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Everything posted by Strider

  1. There's several decisions Jones made on the 1973 tour that I found strange...the odd hairstyle, the goofy mustache, the onion jacket. The 5-string bass was just another one...although, it seems he gave it up by the time the tour reached New York, for I don't recall seeing it in any MSG footage. My view of Jones on stage and my memory wasn't clear enough for me to say for certain which songs he used the 5-string bass for...although it was used on more than one song, I'm sure. I want to say "Black Dog" and "The Song Remains the Same" at least. In fact, it's possible he used it for the entire three-song opening blast of R n R, CD and BD. Sonically, it didn't seem to make a difference from the usual 4-string Fender Jazz. Not nearly the difference in sound that his 1977 Alembics had from the 4-string.
  2. It's your birthday! Happy Happy! Joy Joy! Happy birthday Barb! :)

  3. Yeah, not a good night to root for the Mets. It was my friend's first trip to Yankee Stadium, though...albeit the "new" Yankee Stadiium. He missed out on the original. I couldn't quite tell your meaning, though, ebk...are you anti-Met, anti-Yankee, anti-Yankee Stadium, or anti-all things New York? Meanwhile, that scourge is back; the plague of inter-league play. What, I'm supposed to give a rat's ass about the Colorado Rockies? Give me a break. Didn't we just have interleague play a couple weeks ago? Enough already! Give me the Royals! Give me the A's! Give me the Rangers! Give me the Twins! Give me the Tigers! Give me our tradional rivals with balanced home-and-away series. Stop mucking up the rhythms and rituals of the season Bud!
  4. You and BD need to hook up...although your wives might explode at the thought, hehe.
  5. Well, I'm somewhat confused. Do you mean... A: Dazed and Confused vs. Jimmy's Guitar/Noise solo spot during the 1977 tour? Or... B: Dazed and Confused circa 1968-69 vs. Dazed and Confused circa 1970-75, when it grew past 20 minutes? If you mean A, then it's a no-brainer...Dazed and Confused obviously. Anyone who prefers the '77 guitar/noise solo to Dazed and Confused is a few horsehairs short of a bow. If you mean B, then I vote for the early Dazed and Confused over the longer ones. As great as the later ones could be, especially around 1971-72, there is something about Jimmy's sound with the Dragon Telecaster and the Hi-Watt amps(or the Rickenbackers) that makes the early D & Cs sound particularly tough and evil. The fuzz on the riff just killed and the tone on the solo was just like the tone on the studio version. Best of all, Plant would at least try to sing all the lyrics unlike the later years when he resorted to hoary blues cliches.
  6. Maria! Maria Maria Maria! As the song goes in "West Side Story"... Just watched Maria Sharapova dance across the clay at Roland-Garros and win her first French Open title, completing her career grand slam. Way to go Maria!
  7. Congrats! Just watched Maria Sharapova win the French Open tennis title. Very happy for her as she has now won each of the 4 major tennis tournaments: Australian, French, Wimbledon and the US Open.
  8. The Dodgers the best team in baseball? Not without Matt Kemp. Kemp's absence has left the Dodgers exposed as Ethier and the 7 dwarves. "Best teams in baseball" don't get swept at home by Milwaukee or crushed by Colorado. In fact, I have a friendly wager with a Dodger fan that the Angels finish with a better record than the Dodgers. My friend is in New York for the Book show and was at the Yankee-Mets game last night...he was rooting for the Mets unfortunately.
  9. I'd ask Thurman Thomas too, but he's busy looking for his helmet.
  10. I guess it's official...god hates horse racing.
  11. Which I find ironic, as it was the way Led Zeppelin challenged me and took me out of my comfort zone that made me a fan to begin with. They sounded so brazen and jarring next to the likes of The Band and Creedence Clearwater Revival and even the Stones and the Who in 1969. Which is why Led Zeppelin still kicks ass...to bring the thread back on topic.
  12. I'm 6'7"...no way in hell I am ever driving a Fiat.
  13. With all due respect, you really should pull your head out of the sand. MTV? Nobody watches MTV anymore...at least not for music. If you're still watching MTV for new music, no wonder you feel the way you do. So get away from the idiot box and read a little more and open your ears to satellite radio and music blogs. Rock ain't dead, I tell ya!
  14. Boston BLEW it!!! I don't think they will win game 7 in Miami now. Last night was Boston's chance and they blew it.
  15. You're welcome Julia. Wow, a lot of you are suffering through rain. I'm sorry to hear that. June should be sunny and warm.
  16. Probably would have preferred the Celtics to win, though, am I right?
  17. Really? I'm having a tough time reading the tea leaves for tonight's game. SURE, Boston should be looking good at home tonight...but you've got to think Miami's pride is going to kick in at some point. Also, I think Bosh will play a lot more minutes tonight than he did in game 5. I expect the Boston faithful to be in a frenzy tonight...possibly at 80s games vs. Lakers-level...which could affect Miami's strangely fragile psyche. Whatever, this game and this series is a referendum on Coach Spoelstra's future. It's weird...I almost kind of feel sorry for them, but they put themselves in this position to begin with.
  18. Perfect. Absolutely 80° F. perfect. To illustrate, here's some photos I just snapped strolling along Sunset Blvd. near the Chateau Marmont, where Led Zeppelin stayed in 1969. The house on the top of the hill in the last two photos is the "Iron Man" house.
  19. Glückliche Geburtstag BUC 'EYE' DOC! Happy birthday to you! May you have a rocking CELEBRATION DAY my fellow Zeppelin fiend!

  20. Happy Birthday kiddo! I'm old enough to be your dad, so I can still call you that, hehe.

  21. Happy Birthday kiddo! I'm old enough to be your dad, so I can still call you that, hehe.

  22. You ain't kidding...next year's Grammys are going to have to add an extra hour for the Memorial segment.
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