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Everything posted by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87

  1. Absolutely loving this song right now! http://youtu.be/ONkiLR5Ehys
  2. Colds can be very persistent! So glad to hear that you are feeling better!!
  3. Just purchased 2 tickets to the ballet for my mom and me! Quality mother-daughter time for the win!!
  4. ^ Hi Jessica! (I learnt your name from your thread in the "Meet And Greet" section ). I'm Preetha (that's my real name and "Kiwi" is a nickname of mine around here ). Thank you so very much! That was so sweet of you! I have calmed down a lot now and I am not going to give that guy a second thought! P.S Will be posting in your thread soon to give you a proper welcome to the forums! Cheers to you!
  5. Hi Missy! I feel like an absolute prat for missing your post out! Forgive me, won't you? Thank you sweetie!
  6. Learning the hard and painful way who my friends really are, when I got snubbed (big time) by this downright bastard, who I have known for about a year now. I intially thought that he was the nicest guy I have ever met and we really hit it off. I was even foolish enough to give a gift and a birthday card to the asshole on his birthday in September. Yesterday, he pretty much showed his true colours to me. It was my birthday a couple of days ago. I get a text from the guy where he referrs to me as his "best friend" and wishes me a happy birthday. Naturally I was touched and I thanked the guy. Now, two days later, I get another text from the guy asking me to help him buy a fuckin' birthday cake for his friend whose birthday happens to be on the 22nd of December! Hey, I am a reasonable person and I try to be as nice and friendly as I possibly can. But on receiving his text message, I saw red and something inside me snapped! I told myself to calm the fuck down. I didn't reply to him and I ignored it. He then calls me at 3'o clock in the fuckin' morning. How desperate can one bastard get huh? I ignored that too. Then I get a freakin' IM on MSN from him asking me if I got his text. I typed one word out "yes". He then IMs me back and asked "So could you help me then?". Again, I typed one word out: A big fat fuckin "No"!. He then replies with a single word: "Oh". Crestfallen little mofo, isn't he? Then after a few hours, I sent a long text to the guy telling him off. I held nothing back. I hate being snubbed and I refuse to take any shit. Overracting? Perhaps. BUT still, I refuse to take shit and be snubbed like this by some chit of a mofo. That is all! I don't expect any cake or any other crap people get for their birthday. Hell, I am 24 fuckin' years old and to me my birthday is just another day where I am technically a year older. But it's the principle behind this whole thing which really pissed me off and his attitude towards me!
  7. Hi Deb! :) Thank you so very much for the birthday wishes! :) Much appreciated! :) Have a lovely day! :)

  8. Hi Sean!! :) Hope you're well! :) Thank you so much for the birthday wishes! Cheers! :) Hope you have a lovely day! :)

  9. Hello my lovely friend! :) Thank you so very much for the birthday wishes! :) In case you don't know, I received that beautiful card you made for me the other day! :)

  10. Thank you so much you guys!! Reading your posts congratulating me is what made me happy today!! Oh and Fool, enjoy the box of chocs!
  11. OK, this news seriously made me unhappy today! Poor Mr. Gibb! Growing up, I loved the Bee Gees and at 23, I sure as hell still do!
  12. Wow! I know the feeling! Been through that so many times in the past (especially in high school) and I am rather cautious now as a result. I hope you're feeling better now!
  13. Purchased this album in late September but it somehow slipped my mind to mention it!
  14. Submitted my dissertation, a couple of hours ago. This marks the end of my first year of postgraduate studies in Economics. One more year to go But first, I have a three month break to look forward to!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Well, this news story certainly made me laugh! I thought an incident like this could only occur in a place like "Toyland" Mysterious Lego sculpture in Florida police hands MIAMI (AFP) - A huge Lego sculpture that mysteriously appeared this week on a Florida beach will remain in police custody for 90 days while investigators try to figure out who it belongs to, according to authorities. The more than eight-foot-tall (2.5-meter) Lego Man weighing about 100 pounds (45 kilos) turned up on the sands of Siesta Key beach off Florida's Gulf coast on Tuesday, but no one has claimed responsibility for putting it there. "The Sheriff's Office is obligated to take and retain custody of the sculpture for a period of 90 days, just like all other lost and found property under this statute," the Sarasota County Sheriff's Office said in a statement. "During this time, a determination will be made as to who has the best legal claim to it." A swimmer first reported the existence of the green, yellow and red sculpture, which says "No Real Than You Are" on the front, and "Ego Leonard" on the back. The Danish manufacturer of the wildly popular brick-building toys -- which opened the largest Legoland in the world in Orlando, Florida earlier this month -- has denied any involvement in the incident. The Sarasota sheriff's office said it was "looking into the possibility of the sculpture being securely displayed so that it could be enjoyed by the community; however, the obligation to ensure its safekeeping takes priority."
  16. Magic, my mom gave me the exact same advice just today! She now literally forces me to take it easy by doing something apart from my studies for at least 2 hours a day! But hey, I sure ain't complaining! Thanks sweetie for your concern!
  17. I have no idea if these photos even belong here but I'm going to share them if that's ok Here are some photos I took using my cell phone camera (my digi cam got lost and I don't have a proper camera. But I love taking photos of things which capture my eye, nevertheless ) of my favourite park in Auckland : Albert Park It is located close to my University and I just love relaxing there and enjoying the breeze. There is something so peaceful and serene about that park!
  18. Yes, I did! I went to this lovely park near University called Albert Park. There is something so peaceful and serene about that place! Here's a photo I took of my favourite place in the park a couple of months ago. I was sitting on that very bench today just unwinding and enjoying the breeze BTW, in the photo, that blue bag is the very bag I take every day to University!
  19. ^Ooh! Thanks for posting this pic! Leo is so cute! So sweet and precious!
  20. Thank you so much for your concern! It truly means a lot! I just went out for a bit today. I took a rather long walk and it really helped. Oh and I just took a deep breath and sat in absolute silence for about an hour, closing my eyes and breathing in and out and that really did the trick too! I feel so much better now!
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