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Everything posted by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87

  1. Jahfin, I've heard that tune before in so many cartoons (especially Looney Tunes)! So cute! I guess those poor turkeys do deserve to be played to after all the horror they are put through during thanksgiving!
  2. :hysterical: Greenman, that really made me laugh! Thank you! I really loved that rather dumb looking hillbilly sort of character (the bloke with the blue overalls) standing behind the guitarist! Too funny!!!
  3. Magic, I'm so glad that made you smile! :D I know I should have posted that about a month earlier but I found it to be so cute and I just somehow, couldn't resist it! :D

  4. Well, it's been a long time since I last rocked out to Radio Moscow! LOL! Brilliant Stuff!
  5. Well, last night, before hitting the sack, I watched an episode of : Nothing like classic Britishh comedy to keep you in splits!
  6. Hi Magic! Listen, I know your birthday was ages ago but I do hope that you can accept this little gift from me http://i559.photobucket.com/albums/ss38/mix111com/HappyBirthday57.gif

    Sorry but I just can't help myself sometimes! Hope this brightens up your day! :D

  7. Hey! :D Since, it's already the 27th of October here in NZ, here's wishing you a very happy birthday! Hope you have a rockin' time!! :D And BTW, I miss your posts around here! :( I truly hope you can come back soon! Cheers! :D

  8. I really love this song by "Cream" but at the same time, the lyrics are so funny! SWLABR stands for She Was Like A Bearded Rainbow! LOL!
  9. Hi! Thank you so much for the friend request! :D And I really really really love your profile background! It is so psychedelic! Wow! Just wow! :D

  10. You're very welcome Virginia! Cheers! :D

  11. Well, since my mom is watching "The Wizard of OZ" right now, she and I are practically giggling over this song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cn-F24i0uDQ And then there is the teddy bear song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhRdT6mWE9I My mom used to sing this to me when I was a baby and use the rather scruffy looking teddy bear we had as a sort of puppet!
  12. LOL! My mom ALWAYS sings along to "Lonely Goatherd" and I sing along with her too and my poor dad pretty much tries to cover his ears with his best ear plugs!
  13. :hysterical: One of the most hilarious album covers I have come across!!!
  14. Magic, that is a splendid idea indeed! If your awesome idea is approved of, the UK will most certainly end up having the best national anthem in the world! That's for sure! And I do hope that NZ will follow suit! Wow! I am certainly letting my imagination get the best of me!
  15. Hi Virginia! Since, it's already October 21st already here in New Zealand, I just thought I'll wish you a very happy birthday!! :D Hope you have a great one!! Cheers! :D BTW, thank you so much for posting the song "Lonely Goatheard" on my thread! I love that song! It always makes me laugh!! :D

  16. Well, today was a pretty fucked up day in my book because : 1. The strong winds almost ripped my umbrella to shreds and almost made me lose my balance and fall over while walking to uni 2. The watch which I have been using since I was 12 years old (which by the way was a birthday present from my dad) broke today! The strap is ruined and I don't think I can ever wear it again and I feel that I have lost something special of great sentimental value!!! 3. While walking down the street from my apartment, on my way to classes today, some bastard (a lay-about no doubt) begins whistling at me and calls me "sweet cheeks!". What a prick! And to top it all, he asks me for money and if I fancied a night out! I had an umbrella with me and I was so fuckin' tempted to use it and poke him in the place where it will hurt the most!! I do not appreciate strange men calling me names like "babe", "baby" or "honey"! Let alone "sweet cheeks!" And to all those people (reading this) who think that this little incident is funny, well all I can say is that women have rights too you know?! Whew! This space for ranting has made me feel a lot better!
  17. That was just insanely funny Jahfin! I loved all the "Ha-Ha"s, the "He-He"s and the "Ho-Ho"s. It had this crazy marching-band sort of twist to it! And I do love the weird hat that guy is wearing! I really think that it was a paper version of the weird looking hat "Napoleon Bonaparte" used to wear!
  18. Virginia, that song from "The Sound of Music" always makes me laugh too! I actually thought of posting it today but you beat me to it! Thank you! I really love the cute puppet show they put up! This song was a childhood fav of mine!! I love all the yodelling too! That song, "Climb Every Mountain", "Edelweiss" and "So Long Farewell" are some of my favourite songs from "The Sound of Music"
  19. Magic, I love Rupert Bear!!! In fact, my grandad (from my mom's side) bought the movie "Rupert and The Frog Song" in the form of a VHS cassette for me when I was just 4 years old! That cassette contained "Rupert and The Frog Song" and also a movie about "Paddington Bear". Iconic stuff! It was in fact my very first movie! I used to keep singing the line : "Side by side, hand in hand, we all stand together!" That song brings back so many amazing childhood memories! I still love it so much! Thank you so much for posting this Magic! It really means a lot to me! And did Paul McCartney create that song? Gosh! I never knew! Now I love him even more!!
  20. Ooh! Interesting stuff for sure! I do agree with Jim Marshall when he states that the pic shows Johnny's individuality! And looks like the man had a great sense of humour! And that is one iconic photo indeed! Love it!
  21. Well, putting an LOL there is pretty much my way of expressing situations when stuff really makes me smile or cheers me up or when I really like something! And I am absolutely serious when I said that I like your avi. When I say that I like something, I mean it! Anyway, no, I actually have no idea who that guy in your avi is! Cheers!
  22. Jahfin, thanks for the tip! You're right! I have definitely heard this guy! Being a fan of CSNY, I can't believe this guy worked with them! Not to mention Rod Stewart, Dolly Parton and Bob Dylan! Wow! But I truly hope that he is not too underrated! His work is definitely worth checking out! Ooh, btw, I have to say this. I really really really love your avatar! It's just so daring and bold! It in my opinion, is pretty much the best looking one on the forum! I've seen so many avatars not only on this forum but on other forums too and yours is the one which stands out for me to be honest! It truly makes one hell of a statement! So cool! I have to ask, who in the world is that bloke with the guitar giving the audience "the finger"? LOL!
  23. Hi Danielle! Thanks for the friend request! :D

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