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Everything posted by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87

  1. Emily, you are really making me blush now! Thank you so much for the compliment and friend request! And congratulations on finding Asteroid's second album II! It is one fantastic album indeed! The songs to look out for are "Disappear", "Garden", "Edge", "Towers", "Lady" and "Time". Just fuckin' brilliant!!! You and your son will be fighting over it quite soon! Emily, I am the sort of girl who chooses to purchase music which makes her "feel" something! Believe me, when I listened to Asteroid's second album for the first time, I felt so many different emotions that I just can't explain it! That album took my breath away! I also felt myself being transported to the forests of Sweden and I felt a feeling of peace, love, joy and seclusion! Jeez! It was extraordinary!
  2. Some people might be suprised by my choice here but I think it's just beautiful! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxObVVGXenI And here's yet another beautiful track!
  3. Oooh! I thought that I was the only one with a "secret folder"! Glad to know that I have company! And yes, I do have a certain bias towards Jimmy too but sometimes "The Golden God" is so gorgeous too! But to be honest, Magic and Aeon, I like men who either have jet black hair or dark brown hair or light brown hair. I also like men who are caring and sensitive and this description has me thinking of another member of Zep who has such a quiet, dignified, sweet, kind and caring sort of aura and yet remains so underrated! I am talking about this sweetie right here I proudly added this photo to my "secret folder" this afternoon and I can't take my eyes of it! Dear sweet Jonesy! This would probably have been my avi if I hadn't found that cute pic of Robert and Jimmy!
  4. These songs do not make me cry but they are so haunting and beautiful!
  5. Thank you Magic! I fell in love with that pic the first time I saw it! Jimmy and Robert look so cute and sweet! I feel like such an idiot for changing it! Oh well! Glad it's back again! Thank you Virginia! I know what you mean! Jimmy and Robert look like a bunch of scamps in that one! Hi aeonblue! Robert and Jimmy have the faces of angels in that one! That's for sure! In fact, the first time I saw that photo, I could have sworn my heart rate nearly doubled and I felt it was getting rather hot!! I also have a secret folder in my laptop (secret because my mom doesn't know of it's existence) with gorgeous pics of Robert and Jimmy together! It's my little haven and shrine!
  6. LOL! Magic, I was thinking more of the word "tramp" but "slut" is spot on! And looks like Tracy Emin (like Gaga) is known to be a woman who crosses all the lines of decency and keeps pushing and pushing until absolutely nothing will be left to shock society anymore! I got such a good and positive vibe from those paintings too! What's amazing is the fact that, the subjects are something so simple and something which we come across in our daily lives (like a vase, some fruit, etc.) But the way it's been depicted by the artist concerned is pretty much what captures our attention! And I agree with you completely about there being so many artists who have genuine talent but who sadly do not get a chance to show their work! It's such a sad state of affairs! And I am sorry to hear about your friend! He should be doing what he loves and creating works of art and not be sitting in some boring old office all day doing something which he isn't particularly fond of just to make a living! It is pretty much like the music industry where stupid bands like "Green Day" and "Kings of Leon" get all the attention while there are so many brilliant indie bands out there with genuine talent, whose work goes unrecognised and who remain under-appreciated!
  7. Hi! Thank you so much for the friend request! :D And I really really really love your profile background! It is so psychedelic! Wow! Just wow! :D

  8. While talking to my mom yesterday, I found out something very interesting about myself which suprised me! I was apparently into rock 'n' roll even before I was born! You see, when my mom was pregnant with me, starting from the 6th month of her pregnancy, whenever my dad played songs by Led Zeppelin, Jimi Hendrix, Cream or The Rolling Stones, my mom could feel me kicking! Mind you, I used to be quiet at all other times (even when my dad played music by other bands)! But the moment something by Cream, Hendrix, The Stones or Zep came on, I used to start my ummm.."kicking sessions" (as my mom calls it ) And the two songs which got the biggest kicks, according to my mom were "Jumpin' Jack Flash" and "Voodoo Child (Slight Return)". In fact, until the 8th month of my mom's pregnancy, my parents thought that they were going to have a son!! In fact, my dad nicknamed me "Flash" before he knew I was a girl! Looks like my folks knew that I was truly going to be a rock 'n' roll baby!
  9. Oh my goodness! I completely forgot to include the most beautiful track from the album "II" If a person is not moved by this track, then they definitely need to do some soul searching!
  10. You're very welcome Virginia! Cheers! :D

  11. LOL! Thanks Magic! I pretty much put down what came to mind! I really do wonder what made Tracy feel that it was "morally wrong" to re-create that rather revealing piece? Magic, be sure to check out some these art works right here (it's by one of the members on this very forum. Her nickname is "justawoman") : http://www.katcrosbyart.com/ Look out for the traditional pieces. Like this one : This put a smile on my face! I think there is one Led Zeppelin inspired piece too! Good stuff!
  12. ^ Hi Emily! I am so glad you love Asteroid too! LOL! I truly wish my mom was like you though! She knows absolutely nothing about this stuff. Your son is lucky to have someone like you to give him a bit of "musical education" My mom is more of an ABBA, The Carpenters, The Seekers, kind of lady, you know? And my dad sort of has the "stuck in the 70's syndrome" Oh well! Luckily, there are sites like last.fm. I got into Asteroid just last week and I was blown away by what I heard. I pretty much have this habit of checking out bands by first comparing their music style to some of the stuff I like in terms of similarity and then I go to itunes NZ and I preview all of their songs and if I like what I hear, I'll definitely buy it (either in the immediate future or wait a while depending on how broke I am )! Asteroid's music does have a "Sabbath" sort of feel to it! It is pretty much (to my ears) a "Graveyard" meets "Sabbath" sort of musical style! That's what's so cool!
  13. Oh and they also did a combined project with another band called "Blowback". The album is called "Asteroid and Blowback" and it was released in 2007. These are my favourite tracks from the album : Another song to look out for is "Supernova" which I couldn't find on youtube but can be found on Asteroid's official myspace page. I posted the link earlier.
  14. More songs from their S/T debut album : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qfeqgSgK2ok&feature=player_embedded Well, if you like what you hear, you can check out their official myspace page to sample more of their music : http://www.myspace.com/asteroidband
  15. One more track from their album "II" And here are some of my absolute favourite tracks from their self-titled debut album : There is a bit of a spelling error in the first vid. The song is called "The Great Unknown".
  16. Well, I am always on the look out for new music. I after finally learning what "stoner rock" was all about, pretty much stumbled upon this pretty incredible indie band from Örebro, Sweden. They bare a rather high similarity to bands like "Graveyard" and "Radio Moscow" and being a fan of those bands, I decided to give these guys a shot. They go by the name "Asteroid". I, last week, took the plunge and purchased both their "Self Titled" debut album (released in 2007) and their second album, II (released in 2010). IMHO, II is one of the most haunting albums, I have had the pleasure of listening to in a while (it's my favourite release for the year, 2010), and you'll pretty much see why when you check out some of the songs in this very thread! Here is a rather interesting write up about them and their second album, simply known as II, which was released on the 22nd of January, 2010 (courtesy of last.fm) : The history of Asteroid is a psychedelic space saga, timeless and endless, with no upside or downside, but with a beautiful ending. The band, formed during the winter of 2003, has undertaken a long musical journey and developed a sound well fit to the trio constellation. After being formed as a regular stoner band, it didnt take long before new grounds were conquered. Since then, influences have been collected from blues and British 70s classic rock, but also from Swedish traditional folk music. Asteroid is now back with their second album, called simply II. It is a more evolved but also relaxed and groovy follow up to their highly acclaimed debut album S/T. This time they locked themselves up in a studio deep in the forest, trying to capture the raw and naked sound and feeling in their music. You will hear a tighter, heavier, but also darker Asteroid. You will still recognize the characteristic energy in the sound and feel the joy delivered by the musicians. This record is like transporting yourself back to the psychedelic woods of Sweden, but unlike other 70s influences bands this is also fresh and unique on its own. Now, here are some songs from Asteroid's second album "II" which any rock fan should check out : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHmqOS2Jm58
  17. Well, after FINALLY learning what "stoner rock" is all about, thanks to the very interesting website last.fm, I stumbled upon this really amazing indie band from Sweden, going by the name "Asteroid". I took the plunge and I bought both their self-titled debut album and their album "II" (released 22nd January, 2010) and I was blown away! Their second album "II" is a real stand out in my book (even better than their debut) and appears to be quite underrated! This is pretty much the most haunting album I've heard in a while! I can't stop listening to it! It is pretty much my most favourite release for the year 2010!
  18. Hi Danny, Looking at it from your point of view, I guess Tracy Emin wants us all to interpret that "filthy" work of art as the work (or should I say misdeed, because jokes apart, I wouldn't even consider thrashing my room like that or turning my warm and cozy bed into a pig-sty! ) of a very angry woman who pretty much thrashed her room to express herself and convey to the world that life is a bitch and that things aren't going her way? That's the only ummm sensible "interpretation" I can think of at the moment. I feel she could have just taken a picture of someone throwing a T.V set or computer out of the window to express feelings of frustration! It would have made much more sense to me! Just my two cents! I also think that Tracy Emin can be termed as the ummm "Lady Gaga" of the "modern" art world? (I might change my mind about Tracy if she exhibits some those sculptures you were speaking of) Because while many folks out there consider Lady Gaga's music to be "modern art", I consider it to be absolute thrash and luckily for every Lady Gaga, there is a Led Zeppelin! The world can keep their Lady Gagas! As long as there are bands like Zep out there, I think I've been more than compensated!
  19. Excellent choice goldenguitar! I was actually thinking of posting that today but you beat me to it!
  20. Hi Virginia! Since, it's already October 21st already here in New Zealand, I just thought I'll wish you a very happy birthday!! :D Hope you have a great one!! Cheers! :D BTW, thank you so much for posting the song "Lonely Goatheard" on my thread! I love that song! It always makes me laugh!! :D

  21. Well, today was a pretty fucked up day in my book because : 1. The strong winds almost ripped my umbrella to shreds and almost made me lose my balance and fall over while walking to uni 2. The watch which I have been using since I was 12 years old (which by the way was a birthday present from my dad) broke today! The strap is ruined and I don't think I can ever wear it again and I feel that I have lost something special of great sentimental value!!! 3. While walking down the street from my apartment, on my way to classes today, some bastard (a lay-about no doubt) begins whistling at me and calls me "sweet cheeks!". What a prick! And to top it all, he asks me for money and if I fancied a night out! I had an umbrella with me and I was so fuckin' tempted to use it and poke him in the place where it will hurt the most!! I do not appreciate strange men calling me names like "babe", "baby" or "honey"! Let alone "sweet cheeks!" And to all those people (reading this) who think that this little incident is funny, well all I can say is that women have rights too you know?! Whew! This space for ranting has made me feel a lot better!
  22. Now, this is beautiful! LOL! That looks like my bedroom before I cleaned it! I don't care tuppence if I'm being biased here!
  23. LOL! I pretty much shocked my mom last week when I bought "Blind Faith" in CD form with the explicit cover! It's a shame that people often get side-tracked by the cover and fail to notice the fact that the album itself is truly amazing! Oh well! Their loss!
  24. BUMP! I just have to contribute to this thread! Can't help myself! I basically can't say that these songs specifically changed my life but it pretty much gave me my first exposure to some really amazing music genres like "psychedelic rock", "garage rock", "progressive rock" and "country" and made me explore the catalogues of some incredible bands and artists! 1. Purple Haze - The Jimi Hendrix Experience (my first exposure to psychedelic rock at the age 6. Thanks dad! ) 2. Seven Seas of Rhye - Queen (my first Queen song at the age of 5) 3. Jumpin' Jack Flash - The Rolling Stones (my anthem when I was about 9 years old. I used to jump and dance to it! ) 4. Guitar Boogie Shuffle - The Ventures (my first rock 'n' roll instrumental track and garage rock song when I was just 4 years old! Thanks mom! ) 5. Light My Fire - The Doors (my first love song! ) 6. Black Dog - Led Zeppelin (my first Zep song at the age 12! From then on, there was no turning back! ) 7. Funky Town - Lipps Inc (my first exposure to disco! ) 8. Let It Rock - Bon Jovi 9. Jailhouse Rock - Elvis Presley 10. Black Or White - Michael Jackson (my first song by MJ )
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