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Everything posted by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87

  1. OK, don't laugh but let's just say that I am re-visiting an childhood favourite of mine!
  2. Well, these are slightly controversial but I just cannot help myself! Sorry guys! This was just too good to resist! The prick I am making fun off here sure deserves it!
  3. Three words describe you perfectly : pretty, dainty and sweet! :D

  4. Wow! I definitely see why the folks around here think that you resemble Eddie Vedder! :D You are a really cute guy! :D Seriously! Love the profile pic! :D

  5. If there is one thing I really love, it is a bloke with stubble!
  6. Why, hello there, pretty lady! The words pretty, dainty and sweet come to mind on seeing these photos!
  7. Hello Rick! Nice to see you! And may I add, that is one cool looking axe you've got there!
  8. Wow! So, you're back on the forums?! Woohoo!!! This is such good news! Welcome back Danny! :D

  9. Hi! :D Thank you so much for the friend request! :D

  10. What Is And What Should Never Be - Led Zeppelin
  11. You're very welcome! And yes! Please do post some new photos of you and Oliver here! I would love to see them!
  12. Yep! Zep and Queen will be mentioned in episode 5 of "The Seven Ages of Rock". There are basically seven episodes. The Documentary Channel aired episode 3 on my birthday! It was all about "Punk Rock". They focussed on bands like "The Sex Pistols" and "The Ramones" and on artists like Patti Smith! :D

  13. My birthday was really nice! :D Thanks for asking! :D I got to spend quality time with my mom and dad and we watched 3 movies (including "Dog Day Afternoon" :D) and quite a few documentaries together (one was called "The Seven Ages of Rock" :D) and we had pizza for dinner and a huge chocolate cake for dessert! LOL! It was fun! :D

  14. Emily, you are really making me blush now! LOL! :D Thank you so much for the compliment on my photo! :D

  15. Emma, thank you so much for the lovely comments on my photo! :D It really means a lot! :D

  16. Hi Magic! That photo is just so adorable! Oliver is such a cute little thing and you are really cute yourself! And may I add, you've got lovely eyes (such a lovely shade of green!)!
  17. Thank you so much Mangani! BTW, where on earth are your photos? I really want to see you!!! Pretty please? With sugar on top? I read in this thread that you resemble Eddie Vedder?! Wow! Just wow! Is that true? Bring on the photos mate! I really wanna see!
  18. Thank you so much Magic! :blush: On reading your post, my face looked like this :
  19. Yes! The girl in the photo is me! Hello! LOL! ;)

    1. beetleron


      hows life treatin you in NZ.....i'm moving to Aust , hopefully next year

  20. Mangani, this is what I truly look like! I took this just a couple of hours ago! I finally learnt how to take a proper photo! No screw-ups!
  21. Hi Magic! :D I've made some changes to my profile and I want you to check it out! LOL! :D

  22. I love Linda McCartney! She is a hero in my book! Way better than Heather Mills!
  23. Hi! :D Since it's already the 11th of December here in New Zealand, here's wishing you a very happy birthday! :D Hope you have a great day! :D Cheers! :D

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