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Everything posted by Strider

  1. Sam, wasn't there a group press conference during the 1973 U.S. tour? Perhaps at the Drake hotel, where that famous promo photo was taken with all of them piled on that chair?
  2. No pre-order for me. I'll pick mine up at the record store so I can be assured of getting a pristine copy.
  3. I don't get any 'bad vibe' at all. I don't know what you people are talking about. As for Jason, he does have a tour to get ready for, so maybe he's busy rehearsing? After looking at Sam and Cookie's photos, I do have one question: When did Jimmy get taller than Robert? Robert has always been the tallest of the band. Now it looks like he's shrunk. Must be the angle.
  4. Welcome and howdy! I'm not Welsh but I love Wales. There are a few Welsh on here, I believe.
  5. Some posts should be accompanied by drum rolls. Sam, yours should have been one of them. Awesome!
  6. ^^^ Save those candles...I'll need 'em next year. Happy birthday Missy!
  7. Will you promise me something, LZG? Don't hesitate in the future if you come across something Led Zeppelin-related you want to share with us. If a few humour-challenged punks can't handle it, so be it...it's their loss.
  8. European, naturally. I purposely left it vague to see who would get the joke, SuperDave. You and chef free may cross the bridge.
  9. ^^^ I liked that movie...if you wanna discuss it just ask. It's okay. For me, I wanted to like it more but it was ruined by a terribly clichéd plot point...it was unnecessary and it cheapened the movie. All the actors were good in their parts: Ruffalo, Moore, Bening. So if you're a Ruffalo completist, it's good enough to watch all the way through. But it could, and should have been a lot better, especially given the over-the-top praise the film garnered. It wasn't nearly as groundbreaking or fresh as its acolytes would have had you believe. "Modern Family" it's not.
  10. My sympathies go out to all of you experiencing woes in the workplace. That can be such a soul-sucking burden in your life that it weighs you down so that it's a drag just to get out of bed in the morning. My thoughts are with you Patrycja, Ledzepfvr, LZG and anyone else going through tough times at work.
  11. Does when a girl hits puberty have any correlation to when she hits menopause? For instance, if you are a late-bloomer, say, does that mean the odds are that you will reach menopause at a later age than the average woman? Maybe, Julie, you have more egg-bearing years ahead of you than you realize? Have you and your new husband any interest in kids?
  12. My pleasure, man. They truly are spectacular...it's the sweaters!
  13. Is it too late to change my pick tonight? Wait a minute...I meant Giants not Panthers, haha!
  14. ^^^ Haha, I like how you think...that's why I want Notre Dame and Oregon and UCLA to keep winning. USC Song Girls!!! http://broadrecognition.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/usc_song_girls_rose_bowl-045.jpg http://a.espncdn.com/photo/2009/0204/rise_g_uscsongirls_600.jpg http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r257/tlutes01yahoocom/sg07.jpg
  15. "What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?"
  16. Hello and welcome Noel! Luv your band, Oasis.
  17. Week 3: Panthers Cowboys Colts Bills Jets Saints Redskins Bears 49ers Lions Chargers Eagles Steelers Broncos Ravens Packers
  18. Joe, if you don't have a scanner(I don't), you can do what I do and use your camera phone to take a photo of your scrapbook articles and then post them here.
  19. Wonder if Dave Lewis will be there? Or Sam? Maybe if anyone even hints at asking a "reunion" question, one of them could cause a disturbance.
  20. I like how you look at the silver lining.
  21. Hahaha! You poor East Coasters, Rick and Esther...bet you were already asleep when Baltimore did it again! Another extra-inning win! Angels cannot seem to win unless Weaver is on the mound. CJ Wilson again pitches like a pussy against his old team(no offense ladies). Since it is impossible to pitch Weaver every game, it's unlikely the Angels will make up any ground. Detroit still has a shot as they have a much easier schedule than the White Sox, who still have to play the Rays and the Angels, while the Tigers feast on bottom-feeders. But whose brilliant idea was it to have Detroit and Chicago NOT play each other in the last month of the season?!? Whoever was in charge of the schedule should be fired.
  22. Excellent news zemun. Hope the book is available in the U.S.
  23. When "In Through the Out Door" was released, it immediately entered the Billboard charts at #1 and stayed #1 for 7 weeks. It was their biggest selling album since "Physical Graffiti", selling more than "Presence" and "The Song Remains the Same" combined. It created such a surge of record buyers flooding record stores that not only did Led Zeppelin set a record by having every one of their albums in their catalogue appear simultaneously on the Billboard Top 200 Albums chart(a feat never equaled), but they were credited with saving the record industry that year. "ITTOD" also gave Led Zeppelin its highest radio presence in years. Of course, the prime FM rock stations were all over the album, playing every track from the album...and often. Even Carouselambra. What was different, however, was the push it got from AM radio, previously not a receptive place for Led Zeppelin, due to the length of their songs and the hard nature of their music. But songs like "Hot Dog" and "Fool In the Rain" found a home on AM radio, and exposed Led Zeppelin to a whole new audience. Lastly, the reviews for ITTOD were some of the best of their career. The LA Times was very ambivalent about the band throughout the 70s, yet Terry Atkinson wrote a rave review for ITTOD in the LA Times. Even Robert Christgau had kind words for the album, giving it a B. This whole idea of "In Through the Out Door" being a flop or not a 'real Led Zeppelin' album is revisionist malarkey.
  24. Yeah, should have put 'spoiler alert' in my post.
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