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Everything posted by Strider

  1. ^^^ Jeff, I realize Best Buy and Target(we don't have Walmart out here, thank god) are shrinking their cd inventory...the Westwood Best Buy just closed for good and they were right across the street from UCLA!!! But three NEW record stores have opened up in my neighborhood in the past year so SOMEBODY must still be buying records and cds. Which means somebody will still be manufacturing them. If this dystopian future of music only available on computer/digital files ever comes to pass, I'll just listen to my old records and cds. As long as there is electricity and batteries I can use my turntable and cd player. I'll probably be dead or too old to care by then, anyway.
  2. ^^^ Yeah Rick, whole lotta bizarre shit going down in today's games. Which makes Vegas happy. And Paul Tagliabue fans. It was Tagliabue's dream that the NFL would be full of 9-7 teams and everyone had a shot at the Super Bowl.
  3. Well, we know Las Vegas LOVES it!
  4. They are also playing the Greek Theatre in Hollywood on Oct. 11...the Greek is a beautiful venue!
  5. It may be somebody's future but it will never be mine. Reading this thread just reaffirms for me why I live where I do...where there are 30 record stores in a 40 mile radius. I will always buy my music in a physical format(vinyl, CD, DVD, cassette) and in a brick-and-mortar location...or at the very least, a swap meet or flea market. I have never bought anything online and I never will. I have never used Napster, iTunes, or any mp3 file sites and I never will. I don't care how old and unhip this makes me in the eyes of today's generation. I have been buying and listening to music my way since 1969 and I am not going to change now. All this sturm und drung over these worries about Amazon and why this or that doesn't show up, will they have blu-ray or not, will the package get lost in the mail or delayed, who has the lowest price. Come the morning of Nov. 19 I will calmly go out and buy the Deluxe edition(probably get 2 of them) and go home and spend the next 100 hours listening and watching non-stop.
  6. Cannot believe the Saints are gonna blow this game! Guess Sean Payton is more valuable than previously thought. WTF DID I JUST SEE!?! Nope, he's down...Chiefs will keep the ball. No Saints TD.
  7. At least all the teams he likes are in the same state...New York.
  8. Any defense that allows a QB named BLAINE to beat them deserves a place in the Hall of Shame. Come ON LIONS! Pull it out in OT! Can't believe KC and NO are in OT, too! Dallas looked mediocre...not sure they're prime-time worthy.
  9. Amen. I had suicidal thoughts when I was 15, too. Fortunately I always had a light at the end of the tunnel, a light in the darkness to pull me through. That light was Led Zeppelin. Those 1977 concerts literally saved my life. When I got older I realized how pointless and stupid it would have been to kill myself...and how much of life I would have missed out on.
  10. Hey DAS! Your Chiefs are showing signs of life!
  11. Oh shit Rick...here comes Cleveland.
  12. ^^^ That Sussex Express article is wrong...that was not the only stage appearance together of Jimmy Page and Ron Wood. They also appeared together when Ron Wood joined Led Zeppelin on their encore at the Nassau show of Feb. 13, 1975. There's probably another appearance or two together they've made I don't know about. Kenog, I won't even look at an article that comes from The Sun, a worthless piece of trash!
  13. Damn that's brutal news, sickagain. That poor girl...and her poor family and friends that are left trying to make sense of it all. I'm guessing you're pretty young yourself, which only makes it tougher to process a tragedy like this. There seem to be many more suicides among young people today than other generations. Whether it is bullying or depression or abuse, I read about more and more cases of teen suicide. Hell, there have been a few mentions of suicide on this forum in the past year. I wonder if your friend left a note...some clue as to why.
  14. Really? You think Liverpool vs Man U is going to be close? I was thinking the over/under on goals scored would be 5, haha. Since the game starts at 5:30am my time, I am wondering if it's even worth staying up(or getting up early) for. Let us say I don't have high hopes.
  15. Lots of tough games to pick but not any that I particularly want to watch. Lions-Titans? Bills-Browns? Rams-Bears? Jets-Dolphins? YAWN... Looks like I can sleep in tomorrow morning until the Steelers-Raiders game starts at 1pm. Best game of the day is the night game: Baltimore vs. New England, with Houston-Denver second.
  16. The more Goddesses the merrier! Welcome!
  17. I finally was able to watch the press conference. Thanks Sam for posting the YouTube clip, as the other links that people posted would not work for me. It's late and I'm too tired to go back and find all the previous posts I wanted to respond to directly, so I'll try to wrap up my general impressions on the fly. 1. All the talk about 'something' between Robert Plant and John Paul Jones turned out to be poppycock; people reading way too much into nothing. I saw winks and smiles and laughter between all three of them. JPJ got off some of the best lines of the conference. I really loved how he admitted he had zoned out while Plant was answering a question. 2. That Ronan McGreevy guy should be sacked from the Irish Times. That was silly. Sorry Zemun and Taro, his question about Rory had no place and was cheap pandering to his readers. The poll he was asking Jimmy about was from 1972!!! WTF? Plus, Rory Gallagher is dead; did he really think Jimmy was going to say Rory sucked? It was a wasted question, like Knebby said, and should have gone to a better journalist. 3. I thought I heard Page asking Plant "is that Phil Spector?" early on...it's very faint as he's asking off-mic, but listen carefully and you can hear it. 4. Thought the inevitable "Stairway to Heaven" question was handled with panache and good humour. As were the questions about another reunion. Well done, lads. 5. I noticed that some of the early reports from the press conference mis-quoted Plant out-of-context regarding the question about overdubs. Plant's remark about "cheek" was directed AT the questioner, meaning he had a lot of nerve asking that question. That's sloppy reporting. 6. Taro, your post...oh never mind. For a band notoriously press-shy and reticent about press conferences in their heyday, I thought they acquitted themselves admirably given the circumstances. Plant did look a little jet-lagged; his hair looked different than usual. Page and Jones looked great and they all sounded fantastic. I think I heard Jones and Page speak more in that one conference than I heard them in the entire decade of the '70s.
  18. Because man cannot live on lemons, custard pie and mudsharks alone.
  19. ^^^ Well, I don't want to derail the thread so I'll be brief: we co-hosted a book signing event with the American Cinematheque Wednesday night for Kirk's new book "I Am Spartacus", followed by a Q & A and screening of "Lonely Are the Brave". I'll post more about it in the suitable movie thread.
  20. Gotcha. Thanks for sorting that out. It is puzzling that on a tour in which they smashed the Beatles record and definitively proved they were the Top Dog in Rock n Roll, that there was no press conference.
  21. Chad, I've never felt the need to get Blu-ray. Since I watch mostly old, classic movies or concerts on my dvd, I get along fine with just regular DVD. Some things aren't meant for blu-ray, anyway, and old movies are one of them...it can be distracting. I'm happy getting the regular Deluxe package.
  22. Sam, wasn't there a group press conference during the 1973 U.S. tour? Perhaps at the Drake hotel, where that famous promo photo was taken with all of them piled on that chair?
  23. No pre-order for me. I'll pick mine up at the record store so I can be assured of getting a pristine copy.
  24. I don't get any 'bad vibe' at all. I don't know what you people are talking about. As for Jason, he does have a tour to get ready for, so maybe he's busy rehearsing? After looking at Sam and Cookie's photos, I do have one question: When did Jimmy get taller than Robert? Robert has always been the tallest of the band. Now it looks like he's shrunk. Must be the angle.
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