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joe (Liverpool)

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Everything posted by joe (Liverpool)

  1. I was born a Roman Catholic, but I don't believe or care about religion, it just causes friction between communities
  2. I'm sure you will be a great Dad, my two daughters avoid me like the plague, my fault I used to have a drinking problem (thankfully I am over it now). I never mistreated them and I never let my drinking interfere with the daily running of the house. I.E. I never spent the housekepping money or anything like that, but my 18 year old hates me with a passion. Still I suppose it's to be expected, anyway she is very clever so I haven't affected her in that way, and I have never hit any female in my life. I was quite a happy drinker, go to work, come home drink in the house listen to music go to bed etc.etc.
  3. Fire - The Crazy World Of Arthur Brown
  4. Hats off to Roy Harper, a tribute to a great musician and songwriter (When an old cricketer leaves the pitch etc), but a wird track.
  5. I bought the 7" single Paranoid in the 70's but my brother nicked it, never bought another one of their records
  6. it's almost 5.00 am and I am listening to CD1 of How the West Was Won, haven't heard it for a while.
  7. How can you mend a broken heart - The Bee Gees
  8. I got on really well with both my parents even when I grew my hair down to my waist, sadly they both passed away in 2009, within a few months of each other, they had been married for almost 64 years and were togethet for70 years, they lived next door to each other and the only time they were seperated was during WW2
  9. Roxy Music in the early 70s, you put money in a bucket and watched......They were absolutely awful. I never did buy any of their records
  10. He's been dead for almost 50 years I do't think any new information will be forthcoming.
  11. Dedanoe whatever the fuck you are on, can you put the formula on this website.....That is when the men in white coats let you out!!!!!!
  12. Punks allegedly hated anybody who played real music saying that they had sold out to the establishment, and whom was the most forthright in those views.....a certain John Lydon....What a HYPOCRITICAL BASTARD he turned out to be, then he formed PIL and they were even worse than the sex pistols, but at least the bass player could play. Still at least Lydon can return to advertising butter on the television... like wow, how anti-establishment is that?
  13. they called themselves "the poor mans moody blues", Christ if they are the reason shit........sorry punk came along I will stop listening to them myself!!!!!
  14. What do we really know about each other? Do you picture in your mind what the people who write on this forum are really like? I think it would be nice to know a little bit about each other ( nothing too personal of course) just general information, to help us try to find out what each other is about and maybe a little insight into each other.
  15. I love The Beatles and I love Led Zeppelin, I was lucky because one was just starting when the other one was just about on it's last legs. Overall I cannot compare them both as they were geniuses in their own way. I have over 65 albums on vinyl (this includes their solo albums) I have about 10 on CD this includes 4 American CDs from the early years. I also have a vinyl bootleg Beatles live in Australia 1964, Unfortunately it is not very long and the screams can be heard on the same level as the music. I think that they just got tired of each other and Yoko didn't help.
  16. I was just wondering if Barclay James Harvest were well known in the USA, as I seem to be the only one that ver mentions them. I have over 20 of their albums and I have seen them live at least 10 times, just curious to see if I'm the only one or if there are more fans out there.
  17. I can honestly say that I have only heard about her from the newspapers I've never heard any of her songs, but from what I have heard she is barking mad like Britney Spears
  18. Kevin "Bloody", Wilson I was given a couple of tapes by some Australians when we worked in a pub in Newquay, Cornwall in the 1980sl.....Born again Pisstank is absolutely hilarious.
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