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Everything posted by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87

  1. Well, it's Summer here in Auckland. It's a bit humid these days but I really love sunny days
  2. Eventhough The La De Das (who were from New Zealand) were a 60's Garage Rock band, they did dabble in the Blues (or more specifically Blues Rock) a bit with tunes like this one: http://youtu.be/BmKiv7zqaSg I love this tune for the slide guitar alone!
  3. Fool, that is such a lovely photo of Leo and his parents! So sweet! Leo is so cute and so tiny! Thank you for posting this!
  4. Hi Fool! Thank you very much! And A Very Happy New Year To You, Danny and the rest of your family! Thinking about it, it will be little Leo's first New Year's celebration wouldn't it? And yes, I am really looking forward to my trip to Devonport. It is steeped in history, I believe. It has quite a few European and Maori settlements, Antique Shops, a few Victorian Villas and other exciting stuff! I honestly can't wait! My cell phone is (to say the least ) pretty geared up!
  5. Thank you Julie! And A Very Happy New Year To You And Your Family!
  6. Well, I got : 2 Ferry Cruise Tickets To Devonport (Also Known As The Village By The Sea). Will be going on yet another cruise, a couple of days after New Year's Day I didn't get any Led Zeppelin related gifts for Christmas. But I really don't mind because all I wanted for Christmas was an opportunity to spend some quality time with my mom. You see, my mom and I were both University students and student life was a pretty hectic affair (to say the least!) all these months and Christmas time was the one time of the year where she and I could actually get to spend some time together. Well, I am indeed happy to say that I got my wish! We watched Christmas classics like "Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carol", "Frosty The Snowman", "Charlie Brown's Christmas", "Rudolf The Red Nosed Reindeer" (the cartoon dating back to 1948), "The Smurfs : A Christmas Carol" and "How The Grinch Stole Christmas". We also watched the musical "Mary Poppins". It was my first time and the last time my mom watched "Mary Poppins" was when she was a little girl! All in all, Christmas was a quiet, fun filled day. No drama. No tension. No deadlines to fulfill. No wretched assignments to submit. No exams to prepare for. Honestly, I couldn't be happier!
  7. Merry Christmas Sean!! :D Hope you're having a lovely day! Thank you for both your emails! And thank you for sending me those photos of the squirrel! So cute! That made my day! :D And most of all thank you for being my friend! :D

  8. The pleasure is all mine MINI_Zoso! And by all means, please do email that photo to your mom with my best regards! Cheers to you!
  9. Hi MINI_Zoso You're in luck! I managed to take a photo of the Bean Rock Lighthouse. The ferry was moving rather quickly at that point and I captured that image in the nick of time! BTW, it is really awesome that your mom is a fan of Zep! Cheers! Here you go: I wish I could have got a closer view though!
  10. Thanks Deb! I honestly feel incredibly blessed to have a mom like mine. We are more than a mother-daughter pair. She and I can read each other like a book and our birthdays are barely 24 hours apart and she is pretty much one of my best friends!
  11. Awww...thank you! Yes! I enjoyed every minute! It was for about 90 minutes and I was so excited that I even photographed the deck of the ferry! We took a tour of the habour, Queen's Warf, went past Bean Rock lighthouse, caught a glimpse of the naval base but Rangitoto was the highlight! One word to describe that island "breathtaking" And yes! I really love my mom! She means the world to me! How did you guess?
  12. What made me happy was taking my very first ferry cruise! Had my lovely mom for company The highlight of the trip was my brief visit to the scenic Rangitoto Island
  13. Thank you! The big day is the 3rd of March!
  14. Found this billboard to be rather interesting
  15. ^Thank you Fool! The only complaint I have, is that I wish I had an entire day to explore Rangitoto rather than a mere crummy 5 minutes! And at this rate, I don't think I need anything but my cell phone. I have had it for 3 years now and it practically goes everywhere with me!
  16. Went on a cruise today. Had a 5 minute stop over at the scenic Rangitoto Island (famous for its volcanic terrain). The above shots are some of the highlights of what I came across in Rangitoto. Believe me, 5 minutes is sure not enough to explore that island! Sheesh! Oh well! No fancy equipment used here folks. It was just me, my dear little cell phone and of course mother nature
  17. Hi Strider! Thank you very much! My mom and I will be getting to see 3 short ballets created in New York City! The first one is called "Who Cares?". It is a tribute to composer George Gershwin. The second one is to depict the works of Black Swan film choreographer Benjamin Millepied. It is to be a ballet based on classical piano music. The third one is to be based on a Broadway show, apparently! The big day is the 3rd of March and I am really excited!
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