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Everything posted by Strider

  1. That would be nice...but this ain't the Grammys or the R n R Hall of Fame. There's a certain protocol that must be observed, especially with POTUS involved. Sorry if this bums you out, but perhaps they'll do a secret club gig in the area...maybe get together with Buddy Guy and jam.
  2. I have a particular set of skills... One day I will find you and I will tear your head off.
  3. KB, my point is that the whole rock opera genre was Pete Townsend et al unnecessarily trying to show rock music could be 'art' and thought of in the same way as Serious music(classical, jazz) by dressing it up in the same pretentious cloaks as classical music. What Pete and his buddies failed to understand was that Chuck Berry and the Beatles had already shown that there was art in the three-chord rock song. The whole point of rock n roll was to throw off the musty shackles of pretentious respectability and take music from the rich fuddy-duddies in the opera houses and Carnegie Hall and give it to the kids in the streets. Rock operas are rock musicians trying too hard to please the Old Guard instead of having faith in rock and roll in and of itself. Give me Chuck Berry anyday over a hack like Carl Orff.
  4. ^^^ Now THERE'S a mash-up I would love to hear!!!
  5. Yep...that's how it is. The recipients sit up on high in their 'black tie' and receive tribute from others. I get a sneaking suspicion that Dave Grohl and the Foo Fighters will be involved in Zeppelin's segment....perhaps even Jeff Beck, too.
  6. Well, there's a mental image I won't be able to shake soon...oughtta carry me thru Christmas, at least.
  7. You do remember this is the band that titled an album "Houses of the Holy" yet left the song "Houses of the Holy" for the next album?
  8. Why? Because you're gullible or clueless enough to think that they would only release this in theatres and not release a dvd, so you start unnecessarily freaking out about whether you can afford it, blah blah blah? Sell crazy somewhere else...
  9. I sympathize...just repeat after me: serenity now...serenity now...serenity now...
  10. henrybonzo, your post is blank. Dude, this has already been posted a gazillion times. Relax everybody...let's just wait for the actual announcement. You don't win a prize for being the first to post the info here, so cool it with all the fake product listings and Wikipedia entries. Here's a tip: if it says Jimmy Paige, it's probably fake.
  11. The only good rock opera is a dead rock opera. They tend towards the treacly and hippie-dippy naivete. I still have nightmares about "Godspell". I do have a soft spot, a weakness if you like, for "Jesus Christ Superstar"...especially the original cast album with Ian Gilliam. "Tommy" and "Quadrophenia" I can barely tolerate. I never listen to the whole records anymore; just skip to the songs I like.
  12. That's okay...leaves more room and popcorn for the rest of us.
  13. Who is doing the reading, Victoria? Hope it's someone with a suitable voice that doesn't mangle the French. Too bad you can't have Victor Hugo read it to you. Oh it's definitely better than the musical.
  14. ^^^ The funny thing is that I didn't get around to hearing the Pontiac version until this year.
  15. Well, I'm guessing this will be part of the big announcement tomorrow...a double-whammy, if you will. Hahaha, it's like feast or famine with our boys...2007 brought the TSRTS remasters AND the Concert of the Century! Now five years of drought and it's a flood of Led Zeppelin. Hallelujah!!! Oh, and I'm sure the Kennedy Center Honors peeps will have the Bonham family there...I think Robert and the lads would insist on it.
  16. Sometimes people here really make me wonder... Yep, that's exactly what it's gonna be...the official Led Zeppelin Facebook page is going to go through all this just to announce and hype an UNOFFICIAL dvd ripoff!?!? 124 minutes IS 2 hrs and 4 mins. Then, as Knebby pointed out, there's already the people bitching about something that hasn't even been announced yet.
  17. It's coming... http://m.guardian.co.uk/music/2012/sep/10/led-zeppelin-facebook-countdown?cat=music&type=article
  18. Priceless indeed. I love that part of the show...as well as when he introduced "Kashmir" by noting how there were people from 50 countries at the gig, then said "This is the 51st!" as the band crashed into "Kashmir". That better be on the official DVD.
  19. A great movie all around, no doubt about it...but the music is by the folk singer Tom Glazer. Budd Schulberg("What Makes Sammy Run?", "On the Waterfront") wrote the screenplay. Why would anyone ridicule you for that? It's not like you went to see "Norbit" or "Twilight: Breaking Dawn", hehe. I enjoy myself at plenty of mainstream movies...Dark Knight Rises, ParaNorman, and one I just saw a couple weeks ago, "Lawless". I could have used more Gary Oldman and less Shia Labouf, but Tom Hardy and Guy Pearce are riveting! Guy Pearce seems to have gotten the inspiration for the look of his character from Bob Geldof's Pink in "The Wall" movie. It's unnerving, which is the point of his character. If you don't know, "Lawless" is about these bootlegging brothers in Franklin County, Virginia during the 1920s. It's adapted by Nick Cave from the book "The Wettest County in the World". Nick also handles the music along with Warren Ellis. Along with the bootlegging and gangster/FBI action, there are two romances...Tom Hardy and Jessica Chastain is the only one worth the screen time. The Shia Labouf/Mia Wasikowska one is just silly and embarrassing to watch. Fortunately, it's never too long before Guy Pearce shows up again and kicks the movie back to life. I hope he gets a Best Supporting Actor nod. Anyway, if you like historical action films like "Bonnie & Clyde", "The Sting", "The Untouchables", put "Lawless" on your list...and be AMAZED by how much Tom Hardy can express with just a grunt.
  20. Glad somebody had good news. Angels suffered a heartbreaking loss...dealing a setback to their playoff chances.
  21. ^^^ Who watches the Today show anymore? For Mark and Ace...
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