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Everything posted by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87

  1. I honestly wouldn't even dream of going out with this guy on a Saturday Night! I don't think any woman in her right mind, will! You'll see what I mean, once you see this photo!
  2. Hi Magic! :D Yep! I checked out the "Thank You, France" thread! I'm so glad to hear you like Pepe Le Poo, too! LOL! Damn that skunk! And that picture of that cat you posted is too funny! I nearly died laughing! LMAO! :D

  3. Awww... To be honest, I didn't even know that this documentary was on tonight. I was just randonly flipping TV channels and it was just about starting and then I called my dad to join me! Well, Magic, if it makes you feel any better, I don't think many people have heard of this documentary. It focussed quite a bit on the various types of Blues, like the Delta and Mississippi type blues with special emphasis on early blues artists like Charlie Patton, Howlin' Wolf, Muddy Waters and John Lee Hoker (to name a few) whose music apparently had a tremendous influence on Zep's early work (especially!).
  4. I just finished watching this rather interesting documentary on the documentary channel with my dad!
  5. Hi Alexa! :D Wishing you a very happy birthday! :D Hope you have a great one! :D Miss you around here! :(

  6. Thanks Magic! Those pics even the 3rd one are funny, aren't they? And thanks for the compliment on my new signature! With that new siggie, I do hope to spread some joy, humour and peace around here! I really love your siggie too! That is a lovely quote by Immanuel Kant!
  7. There is nothing worse than scouting websites looking for some funny Hitler pics, just for fun, to have a couple of laughs at the bastard's expense and get replies such as : Or this : Or even this : Damn! That Hitler dude in the 3rd pic kinda freaked me out!
  8. Hi Danny! I am a HUGE fan of Gandhi, myself! The world needs more people like him, that's for sure what with all the terrorism and extremist bullshit which sadly have become part and parcel of our daily lives! Sheesh! I really love the slogan "Gandhi Says Relax!". Conveys a lot, don't you think? Cheers! Kiwi
  9. It is indeed Magic! And that slogan conveys such a nice message, don't you think? As if to say "Either lighten up or shut the fuck up!". LOL!
  10. LOL! Thank you (I think) ! I don't mind blokes who are "known" to me calling me "sweet cheeks" (especially a Zep Head )! Well, that day was pretty fucked up but I'm over it now!
  11. One of the best looking Indian actresses IMO!
  12. Wow! It's been a while since I contributed to this thread! Anyway, this lady here may not be the most attractive but she certainly is an icon! I guess she deserves a mention in the "Thank You Australia For" thread!
  13. Well, as we all know, Gandhi was an iconic leader who changed the course of India's history, forever! But I absolutely love this really rockin' version of him! And check out the glasses! Fancy, huh? I guess Gandhi did know how to losen up a bit! If Gandhi says Relax, then you fuckin well relax or else!
  14. For fans of the "Doom Metal" / "Sludge Metal" (never even knew such a genre existed, till recently! ) genres, "Bloodhorse" is a band that I would definitely recommend! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-OwiGqaQbIk
  15. I watched this very underrated animated film last night, starring George Clooney and Meryl Streep! Pretty good stuff!
  16. Here's one by possibly my favourite comedian of all time, Chris Rock! Like I have mentioned before, comedy and singing do go hand in had! The vid also features Tracey Morgan and Paul Simon! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRQ2_8b7B0I
  17. Hi Michelle! :D A Very Happy 2011 to you, sweetie! :D I'm doing great! Was slightly ill last week because of a rather nasty bout of food poisoning but I'm doing ok now! :D Hope 2011 is an even better year for you than 2010! BTW, absolutely love your profile background! It is just so groovy! :D Don't you dare change it! It is so awesome! :D

  18. Me too! That's what makes libraries dedicated to music some of the most interesting places to hang out, on the planet! To think that some folks actually feel that libraries are exceptionally boring places! They are dead wrong if you ask me!
  19. :hysterical: Ooh! You're naughty!! Damn you! :hysterical:
  20. I was lucky enough to watch this really sweet, yet dramatic animated film on Christmas day!
  21. Well Magic, hypothetically, if the 4th test match ends in a draw tomorrow, the Aussies still have a chance because the next test at Sydney will pretty much be a "the winner takes it all" sort of situation! I do hope that doesn't happen! I really want things to go England's way! EDITED TO ADD : I am aware of the fact that the chances of the 4th test ending in a draw are very close to nil. However, I am absolutely terrified! I want England to win so bad that I don't want to make any bold predictions now and have them literally blow up on my face tomorrow! Anything can happen! Only time will tell!
  22. I have proof that "The Hellacopters" have definitely made a mark here in NZ. I know I'm way off topic but I can't help myself! I have to tell you this! About a month ago, I went to the Music Library at the University of Auckland (that's where I study by the way) to borrow Zep's biography "When Giants Walked The Earth". I (out of curiousity) was checking out the CD collection there (which depends on the music tastes of the Faculty of Music). I found the usual bands like Zep and Floyd. Just a couple of shelves away under "H", while I was looking for stuff by another fav of mine, "Herman's Hermits", (CDs are arranged as per the artist / band's name), I found "Supershitty To The Max"! (Seeing the back of the CD cover with the phrase "Respect The Rock" was so cool!) That was the only album by "The Hellacopters" I found there (unfortunately! ) but I just couldn't believe it to be honest! I got all excited and stuff and I listened to it, through my laptop and that really made my day! After listening to it, I made up my mind to buy it ASAP!! I really do wonder who on earth in the Faculty of Music is a fan! The tracks "TAB", "How Could I Care", "Born Broke", "24th Hell" and "Gotta Get Some Action Now" were instant stand-outs in my book! Again, apologies for being off topic! I just couldn't help myself! Oh and I'm thinking of buying "Rock & Roll Is Dead" and "Payin' Their Dues" next! LOL! I know! I have to control myself! But, I am obsessed!
  23. Hi Swede! I've been very obsessed with "The Hellacopters" these last couple of weeks (but I don't think the obsession is going to go anywhere, even in the distant future)! I was very pleased to find practically all their albums here in New Zealand, at reasonable prices! Usually the good stuff is either out of stock or is never available or is an import which burns a huge hole in a person's pocket! But I have you to thank, because you're the one who recommended them to me in the first place! And yes, "High Visibility" and "By The Grace of God" are indeed their best offerings (like you very rightly pointed out), but "Super Shitty To The Max" (should be renamed "Super Explosive To The Max") is really amazing too! And I'm really loving "Head Off" so far (best birthday present, a girl could ask for! ). OK, I'm getting really carried away here! BTW, I see you've made some really nice purchases too! I love "The Sonics", "The Sparkles" and "The Wailers" too! Enjoy your 45's!
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