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Everything posted by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87

  1. Hi Rachel! :D Thanks for noticing the rather trippy change I made on my profile! :D I just stumbled on that groovy background and I just had to upload it! :D I am really enjoying Danny's comments and your addition to the "Beautiful Women" thread! Those latex gloves look smashing! ;)

  2. Rachel, whenever you get time, please do check out my latest addition to the "beautiful women" thread! Those women whose photo I posted are pretty tough cookies! LOL! :D

  3. Speaking of the Sky Tower in Auckland, I took this photo of it on New Year's Day during the Fireworks Show slightly after 12 AM Yeah, I know it was 4 weeks ago, so what? Sorry if it's a bit blurred! My digi cam was out of action then! Sheesh!
  4. ^Wow! Brspled, that photo really made my day!!! So cool!!!
  5. Well, I know that sunset is something mundane and it's something which we all witness every single day of our lives, but I just couldn't help but take this photo of the sky during sunset! I live on the 15th floor, so, this is the view I got from my balcony. I found the colour combinations to be rather cute and pretty, to be honest
  6. A retired woman calls 911 on her cellphone to report that her car has been broken into. She is hysterical as she explains her situation to the dispatcher: "They've stolen the stereo, the steering wheel, the brake pedal and even the accelerator!" she cries. The dispatcher replies reassuringly, "Don't worry, ma'am. An officer is on his way." A few minutes later, the dispatched officer calls in. "Disregard." He says. "She got into the back seat by mistake." _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Two elderly ladies, Ethel and Martha, had been the best of friends for over 50 years. Over the decades they had spent together, they had worked together, lived next door to each other, and even vacationed together with their husbands. In their golden years, they would meet every afternoon to play cards. One day, as they were wrapping up a game of pinochle, Ethel looks at Martha sheepishly and says , "Now please don't get angry with me. I know we've been friends for a long time, but I just can't seem to remember your name! I've been wracking my brain for the past hour but it still escapes me. Please remind a forgetful old lady!" Martha glares angrily at her. For five minutes, she doesn't speak, only giving her friend stares of disappointment. Finally, Martha asks, "How soon do you need to know?" ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Three sisters, aged 81, 83 and 85, live together. One night the 85 year old draws a bath for herself. As she sticks her foot in, she pauses. She yells to her sisters downstairs, "Was I getting in or out of the bath?" The 83 year old shouts back loudly, "I don't know. Let me come up there and see." She begins walking up the stairs, but then pauses . She yells to her sisters "Was I going up the stairs or down?" The 81 year old is sitting in the living room, enjoying some tea. She listens to her sisters, shakes her head and mutters to herself, "I sure hope I never get that forgetful. Knock on wood." She then turns and shouts, "I'll come up there and help both of you as soon as I see who's knocking at the door." ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  7. Hmmm...I don't think anyone in their right minds would wanna mess with these tough mamas now, would they? Warning : They are heavily armed! Damn! These are my kind of women, for sure!
  8. Damn! Magic, now look what you've made me do! Thanks to you, I am now rather obsessed with dirty old women! Stay tuned for some weird old women type jokes! I'm on a role today, that's for sure!
  9. ^LOL! Well Leddy, it is 1:17 PM here in Auckland! I always find the time difference to be rather intriguing! On topic : Magic, who knew that Jimmy is just half an inch taller than me, eh?
  10. I do love my share of dirty jokes once in a while!
  11. Good morning, Magic! Your thread is certainly a nice way to start the day, for me! Thank you so much for doing this!
  12. I was listening to "The Boxer" just this morning and I was thinking of you, mate! Cheers!
  13. Thank you Rachel! :D And I absolutely loved the photos of Jimmy you sent me! :D And yep! As always, I look forward to your emails! :D

  14. Like Magic, I was wondering the same thing too, Danny! If that lady is indeed Misses BIGDAN, then all I have to say is that, it is very very nice to meet her and I think she is really lovely! Fine addition to the beautiful women thread there Danny!
  15. Hi Rachel! I'm doing great! Sent you an email! :D

  16. BUMP Well, if my memory serves me correctly.... The first cassette I ever bought : "Slippery When Wet" - Bon Jovi. I was 14 years old. The first CD I ever bought : "Queen II" - Queen I was 16 years old. As for LPs and Vinyls, well, I do not collect them, sorry!
  17. OMG! Magic, Emily Pankhurst is another hero of mine! If it weren't for women like Amelia Earheart and Emily Pankhurst, women would have only been able to dream of equal rights and opportunities! These women actually had something concrete to give to the world!
  18. Well, the Swedish "Doom Metal" outfit "Burning Saviours" is going to be releasing a new single in February, this year. Hopefully, it will be available as an itunes download! That is something to look forward to, in my book! Also, I'm kinda hoping that "Burning Saviours" might even release a brand new album this year...
  19. LOL! Yep! They certainly do! But, it is up to people like us to make a couple of refreshing changes atleast once in a while!
  20. Hey Magic, thanks for turning the beautiful women thread around! Such aa refreshing change from the usual nonsense! :D Would you be so kind as to check out my latest addition? The woman, whose photo I posted there, is a hero in my book! :D

  21. Anyone recognise this icon? She achieved something which women during her time could only dream of doing and I regard her as gutsy, with quite a bit of spunk and character!
  22. Absolutely love these additions! Well done Magic!! Honestly, why the fuck can't the ENTIRE thread be like this? I am getting pretty tired of all the half naked, leggy, tighted skirted tramps who seem to haunt the fuckin place!!!
  23. I have mixed feelings about this whole sexism incident. First of all, on what grounds was Andy Gray given the sack? He did make private comments, didn't he? And my question is : "what on earth did he say which was so awful?". I do not think I can judge the man because I have absolutely no idea what was said which proved to be so "out of line". So, if someone could enlighten me on the comments this man made, then perhaps I'll begin the whole process of putting on my thinking cap and actually get down to analysing as to whether he in fact can be classified as a "sexist pig". Secondly, if Andy Gray had dissed a male referee in a similar fashion, would he have been given the sack? I'm bringing this point up, because there are expressions like "learning to take it like a man". People can argue that if women demand equality in every sphere of life, including a so-called "man's game" like football, they shouldn't be so sensitive about things and should indeed learn to toughen up! Eventhough, I am a woman myself, I heartily agree with this argument. This incident of a commentator not being able to keep his trap shut (be it in the context of public consumption right from the commentary box or in private), reminds me of the nasty comment Geoffrey Boycott once made, right there on live television about Pakistani batsman Inzamam Ul Haq while Pakistan was playing an ODI. He described Inzaman as "an elephant running down the pitch". I thought that was pretty nasty on Boycott's part. But did Boycott get the sack?! I think not! Some of you might ask me this : "What about the whole Dean Jones incident?" Well, he did mention the extremely sensitive word "terrorist" and he was referring to a South African cricketer belonging to the Islamic community. To me, calling someone "an elephant" and calling someone "a terrorist" are both equally offensive. Afterall, in both cases, you are harshly criticising a person's attributes, which to me is unfair and un-called for. I wonder why Boycott and Dean Jones didn't receive the same treatment! Perhaps people classified Boycott's comments as a "funny joke about fat people" while Dean Jones was condemned for "discrimination and stereotyping"? All in all, I don't wish to term Andy Gray as "sexist" until I actually get wind of what actually was said about that female refree! In the midst of this whole "sexism" incident, I tend to admire women like Amy Fearn!
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