek this Thursday!!! I'll try to stop by your booth, Rock Square. Are there any other Forum members going to the Greek show that would like to meet up? I'm kind of GEEKED about the show as for one reason or another, I had to miss the two previous times the JBLZE played Los Angeles(The Greek and The Pantages). I know I've said many times how tribute bands don't interest me but this is different...Jason Bonham is FAMILY! Plus, many people whose opinions and judgments I trust have raved about this show. So, yes, I'm pretty stoked. Merci beaucoup to my Angel!
  3. Well the bag is the perfect size for records. There used to be a record store near the St. Mark's PG building...maybe he was going record shopping? I don't know about everyone else, but with his beard and everything, lately Robert's reminding me of Ian Anderson of Jethro Tull.
  4. Here's a bunch of photos from Rex and AP. http://www.rexfeatures.com/set/1906492 http://www.apimages.com/Search.aspx?st=det&sort=date&ids=Led%20Zeppelin%20Celebration%20Day%20Press%20Conference&showact=events&prds=10002&intv=3d&sh=10&kwstyle=or&adte=1349824981&pagez=60&cfasstyle=AND&
  5. I don't think so. Gotta protect the kids, you know.
  6. Not one for the tropical rain forest, either...especially when it extends to the legs and navel. Trimmed and groomed is fine. But not to excess. For example, I hate those who have obviously watched too much porn and have adapted the Hitler mustache look. You know, where everything is bare except a small square patch of hair above that looks like Hitler's mustache. Or one of those long thin pencil strips of hair that look equally silly.
  7. Thanks Sam! When did Karl Lagerfeld join the band?
  8. I had to get used to that when I was in Europe in the 80s...hairy legs, too. Now it's not as prevalent as more European girls have been influenced by the American pop culture, and not only shave their legs and armpits, but bikini wax their pubes as well. Actually, once I got used to the difference, it didn't really bother me. Most girls had soft hair anyway, so it felt kind of nice...a kind of downy softness. Especially if they were a blonde...like a Scandinavian girl. Since they had never shaved, the hair on their legs was barely noticeable. And I've always preferred a muff on a girl...don't like the bare bikini wax look; too pre-pubescent.
  9. Rick, next time you're tempted to put money on San Diego, just remember two words: Norv Turner. As long as that blockhead is coaching the Chargers, you're a fool to bet them. WOOHOO! 10-4 this week...I finally hit double-digit wins!
  10. What...no flax seed? Can you illustrate for us the difference between a tall glass and a really tall glass? I hope your concept of 'tall' is better than Starbucks, which is actually small. Dude...double cheeseburgers, milkshakes, Frosted Flakes, Popeyes chicken, Corn Pops? You need to introduce some flax seed and veggies in your diet...and ketchup doesn't count. NOW THIS is a meal! Nicely done, chillumpuffer...you are a true fellow 'foodie' and gourmand! My best to Mrs. CP and may she get better soon.
  11. Hey Front Row Dave...and any others who are making the trip to the Ziegfeld to get a glimpse of the lads: GOOD LUCK! Hope you all get some good photos and maybe a handshake or palmsmack or two from them.
  12. Nice to see NYC finally has a decent burger. For a minute there I thought I had mistakenly wandered into the Bon Appetite site. Glad Jimmy told those e-bay pirates to piss off.
  13. ^^^ Ok...but what about the song is "weird and scary" for you?
  14. ^^^ Yep...A & W restaurants are another thing that have disappeared from the landscape over the years. At least in L.A. they have...the last one in L.A. I remember was at the Beverly Hills Center Food Court on the top floor. In fact, it was from there that I saw Jimmy Page when he was in town for....hmmm, I think it was around the time of the 2003 DVD/HTWWW release promotional screenings. When I was a kid, I loved a good frosty mug of A & W root beer from the tap(the cans and bottled stuff they sell doesn't taste the same). Even better on a hot day...an A & W root beer float!
  15. ^^^ Yeah, Green Bay has to be one of the biggest disappointments of the season so far. Las Vegas is gonna have to start adjusting Packers lines accordingly, or everyone is gonna start taking the 10 or 12 points that Packer opponents are getting.
  16. ^^^ I love A & W water. Breakfast today was McCann's Steel Cut Irish Oatmeal with blueberries and bananas. Toasted English muffin with Nutella. Orange juice.
  17. It's all apples and oranges when talking about the biggest band of 1974. Besides, the real biggies were all on haitus for the most part in 1974: Led Zeppelin, Rolling Stones, Jethro Tull, Elton John, The Who. Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, Yes and ELP simply took advantage of the vacuum. Notice I didn't mention Alice Cooper. Alice Cooper was on haitus in 1974, having broken up the great original Alice Cooper band after "Muscle of Love" came out in 1973. He wouldn't return until 1975 with the wan "Welcome to My Nightmare" and therefore begin his slide into irrelevancy.
  18. WTF!?! This has to be one of the stranger and puzzling judgments on a song yet posted here. The surprise, LiveWire, isn't that other people haven't expressed their dislike for "In the Light"...it's that you have. As Ricky Ricardo would say: You got some explaining to do! Especially that last comment of yours.
  19. ^^^ That would be KILLER if he played that at the Bowl, Missy! Anytime you get "Cortez the Killer" in the setlist is a win! It's long been one of the highlights of any Neil Young & Crazy Horse concert since I first saw them in 1976. The Who have faded. The Rolling Stones have faded. Joni Mitchell has retired. Others have died or become laughing-stocks on the nostalgia circuit. Even Bob Dylan has faded(I find the last few albums of his annoyingly self-consciously retro...plus his voice is shot). Neil Young, though, is still going strong. Still making vital music. Still following his muse. Only Robert Plant is in Neil Young's class when you're talking about the rockers from the 60s who are still creatively relevant today. I'll have to think hard to come up with another...possibly Lou Reed?
  20. Good guess. It's 51.8 F. A rather crisp October day. Here in Los Angeles it is now 67°...or 19.4° C...with the high expected to be 76°. As for the United States switching over to Celsius and the Metric System? HA! Forget about it...it'll never happen. The General Ripper-types in Congress and the Senate think it's all part of a Communist plot to destroy our country. Like fluoridation.
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