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Everything posted by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87

  1. Hi Missy! :D Well, I have been studying a bit, in preparation for my programme, but, I've decided to take a break these last few days because my programme officially starts on Monday and my mind needs a bit of rest and relaxation! :D Hope you're having a lovely day so far! :D

  2. Thanks for your concern! Much appreciated! I live in Auckland, which is a city where the chances of an earthquake occuring are close to nil. Christchurch on the other hand, is sadly, more earthquake prone. The South Island (Southland) is more vulnerable to earthquakes than the North Island (Northland).
  3. Swede, once again, thank you so much for your concern! It really really means a lot! :) I really feel bad for the folks living in Christchurch! Earthquakes seem to be striking that city so frequently, it's quite shocking and it just seems so unfair! :( My mom, who is a student like me, has two classmates who are living in that city! I do hope they are ok! :(

  4. The Christchurch earthquake. Seeing all the disturbing footage in the news about the extent of the damage and devastation and seeing headlines like "300 Still Missing" or "80% of Christchurch Without Water". I just feel so sick to my stomach! I thought that city suffered enough when an earthquake struck in September, last year!
  5. I will be lying if I said that I wasn't offended by your comments! This is a thread to express sympathy at a time of a crisis of epic proportions. Please try to be a bit more sensitive!
  6. My heart goes out to the people of Christchurch. When an earthquake hit in September, last year, I was hoping that Christchurch will be safe at least this year! Sadly, that wasn't to be! The extent of the damage is just shocking and pretty hard and bitter to swallow!
  7. Hi Swede! :) I'm safe and sound! Thank you so much for your concern! :) I'm just a bit shaken that's all! :( I live in Auckland (Northland) where the chances of an earthquake striking are very close to nil. The city which was sadly hit (yet again) was Christchurch! The folks there experienced an earthquake back in September last year! :(

  8. Another thing which made me happy today, was suprisingly "The Grammy Awards". I never watch the awards show but when I scanned through the list of winners for this year, it turns out that a song which has made me laugh so hard and which has often put me into a good mood won "Best Urban / Alternative Performance". This is the song. Do check it out! I'm posting this especially for all the sad people out there who could use a laugh or two! Enjoy! P.S Not meant for folks under 18 years of age!
  9. The weather!! A cool, lovely breeze is blowing and the temperature has dropped like crazy! The weather in Auckland has gone from hot and humid to cool and pleasant! I do hope it stays that way!
  10. I agree 100%! I always have the habit of using that song to point out that no guitarist (to my knowledge) has even attempted to utilise the electric guitar as an instrument to depict how spaceships and aliens land on planet earth. To me, Hendrix was pretty much a one man show! But, having said that, I do agree that Jimmy Page is the more versatile guitarist in comparison to Hendrix but, the sad aspect of it all, is that Hendrix died way too young and perhaps, if he had lived for another 20 years or so (atleast), I am in awe to think what that man could have gone on to achieve! Whatever anyone on this forum might say, Hendrix was far, far, far ahead of his time and the fact that many well known and well respected guitarists cite Hendrix as an influence, definitely tells us something!
  11. I never watch the Grammy Awards but one thing which I found really hilarious when I scanned the list of this year's winners (out of curiousity of course ), is the fact that the "Fuck You" song actually won a Grammy for "Best Urban / Alternative Performance" I am, to be honest, rather happy because that song has made me laugh so hard and put me in a good mood so often that I do think it deserves some sort of honour! If you guys have no idea what song I'm talking about, you can check it out here : Not meant for folks under 18 years of age! Enjoy!
  12. I'm not quite sure whether these fit here, but Al Pacino sure deserved an Oscar for his performance as Lt. Col. Frank Slade in the movie "Scent Of A Woman" "Whoo-ah" (Scent Of A Woman) "Well, gentlemen, when the shit hits the fan, some guys run and some guys stay" (Scent Of A Woman) "Out of order, I show you out of order. You don't know what out of order is, Mr. Trask. I'd show you, but I'm too old, I'm too tired, I'm too fuckin' blind. If I were the man I was five years ago, I'd take a FLAMETHROWER to this place! Out of order? Who the hell do you think you're talkin' to? I've been around, you know? There was a time I could see. And I have seen. Boys like these, younger than these, their arms torn out, their legs ripped off. But there isn't nothin' like the sight of an amputated spirit. There is no prosthetic for that. You think you're merely sending this splendid foot soldier back home to Oregon with his tail between his legs, but I say you are... executin' his soul! And why? Because he's not a Bairdman. Bairdmen. You hurt this boy, you're gonna be Baird bums, the lot of ya. And Harry, Jimmy, Trent, wherever you are out there, FUCK YOU TOO!" (Scent Of A Woman)
  13. ^You're very welcome Missy! And yes, the "Mothership" theme is very groovy, indeed! I love groovy and trippy stuff! EDITED TO ADD : Good poll there "NobodysFaultButJimmys". Thanks to you, I think many people here will discover this pretty cool forum feature!
  14. Eventhough, I just hate playing favourites, to me, James Marshall Hendrix will always be the greatest guitartist to walk the planet! I realised that the moment I lent my ears to the album "Are You Experienced?" Just my opinion folks! My mom considers Jimmy Hendrix's playing to be reckless, sloppy and noisy! I prefer the words daring and dynamic! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUg7xl4kKUw
  15. Missy, you are not ignorant at all! You are new to the forum and you can't be expected to know each and every little feature here! So no worries! This forum theme is pretty much like your display settings and wall paper settings on your laptop. I, in fact, discovered this little feature just a few weeks ago. What you do is, first, scroll down to the bottom of the page. Come to where you see two tabs. One is for language selection which says "English USA" and the other is for various themes which include "LZ_Mothership", "IP.Board", "IP.Board Mobile" and "lz_bais". To have fun, check out the various styles and see what you love the most! If you have default settings then you will have the "lz_bais" theme at present! Hope this helps!
  16. I agree with Magic! Your son is a very brave man beetleron! Thanks for sharing those photos! You must be very proud!
  17. Well, I began using the "Mothership" theme a couple of days ago. I needed a change! I must say that it looks very cool!
  18. I had to narrow it down to "How Many More Times" and "When The Levee Breaks", since these songs are my favourite closing songs by Led Zeppelin. As much as I love "How Many More Times", "When The Levee Breaks" got my vote!
  19. Well, yesterday was the day my dreams officially came true! I found out that I have been accepted into the postgraduate programme, the Bachelor of Commerce (Honours), majoring in Economics! I still can't believe it! I consider this as an opportunity of a life time! :D It's going to involve a lot of hard work but I love a challenge when I see it! :)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Fool In The Rain 60

      Fool In The Rain 60

      Hi Preetha hope you are still studying hard, have missed you around here.

    3. Marcelo bsb

      Marcelo bsb


    4. azad


      Congratulations Kiwi_Zep_Fan87. I hope you do proceed to that Master's degree. :)

  20. Hi Coda! How are you? I missed seeing you around here! But glad to hear from you again! It makes me really happy that the people of Egypt succeeded in getting what they wanted and literally made history!
  21. Jimi Hendrix, for sure! Especially after listening to the album "Are You Experienced?"
  22. Thanks MSG! And you're absolutely right! Economics is indeed a fascinating subject and looks like we both have a very cool thing in common! I start on the 28th of February and I can't wait! This postgraduate programme is for a year and hopefully, if things work out, I'll be able to proceed to the M.Com degree, specialising in Economics too!
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