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Everything posted by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87

  1. I know what you mean! She is truly one of the nicest folks here and it's an honour being her friend! And thank you so much for the kind comment! You are really making me blush now! I've seen your posts around here and you seem to be a very nice lady! I mean it!
  2. Hi Manders! Thank you very much! That gift is truly special! BTW, I am really glad you were able to find that book you supposedly lost! I can totally relate to that sort of thing because while at University, I have even "lost" a file containing my assignment in it and there was barely 24 hours remaining till submission and I was literally tearing my hair out in absolute despair! It turns out that the damn file somehow, travelled all the way from my room to my dad's study and into his filling cabinet! Sheesh! But luckily, I managed to find it on time because obviously, at University, extremely lame excuses for late submission of assignments like a computer crashing or even a dog eating it , will obviously never work!
  3. Enjoy the book Danny! The cover sure looks interesting!
  4. BUMP This is not a purchase actually, but this happens to be a gift from a very special friend! If you like Economic Thought and Politics, then this book will be a very intersting read!
  5. Danny, may I add that it is an honour being friends with the wittiest guy on the board! And yep! I am enjoying the gifts immensely! I can't stop starring at that card! I don't even know what on earth I could have possibly done to deserve it!
  6. Yesterday, I came home from University at 5 PM. I was cold, tired and hungry. As soon as I reached home, my mom had such a wonderful suprise for me. My best friend on this forum (who is probably one of the best friends I've ever had in my life), sent me a book which she has written (yes folks, she is one incredibly talented lady! for writing a book on an exceptionally dense subject like Neo-Libralism, which seems a very interesting read ) and this beautiful card which she had taken the trouble of making, just for me! I feel like one incredibly lucky kid to have a friend like her! This card and that book are gifts that I'll treasure for the rest of my life!
  7. Woah!!! What a fuckin' brilliant idea! Sorry if I'm off topic!!
  8. You're very welcome :) and I absolutely love your thread "Why So Serious?". So funny! LOL! :D

  9. Hi! :) Thanks for the add! :) I hope you're having a great day, so far! :)

  10. LOL! That was a trick question! :) I let my corny sense of humour get the better of me sometimes! Oh well! LOL!

  11. A really wonderful friend of mine on this very forum (you know who you are! ) took the trouble of giving me the link to my very first Led Zep boot!
  12. Happy Birthday! :) Hope you have a great one! :)

  13. Alright folks, I'm just bored out of my fuckin' mind at the moment so please excuse my sudden spurt of silly humour!
  14. This is probably the most bizzare movie I have seen so far! I saw this last night : You really had to have a lot of patience and a very open minded sense of humour to get through this! But hell, I sure found it to be really funny in a very outrageous way!
  15. Twilight Apparently, my mom loves it! Yay me!
  16. Hmmmm....maybe, in a very subtle way!
  17. Hi "Fool" It is, isn't it? Something tells me that I might need to make a separate thread containing this little guide so that it can be stickied for the benefit of all the newbies who otherwise might find themselves at the receiving end of a bit of scolding from the so-called "veterans" here who always wish to play by the rules!
  18. Consider this little vid to be a very interesting guide to posting in a forum! http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/posting
  19. Hi Kate! :) I hope you're well! :) It's been way too long! :)

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