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Everything posted by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87

  1. Been under so much stress lately. I am so jumpy these days and according to my mom, I am pretty hard to live with now! I don't mean to snap and get all worked up! It's just that there is so much to do and sometimes I just can't take it! My heart starts to pound, I break out into a cold sweat and my hands start to shake! Sheesh!
  2. Thank you Kate! Well, the thing which made me very very happy today is the fact that you are back on the forum after so long!! Welcome back!!! Thank you Julie! BTW, I must add the fact that I like your profile photo! You do look like a very nice lady indeed! Really nice to see you!
  3. Getting ready to watch this with my mom tonight
  4. Listen To This Eddie - Live At The Forum In Inglewood, June 21st, 1977
  5. Down By The Seaside - Led Zeppelin
  6. Down On Free Street - The Hellacopters
  7. Thanks Strider! The show I'm listening to right now is "Hampton Roads, Coliseum, September 9th, 1971"
  8. Hi Rachel! :) That is such a pretty profile photo of yourself! :)

  9. Hi Missy! :) Hopefully we will (with Sam's help of course! ;)) be able to solve the "array" problem! About the background image, first go to your profile, then click on "edit profile", then under "your options", click on "profile" and then click "profile customization".You can either upload a background image either directly from a website or upload an image from your computer! Hope this helps! :)

  10. What a coincidence Magic! So cool! I just had to listen to this show for Robert's "plantations"
  11. Hi Missy! :) I think I've finally figured out why I keep getting those stupid array messages while sending PMs! In case you haven't noticed, my PMs usually contain a lot of smilies! LOL! Well, it turns out that those smilies are the problem. Because while PMing one of my other friends here, I drastically reduced the number of smilies in my PM and lo and behold! It worked! :)

  12. Thank you Julie! Thank you Magic! I am indeed!! And congrats in getting a few more days off! Very cool!
  13. Julie, please please please take rest at home! When I had the flu, one day I would feel really ill and the next I would feel absolutely fine. Then, I would feel ill again! Sheesh! I took about a day-off from Uni and it was a friday and then came the weekend. So I was pretty much resting for 3 days! That really made things right! Anyway, get well soon and please no working for a couple of days ok?
  14. Thank you Julie! Honestly, I am so amazed at the kindness people tend to show here! I can learn so much from some members here! It sounds like Charles (Dzldoc) was a sweet guy! I have seen so many members speak very highly of him. I sometimes do regret the fact that I did not join this forum soon enough to get a chance to interact with him! Oh well! Anyway, since this is the "happy" thread, I can't help but post a pic of my beautiful gifts! It is Zep related!!!!!!!!!! I was just so stunned and so happy when I opened that package!!
  15. I like Wilco. I got into Wilco just today by listening to one of their live shows. Very nice!
  16. A fun trip to the post offfice and an INCREDIBLE package containing some BEAUTIFUL gifts from an incredibly AMAZING member here on this very forum whose kindness never ceases to amaze me!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
  17. Because last week was so freakin' busy, I sadly couldn't go either on Wednesday or Friday. BUT, I am most DEFINITELY going tomorrow! The suspense is freakin' killing me!!!! Sheesh!
  18. Missy, I get that "array" message after hitting the add reply button and composing the PM. Hopefully, Sam can rectify this error, eventually! :)

  19. Triple Platinum????!!! YEOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is so cool!!! I honestly did not know that! Go NZ Go! This fact certainly made me happy today! Thanks Strider!!
  20. I am so sorry to hear that! Having recovered from the flu myself pretty recently, I know exactly what you must be going through! I do think you need at least 2 to 3 days off from work. I know it can be awful calling in sick for a couple of days but believe me, at this point, you need all the rest you can get! I think you need some soup, some cough syrup like Benadryl for example, a packet full of lozenges (preferably Vicks or Halls) and plenty of bed rest! Cheer up! You'll get well! Don't worry!
  21. Well, we do have teacher evaluations here too. It takes place about a week before the semester ends. But I don't think these evaluations do much good, by the look of it! I absolutely agree with you! Thanks for the good advice! I have till the end of the semester actually because he told us that he will start correcting those damn assignments from around the 18th of October or so and the results will be out by the end of the month or so. I and a couple of my friends will be taking the matter up this week (most probably tomorrow) with that senior professor I mentioned in one of my earlier posts. Hopefully, something good will come out of this entire mess!
  22. My new obsession! This band "The Devil's Blood" is fuckin' awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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