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Everything posted by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87

  1. And now, for some hip/hop and rap related nonsense!
  2. Jahfin, I really really loved that one! That man can pick a guitar! Wow! Just wow! Loved the really cool "wild west", "ride'em cowboy" sort of twist to that one!! Thanks for posting this Jahfin!!!
  3. Asteroid's debut CD! "Stoner Rock" with a "Doom Metal" twist to it!!
  4. LOL! You sound just like my dad. He's 56 years old and he pretty much doesn't fancy anything post-1990 either! For instance, when the last "Rolling Stones" album came out in 2005 ("A Bigger Bang"), I bought it out of curiousity and to be honest, I loved it. Given the fact that my dad loves "The Stones", I thought he'll really enjoy the album. Well, I couldn't have been more wrong! He kept giving me all kinds of lame excuses saying that he is way too busy to actually listen to it and I pretty much gave up in the end! He also told me that he wanted to remember "The Stones" for who they were! My face on hearing his reply looked like this : Hell, I don't think he will even think of checking out that new album by David Gilmour! Even if Led Zeppelin was to produce new material right now, my dad will just say no! He'll probably say "Zep died, when Bonzo died". I also tried to get him to check out "Radio Moscow" who sound so much like Clapton and Hendrix (my dad's favourite guitarists of all time apart from Jimmy Page of course) and his reply was "Don't get me wrong, I don't want to listen to a kiddie band!". I guess he said that because Radio Moscow consists of members who are 20-somethings! I, on the other hand, thanks to this forum, last.fm, firmly believe that there are so many amazing bands out there these days. You just have to open your heart, mind and soul and of course do a bit of running around and literally pounce on the new stuff and try your very best to stay away from the radio which is a pretty fucked up indicator of what's actually good these days! When I find amazing new stuff (especially bands in the underground scene which very few people have heard of), I feel this sense of joy and accomplishment knowing full well that I have discovered obscure and underrated gems!
  5. Two really cool "Stoner Rock" albums by the Swedish band "Asteroid"
  6. Hey! :) Wishing you a very happy birthday!!! Hope you have a great one! Cheers! :)

  7. More from "Asteroid" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qfeqgSgK2ok
  8. I highly recommend the music of the Swedish band "Asteroid". They are this really cool Stoner Rock band with 2 albums under their belt. They sound like a combination of the bands "Graveyard" and "Black Sabbath". I took the plunge and purchased both of their albums "S/T" and "II". Awesome stuff! I can't stop listening to their debut "S/T" and their second album "II" is just as good! There is a spelling error in the second vid. The song is called "The Great Unknown" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHmqOS2Jm58 If you like bands like "Graveyard", "Witch" and "Black Sabbath" or if you are a fan of "Doom Metal" or "Fuzz Rock" or whatever, you'll like "Asteroid"!
  9. Hey! :) Just dropping by to say hi! A very happy birthday to you! Have a rockin' time! :D Oh and by the way, I really want to thank you for introducing me to the brilliant band "Graveyard"! Really awesome stuff that's for sure! Cheers! :D

  10. "She's A Rainbow" is one awesome psychedelic tune indeed! It's one of my favs too! Back to the topic : She's So Fine - The Jimi Hendrix Experience
  11. I hope so too Magic! I think it is the only right and decent thing to do at this point by the mine owner! So, you've been cleaning too? Cool! I was (I must confess) absolutely dreading it but I just got down to it and I felt this sort of sense of accomplishment when I finished! LOL! And my semi-new vacuum cleaner (it's about a month old) almost sucked away one of my freshly washed pairs of socks which I was about to put away after the cleaning expedition! Vacuum cleaners are pretty powerful objects! LOL!
  12. BUMP! I just have to post this little garage rock tune which had me groovin' last weekend! The lyrics are so funny but I really love this song! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZllvmvpJB0&feature=related
  13. Two things made me happy today : 1. When I heard the news that all 33 miners from Chile are safe and sound! 2. When I got "down and dirty" from a very literal sense when I chose to clean my apartment from top to bottom just to help my mom out and I must say that I am pretty proud of the results!
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOhEmz3q5cw
  15. So, Blind Faith on vinyl? Wow! Sweet! And sorry that you have the ummm..."censored" version of the album cover! Sheesh!
  16. She's A Rainbow - The Rolling Stones
  17. I'm going to be watching "Little Britain" in 8 minutes time on UK TV! Love it!
  18. I am so proud of myself for purchasing this in CD format (the bonus track version!)! BLIND FAITH!!!!!! This album is a must have for any music collection! Fantastic that's for sure! True, the album cover is a bit explicit but it's all about the music and not the album cover! My mom really freaked out when I brought this album home today! LOL! Truly one of the best blues rock album I've listened to in a while! Beautiful! A bit about the album (courtesy of itunes) : Blind Faith's first and last album, more than 30 years old and counting, remains one of the jewels of the Eric Clapton, Steve Winwood, and Ginger Baker catalogs, despite the crash-and-burn history of the band itself, which scarcely lasted six months. As much a follow-up to Traffic's self-titled second album as it is to Cream's final output, it merges the soulful blues of the former with the heavy riffing and outsized song lengths of the latter for a very compelling sound unique to this band.
  19. Well, both these songs have been playing in my head throughout the day for the past 4 days! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkZvub7YgzA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFhoEA6w5MQ
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