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Everything posted by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87

  1. Hmmm...in this case, the word anorexic comes to mind!
  2. Wow! This is such sad news! I do hope she recovers!
  3. Hi Michelle! :D I hope you are feeling better now! Do get well soon! Thank you so much for the lovely birthday wishes! :D That really really really made my day! :D Thank you! :D And thanks for the compliment on my real name! :D *blushes deeply

  4. Hi Virginia! :D Thank you so much for the birthday wishes! :D I had a nice day! Hope you are having a nice day too! :D

  5. Hi Deb! :D Hope you're having a nice day so far! :D Thank you so much for the birthday wishes! :D Much appreciated! :D

  6. Hi! :D Thank you so much for the birthday wishes and also thank you so much for the friendship request! That made my day! Much appreciated! Cheers! :D

  7. Well, this is me! I took this pic today It's a bit blurred, sorry about that. I am messing about with my webcam!
  8. Hi sweetie! :D Thank you so much for the birthday wishes! :D *BIG VIRTUAL HUG

  9. Hi Emily! Many thanks for the birthday wishes! :D Cheers! :D

  10. Thanks for the birthday wishes Emma! :D Cheers! :D

  11. Magic, thank you so much!!!!! Woohoo! That was the most rockin' birthday song I've ever heard in my life!!!! That totally made my day!
  12. I consider the following lady's sense of style to be immaculate! Just look at it! It is so simple yet so elegant and sophisticated! God damn it! I wonder who her stylist is!
  13. I watched this really awesome thriller on Sky Movies this evening! It was so gripping! Reminded me of the novels of one of my favourite authors in the whole wide world : "Mary Higgins Clark"
  14. Well, my dad supports Australia and he and I always end up arguing when the Ashes are on! But I have always liked England! In my opinion, cricket was getting a bit one sided what with the Aussies practically winning each and every freakin' game they ever played (especially the test matches) and to be honest, it is rather nice to see a team like England actually challenge them and put an end to that sort of domination! Ooh! So, you've been to Auckland have you? Sweet! The Maoris are very friendly people once you get to know them a little better! They might seem a bit rough and tough but inside, they are just downright softies! I have a couple of friends who are Maoris at Uni
  15. Hi Michelle (yes, I know your real name! It's a very pretty name) ;) I'm doing good! :D I do hope you get well soon! :( *HUGS

    BTW, my real name is Preetha. Consider this as a sort of second introduction! LOL! Cheers! :D

  16. LOL! Nice saying you've posted in my profile Emily! LOL! :D *thumbsup

  17. ^Thanks Magic! I have been wanting to post that for 4 weeks now! That vid has been saved to my favourites! My mom and I are going to see that vid again on Christmas Day! BTW, I think this is the most ridiculous song recorded by The Stones!
  18. LOL! The Aussies have been pretty sloppy so far! A defeat by an innings and 71 runs indicates that England kicked Australia's behind! I really feel sorry for your partner's Aussie colleague! I do hope the series heats up! I don't think it will be a one sided game. I think Ponting's side will be hungry for revenge. But to be honest, I really want England to win the series!
  19. Well, I don't know about other Kiwis but this one certainly supports England! All kidding aside, like I said before, I wouldn't write off Australia completely! We'll just have to wait and see what happens next!
  20. Alright guys, brace yourselves! This is perhaphs one of the most hilarious yet controversial contributions of this thread! I have been meaning to post this for quite a while but I got the courage just now! I am very sorry if this offends anyone! This is all for fun and no ulterior motives are intended! It's all in the spirit of humour and Christmas! Cheers! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wskT6YfVB6E I find this too fuckin' priceless!
  21. LOL! I nearly fell off my chair when I saw all the weird Christmas gifts Jeff received, including 9 years of probation! Yikes! LOL! I love Jeff Foxworthy! Thanks for that Virginia!
  22. LOL! Todd Snider seems to be a very opiniated and hilarious sort of guy but I did find myself saying "Dude! Stop talking and start singing!" LOL
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