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Everything posted by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87

  1. That was just so cute! I love the fact that those animals are actually singing Christmas carols like "Deck The Halls" So cute! Thanks zdr!
  2. After watching that, I do admire Santa for tolerating the cold and all sorts of other discomforts to make Christmas happen! I do love the way he says "bloomin'" Thanks for that Magic!
  3. I definitely wouldn't dismiss Australia completely, to give England a 4-0 lead! I don't think Australia will give up without a fight! Hopefully, the series will heat up! Can't wait for the 3rd test!
  4. Hi Matt! :D Thank you so much for posting those awesome photos of Jimmy's book! Those photos really made my day! Cheers! :D

  5. Congratulations England on winning the second test!!!
  6. I think you should check your email ASAP! I've sent you something which is going to make you very happy! ;)

  7. I find this to be pretty outrageous! Just read the headline and you'll see what I mean! Help police! Someone's stolen my snowman December 4, 2010, 3:23 amReuters LONDON (Reuters) - As Arctic blizzards swept across southeast England, stranding hundreds in their cars and bringing motorways to a virtual halt in whiteout conditions, Kent police received a strange call on their emergency number."I haven't been out to check on him for five hours but I went outside for a fag (cigarette) and he's gone," said the female caller. When the operator asked who had gone she replied: "My snowman. I thought that with it being icy and there not being anybody about he'd be safe. "It ain't a nice road but you don't expect anybody to nick your snowman," she added. Police were most definitely not amused. "This call could have cost someone's life if there was a genuine emergency and they couldn't get through. It was completely irresponsible,' said Chief Inspector Simon Black. A transcript of the call was released by the force to highlight what they said was misuse of the emergency number 999 system. (Reporting by Michael Holden; Editing by Steve Addison)
  8. I think this is going to be my next purchase!
  9. I do hope England wins the second test! My dad is watching the match right now!
  10. No problem Page! :D Just make sure you check it out sometime! It's just freakin' awesome! Cheers! :D

  11. Wow! It is?! Gosh! I never knew! In that case, I think I better buy the DVD! :D It will be worth every penny! :D

  12. Hi Page! Congrats on moving to a new home! :D I'm doing great! Took a rather brief hiatus from the forum but I'm back! :) I just had to tell you about that documentary! It is just too good to pass up! :D

  13. Yikes! Magic, I really don't want to live till I'm 80! Sheesh!! Way too painful to even think about that sort of thing!
  14. Thanks Magic! If there is one thing I love, it's an old woman smoking a cig! Cool huh? My next addition to this thread is a well known face from the comedy "Absolutely Fabulous". I'm sure you recognise her I consider her to be beautiful because of her awesome sense of humour! And I'm sure you know who this lady is! It's Joanna Lumbley! Lovely, isn't she?
  15. Hi Magic! Check out some of my additions in the "beautiful women" thread! ;)

  16. Time for some comedy! Check out these smokin' babes!
  17. Hi Page! :D How are you? Be sure to catch this really awesome documentary going by the name "Seven Ages of Rock". It talks about the origins of rock from the year 1965 and even talks about bands like Zep, The Who, Pink Floyd, etc. I believe there are 6 episodes and I've seen 2 so far! Very interesting stuff indeed! :D

  18. Hi Magic! Check out the thread about the Jimmy Page Book ASAP! A user going by the name Zepp-a-hoilc has posted some awesome photos of the book! I think he received it today! Trust me, you are in for a treat! Can't wait for you to get your copy! :D

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