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Everything posted by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87

  1. Hi Sean! I was so worried about you, to be honest! I am so glad you are ok now and are FINALLY out of that hospital! I felt really sad to hear that you weren't well but I'm glad you're fine now!! :D I am so sorry I couldn't keep in touch for so long! :( My studies have been keeping me very busy! It's been quite hectic! Sheesh! But, I've survived! :)

  2. Hi Leddy :) Just dropping by to say hello! :) I'm really hoping that you'll be back here, quite soon! :) I miss you, you know? :( Anyway, hope you're doing well! :) Cheers! :)

  3. Hi planted! Many thanks for the add! :D Much appreciated! :D Cheers! :D

  4. Hi Steve! You're absolutely right. My views are evolving. In fact, honestly, I find everyday of my life to be a sort of learning process so to speak And FYI, I sincerely meant every word I said about your brilliant mind, because I really admire your extremely informative posts about Led Zeppelin. It's a pleasure to read them! You, sir, are an asset to this forum. But I think you know that already! Anyway, cheers to you and do keep up the good work
  5. The fact that Danny (BIGDAN) and "Fool In The Rain 60" got their posting rights back! Thanks Sam!
  6. If you are in a very indirect way, trying to imply that I am Anti-American with distorted views about specific subjects, I think you are very well mistaken. The only thing I dislike about the world right now is all the hate religious extremists are spreading. Steve, let me tell you, I am just an ordinary 23 year old kid who has her own points of view. I really do think I have a right to speak my mind and my opinions can most certainly differ from yours. And if you take a look at this thread, I have pretty much just kept my trap shut for the most part because quite frankly, reading this thread makes my mind explode! This thread is far more complicated than even my thesis topic for my Master's degree which involves Concentration ellipsoids, random vectors and covariance matrices (even Econometrics seems so much simpler compared to this thread! )! I guess you have absolutely perfect views on subjects like this and I guess you are one of those people with an exceptionally brilliant mind, who is able to effectively comprehend issues like terrorism and give exceptionally logical views. As for smaller mortals like myself, well, away I go (as far away from this thread as possible!) Yikes!
  7. Look, I am of the opinion, that there does exist a remote resemblence between Hitler and the terrorists of today, in terms of what they advocated, namely : hatred and intolerance. I have even mentioned in one section of this thread that the very circumstances of WWII and "The War On Terror" couldn't be more different. I am no expert on terrorism or anything associated with it, nor do I claim to be. But, if you think about it, Hitler's sick and twisted movement wasn't confined to Germany alone. It did spread elsewhere in Europe did it not? Anyway, again, let me make myself clear. I neither want participate in some sort of debate nor stir up trouble. All I was thinking about was the remote similarity between Hitler and the terrorists of today. That is all.
  8. LOL! Well, this is definitely my favourite post in this thread! I giggled when I read this, honestly!
  9. I consider Adolf Hitler to be one of the biggest terrorists the world has ever encountered. To me, a terrorist is any person who advocates violence, hatred, bloodshed and intolerance of any sort and who pretty much causes physical and / or psychological trauma to innocent civilians on account of his / her actions. I see that the terrorists of today share so much in common with Hitler (in terms of what they advocate). I choose to refer to such people as "miniature Hitlers in the making". I personally consider all the troops serving in Afghanistan to be heroes. That is strictly my opinion and no one can change that.
  10. Hallo Sean! Ich bin gut! Danke der Nachfrage! Wie geht es Ihnen? Yep! I know a couple of phrases in German, but just a smattering though! My German is a bit rusty! LOL! Anyway, no worries! I've been incredibly busy too! :D It's really good to hear from you! :D I hope you're doing well! :D Well, there is no new news as far as my programme goes. I'm just hanging in there and doing the best I can! ;)

  11. You know, there is something about this tune which always makes me wanna scream "YEOW!!!" while listening to it!! It is that good!! It's by the legendary Buddy Guy
  12. Felt the need to include this beauty by Queen. IMHO, this song is a real classic! Brian May sure does a good job, if you ask me! It's from their 1975 album - "A Night At The Opera".
  13. I second that a 100%! That's for sure!
  14. Hi Melanie! :D Thanks for the add! :D BTW, I'm a big fan of Snoopy and I love Calvin and Hobbes too! :D

  15. Hi Magic! Thank you so much for your concern sweetie! :D My blisters are a bit bearable now, thanks to all the bandages my mom put on my foot! :D But I'm certainly going to follow your very constructive advice and bathe them in warm salt water! :D

  16. Oh gosh! You poor thing! It just goes to show that "A Mother's Love Knows No Bounds". Wishing you a Very Happy Mother's Day, Cate!
  17. Why thank you so much Magic! I'm hoping to catch "The King's Speech" myself, sometime this month!
  18. The subtitles were hilarious!!!!!!!! Gosh! Many thanks for posting this! Good to see some humour on this thread!
  19. Hi Cate! Thank you so much!! I am taking a 2 day break and that certainly makes me very happy! Thank you so much Virginia! BTW, I hope you enjoyed watching "The King's Speech"! That's a really great movie if you ask me!
  20. In My Time Of Dying - Led Zeppelin
  21. Magic, I know that this is not a thread about WWII, but I can't help but post this quote by Sir Winston Churchill. Maybe, I'm crazy but I do feel this quote fits here, at least to a certain extent. The situations as far as WWII and "The War On Terror" are concerned, are totally different but I do feel that the same kind of spunk and determination is required to defeat this beast called "terrorism" as was required to defeat Hitler, the monster : "We shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and the oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender" ~ Sir Winston Chrchill I don't know about others, but I sure do find this quote to be very inspiring! Just my two cents. Bottom line : We need to keep on fighting and this major breakthrough (Bin Laden's death) is certainly a big boost, which signifies that America and the rest of the world can indeed win the war on terror and that victory ain't some sort of distant dream or fantasy!
  22. Well, I know that this is a Led Zeppelin forum, but I can't help but post this one! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQKQ3-bzXV8
  23. Thank you so much sweetie!! The test was on Microeconomics with a lot of Math. Can't believe I pulled it off! And that was such an incredible song you posted there! That was so thoughtful of you! That song really made me want to groove!! And the lyrics were just gorgeous. Lines like "I just want to celebrate" And "The Sun Is Shinning On A Tuesday" made me feel even happier!! Thanks sweetie! I owe you one, big time!!
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