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Everything posted by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87

  1. Zdr, I truly love your new avatar! I noticed it just now while I was posting some funny stuff on my thread! And I have to ask, that is Robert isn't it? Wow! Gorgeous! :D

  2. Well, I told myself that I would never post in this thread again because it has turned from a really interesting thread about Sabbath to this big debacle about Zep, Sabbath and who is better, blah blah blah! But I couldn't resist it! This whole "debate" is pretty petty in my book! I guess some of the blokes around here are going to clobber me after this but I don't care! I do have to admit that I've been pretty petty myself (in the past) about pretty trivial matters like this band rocks, this band sucks and even silly matters like "I'll kick so and so's fuckin' back-side if they don't shut the fuck up and continue criticising my favourite band on the planet!". But now, I see that matters like these are just plain silly! I guess I am finally "growing-up". And if I'm being honest, in the midst of all this mess, your post is pretty much the only one which makes sense to me! A very very very sensible take on things if I do say so myself! Right! That was my 2 cents!
  3. Wow! Just 75 cents for a really awesome album like this? Wow! My dad originally had the same version I bought last weekend but the only difference is that it was in cassette form...I think there were either 3 or 4 of them in that pack...not quite sure though! It was so many years ago (1980 to be precise, way before I was born). Sadly, one of them broke, the other got tangled in the cassette player one day and that was it! And my dad decided to throw away the other cassettes saying that the set won't be complete without the two which were ruined! My dad thought that he would never be able to find this version...he was a bit put-off by the more recent re-releases (I don't quite know why though!). He was really thrilled when I found the version he was looking for, for over 15 years!
  4. *checks into thread *But chooses to flee for fear of being caught in the middle of what is very likely going to be the start of WW III
  5. Well, Led Zep ALWAYS cheers me up too! :) The weather was pretty rough here in Auckland too a couple of days ago with extremely strong winds and rain on and off! But now there's sunshine throughout the day! And Magic, c'mon! It's your birthday! Your special day! You deserve a break from cooking! And glad to hear you've got some awesome presents! :D

  6. Hi Magic! :D Wishing you a Very Happy Birthday!!! :D Hope you have an awesome day! And I do hope that book on Jimmy Page arrives soon!! :D

  7. It didn't sound rough to me at all! I liked it! It was all about "Bringing On The Good Times" and you guys were doing exactly that! It certainly looked like so much fun! And dude, you've got some awesome guitar moves there! Seriously! Have you ever tried to play your guitar behind your back? (like Hendrix often did) Cos that will be so cool! And Saturdays are meant for fun (especially after a pretty hectic week!)
  8. Hi Swede! Really really cool seeing you and your band in action there mate! Thanks for posting that vid! And may I add, what an awesome way to spend a Saturday night! A big thumbs up!
  9. Managed to get my hands on this little treasure for just $8 while running errands for my mom last weekend! $8 for 2 discs! Just unbelieveable! Thank God for "stock clearance" sales!!!
  10. An old childhood favourite by "The Rolling Stones" Pretty underrated in my book! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2cl8AnzQVI
  11. Hi Cheesehead! I am a brand new Sabbath fan myself and the guys were absolutely right when they recommended that I should get into Sabbath's first three albums : "Black Sabbath", "Paranoid" and "Master of Reality" and then take it from there. After previewing each song of these three albums on NZ itunes, I was blown away! Good stuff, that's for sure!
  12. A kick ass Instrumental track guaranteed to rock your fuckin' socks off and leave you sorta dazed!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBLHlCaD01Y&p=81E96A44E8542AF3&playnext=1&index=1
  13. More tunes by Radio Moscow which are just fuckin' brilliant!!!!!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gBF3255Me4U And this last one made me just fuckin' fall over!!! Oh man! Check this out : (starts out kinda slow and reminds me of the Wild West...very blues rock sound and then lo and behold! It just starts to explode!!!!! )
  14. I just couldn't stand it any longer so I just HAD to purchase these beauties! I love Radio Moscow!
  15. :hysterical: :hysterical: Danny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much! I almost died laughing! I was feeling a bit down today but you made me laugh! Thank you Thank you! Thank you!!!!!
  16. You're very welcome! :D Cheers! :D

  17. Hi Danny! :D Your post in reply to mine in the "What Do You Guys Believe Exists?" made me laugh so hard that my sides started to hurt! LOL! You're a class act mate! I mean it! Your sense of humour is just priceless! Your post really brightened my day! Thank you so very much! And yes! I've watched "Lord Of The Rings" and I am not much o...

  18. LOL! You ain't the only one mate! Cheers!
  19. Well I don't believe in : Big Foot Aliens Lochness Monsters Ghosts (its just "unsettled" energy) Monsters in one's closet or under the bed Ghouls Goblins Weird Elf Men Pixies Fairies And I don't believe in the existence of ummmm...*cough *cough *cough Deities (there! I said it!) and Satan
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