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Everything posted by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87

  1. Well, I do not consider myself brave, to be honest! I'm just following my heart and doing what pleases me the most! :D

  2. Thank you Magic! It is! I'll give you a detailed review when I'm done reading that. Also, would you believe that along with "Freakonomics", I am also reading this : I do like to read two books side by side sometimes! And that Zeppelin book looks very interesting Magic! Tell me all about it when you've finished reading it, ok?
  3. Saw this about 3 days ago : I didn't like the film much. It was just O.K.
  4. OK, I've heard of people receiving extraordinary things in the mail but this takes the cake! Well, my electricity service provider "Meridian Energy" has fallen really behind in providing it's customers with the monthly electricity bill. My family and other families too are yet to receive their monthly electricity bill for the month of January. On phoning the customer care service, my dad found out that we will receive a joint electricity bill for the months of January and February. This was three days ago. Now, today, while we were having lunch, the courier guy rings our intercom and delivers a strange package. It looked pretty small and my folks and I were wondering what on earth is inside. We found this : As a token, to show how sorry they really were for being behind in sending out the monthly electricity bill, "Meridian Energy" not only sends us an AM/FM radio absolutely free but also a one year subscription to the UK version of "Woman's Weekly" (since they knew already that there is a female majority in my household! ) I don't know but getting stuff like this in the mail without paying a dime, especially in this sort of economic climate is very cool, to me! I personally, do not listen to the radio at all, but I can't help but think that this AM/FM radio I received in the mail today, is kinda cute!
  5. Finally managed to get these on CD Yes, I love ABBA! So what?!
  6. A really fun book, for people who love Economics, of course!
  7. Hi Louh! Lovely to hear from you again! :D Well, I'm 23 years old. I am a University student and I plan to complete my Master's degree in Economics, in the near future :) I became a fan of Led Zeppelin when I was 12 years old. My dad introduced their music to me in the first place! :D

  8. Why thank you Magic! Hiya Missy! Thanks so much sweetie! Of course you aren't being too personal! Feel free to ask me personal questions! Afterall, we are friends, aren't we? Well, first off, teaching isn't my forte. My mom is exceptionally good at it, though! The subject I took for my Bachelor's degree was Economics. I plan to continue with it in my Master's. I am planning to do my Master's degree in Economics with the aim of (hopefully) becoming a Research Analyst. I have always loved to analyse Statistical data and draw my own conclusions while suitably applying the relevant economic theory. I took a fancy to subjects like Statistics and Econometrics pretty early on in my degree. Many folks can't stand that subject branch of Economics. I guess I'm an exception!
  9. 100% agree with that statement! Thank for posting that Magic! That was just too adorable!
  10. Holy Shit! I have never ever come across the concept of "Acoustic Rap" until now! Damn! And one more! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGoi1MSGu64&feature=related
  11. I received my invitation to graduate today. This is for my Bachelor's degree. I am happy about this but I'll be ecstatic on the day I receive my invitation to graduate after completing my Master's degree. That if all goes well, will be in two years from now
  12. As you all probably know by now, I love Garage Rock. But this song deserves a place here, honestly!
  13. That was probably the funniest opera song I've heard so far!
  14. Just can't help but post this here!
  15. Oh dear god! To think that I actually used to sing this song to myself when I was 5 years old! What the hell was I thinking? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LsXioXtaM4U&playnext=1&list=PL3CB9CA90D640F399 So kiddish yet so hilarious! I couldn't stop laughing when I heard this again for the first time in 18 years! And this folks might be the WORST possible song on the planet! And a little tribute to Sylvester and Tweety!
  16. Now for something cool from the '80's! Anyone heard of the movie "Beat Street"? The actual song starts at 1:40 but feel free to view the entire vid!
  17. Note To All Posters: This thread is still alive and kicking folks! So, feel free to post your hilarious songs! I really appreciate all your contributions and your efforts in preserving the humour around here! Keep 'em coming!
  18. Damn! That was dirty and so funny! Thanks bigzepfan and a big thanks to Steve A Jones!
  19. Holy crap! That was soooo cool! I never knew that there was a sign language of the "Fuck You" song! LOL! Thanks Jahfin!
  20. One more by Burning Saviours Sorry, I couldn't resist! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpoTv20RiNc
  21. Burning Saviours http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HyPTEG-MnQc Highly recommended for fans of "Black Sabbath" and "Witchcraft"
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