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Everything posted by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87

  1. Yes, it is very sad. Danny used to keep me in splits for hours on end with his wit and humour. No one can post the way he did. It is just impossible! The man had guts and was able to speak his mind, irrespective of the so called consequences! He comes across as someone extremely clever in my book. I did believe at one point that he even deserved to have his own show! He actually had something wonderful to offer this online community (the gift of humour) which is more than what I can say about some other people (like the person I mentioned in my previous post) who apparently just joined the forums to cause trouble! Pathetic! I do hope and pray that Danny hasn't been awarded a life ban! This place sure won't be the same without him!
  2. Hi Rachel! :D Yes, I got your email, safe and sound! :D Will email you in a while! :D Cheers! :D

  3. The fact that Danny was banned. What a loss to the forum! It just isn't fair! I am rather suprised that new members (you know who you are, buddy boy!) who chose to use choice words like "biggots"and "Nazis" coupled with a lovely touch of physical violence threatening to "take my fist upside your head" and other crap for the sake of "defending" themselves weren't taken to task and given the same treatment. What a shame!
  4. Hi Leddy! :D It's already the 1st of February here and here's wishing you a very Happy Birthday! :D Hope you have a great day ahead! :D Cheers! :D

  5. Hi Magic! That's a pretty background you have there! :D Glad I inspired you to change yours! If I had my way, I think that might be a wall paper in my room! :D Nice! :D

  6. Thank you Magic! I'm glad you like my latest additions! A Small Note : I am gonna keep posting those beauties on this thread at least once in a while because I am not some goody two shoes kid who wishes to teach "moral and good behaviour" to some posters around here (I ain't no saint and I hate preachers by the way! (Did I mention that I am an atheist? ) but because I am a kid who loves humour and who feels that this thread needs a rather funny and humourous side too! Admit it! It is nice to have a good laugh once in a while! Afterall, "Laughter Is The Best Medicine" isn't it?
  7. Hi again Missy! You're very welcome sweetie! I just thought that it was the decent thing to do (on my part) since you had taken the trouble of posting that clip for me! Well, I am a "Yes" newbie and this thread has got me all excited about them! And congrats on your DVD purchase! Hope you enjoy it! My dad has been a fan for quite a while now and yet I never really got into them! I can't quite imagine why! I have given "Fragile" and the S/T debut album a couple of listens a few months ago but then, I got side-tracked and I got into other bands and forgot about these guys, to be honest! Anyway, it's never too late to start! I guess this thread is a good place to start! I do believe that many people consider these guys as the pioneers of "progressive rock"? Hmmm...interesting!
  8. Leddy, you've got me all excited now! I gave "Fragile" and the S/T debut a couple of listens a few months ago and then I got side-tracked after discovering other bands and I kinda forgot about "Yes" for a while and then after seeing this thread, I am literally re-visiting their entire catalogue! My dad is a huge fan, so, accessing albums won't be a problem!
  9. Hi Missy! :D Thank you for the lovely comment on my profile! :D It really means a lot! :D And yep! I had such a nice dream about Jimmy last night and then my alarm clock started ringing and I woke up with a jump! LOL! BTW, I really enjoyed that clip you posted on the "Yes" thread! Thank you! :D

  10. Hi Missy Damn! Why didn't I see this before?! Sheesh! Sorry about that! Anyway, I see that you are a big "Yes" fan! Awesome! Thanks for posting that clip! That sounded good! Looking forward to more contributions from you on the "Yes" thread. I'm still rather new to them to be honest! Cheers! Your friend, Kiwi
  11. You're very welcome Fool! I love to turn this thread around sometimes!
  12. Isn't it now? Much better than seeing half naked sluts day after day if you ask me! Your opinion might differ but frankly I couldn't care less
  13. Thank you, Fool! And check her out. Classy but so "to the point" And ummm...I do love it when men tend to show off their ummm...rather femine sides Damn! Some women just can't take a joke, like this one Well, her expression says it all : "Oi! Whatcha lookin' at buster?!"
  14. When they say "Smokin' Hot", they mean "Smokin' Hot" Oh and there is nothing better than a sweet innocent old lady giving someone "the finger" Oh come on! Even my grand mom has done it!
  15. AAAAAHHH!! This is just great! :hysterical:
  16. :hysterical: Blimey! Fool, you're hilarious!
  17. Ooh! Those are some cool looking latex gloves there, Magic! Who knew that domestic chores could look so glamourous with those beauties? Well, here is another lady who I truly respect and admire! In spite of all the odds stacked against her, she managed to accomplish so much during her life time! Ladies and gentlemen, I give you, Helen Keller!!
  18. Hi Rachel! :D Thanks for noticing the rather trippy change I made on my profile! :D I just stumbled on that groovy background and I just had to upload it! :D I am really enjoying Danny's comments and your addition to the "Beautiful Women" thread! Those latex gloves look smashing! ;)

  19. Rachel, whenever you get time, please do check out my latest addition to the "beautiful women" thread! Those women whose photo I posted are pretty tough cookies! LOL! :D

  20. A retired woman calls 911 on her cellphone to report that her car has been broken into. She is hysterical as she explains her situation to the dispatcher: "They've stolen the stereo, the steering wheel, the brake pedal and even the accelerator!" she cries. The dispatcher replies reassuringly, "Don't worry, ma'am. An officer is on his way." A few minutes later, the dispatched officer calls in. "Disregard." He says. "She got into the back seat by mistake." _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Two elderly ladies, Ethel and Martha, had been the best of friends for over 50 years. Over the decades they had spent together, they had worked together, lived next door to each other, and even vacationed together with their husbands. In their golden years, they would meet every afternoon to play cards. One day, as they were wrapping up a game of pinochle, Ethel looks at Martha sheepishly and says , "Now please don't get angry with me. I know we've been friends for a long time, but I just can't seem to remember your name! I've been wracking my brain for the past hour but it still escapes me. Please remind a forgetful old lady!" Martha glares angrily at her. For five minutes, she doesn't speak, only giving her friend stares of disappointment. Finally, Martha asks, "How soon do you need to know?" ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Three sisters, aged 81, 83 and 85, live together. One night the 85 year old draws a bath for herself. As she sticks her foot in, she pauses. She yells to her sisters downstairs, "Was I getting in or out of the bath?" The 83 year old shouts back loudly, "I don't know. Let me come up there and see." She begins walking up the stairs, but then pauses . She yells to her sisters "Was I going up the stairs or down?" The 81 year old is sitting in the living room, enjoying some tea. She listens to her sisters, shakes her head and mutters to herself, "I sure hope I never get that forgetful. Knock on wood." She then turns and shouts, "I'll come up there and help both of you as soon as I see who's knocking at the door." ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  21. Hmmm...I don't think anyone in their right minds would wanna mess with these tough mamas now, would they? Warning : They are heavily armed! Damn! These are my kind of women, for sure!
  22. Damn! Magic, now look what you've made me do! Thanks to you, I am now rather obsessed with dirty old women! Stay tuned for some weird old women type jokes! I'm on a role today, that's for sure!
  23. I do love my share of dirty jokes once in a while!
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