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Everything posted by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87

  1. Kick started 2018, with a cool Beethoven CD collection
  2. CP, that was one of the first things that came to mind, when I first visited their website! I had beef ribs once, back in 2014 at Hard Rock Cafe for my birthday and I was pretty hopeful that restaurants out here, will continue to serve beef based dishes. But sadly, you're absolutely right about beef restrictions. The Indian government is sure cracking down heavily, on folks who eat / sell beef. I hope to at least see Chicken Rendang on their menu soon. Their menu keeps changing every Friday, so, you never know!
  3. To me, one of the best ways to enjoy a beautiful Sunday morning, is to listen to compositions by the master! Now, this is my idea of fun!
  4. Hi, thanks for your reply. Now, there is this mp3 album called Mozart : The Essential Classics. I listened to the entire album on YT and needless to say, it was delightful! Now, unfortunately, the CD version of this album is out of stock. So, I was wondering whether there was another CD compilation equivalent to that. http://www.halidon.it/sinfonicacamera-c182-artisti_vari_mozart_essential_classic-g3076-d1.html
  5. Went out tonight. Came home tired and I decided to try out some Indonesian food. There is this interesting place that does only home delivery but nevertheless, maintains an intriguing menu. The name of this establishment is 48East (https://www.fortyeighteast.com/) The dish that I ordered was Nasi Goreng, which literally in Indonesian translates to Fried Rice. There was soy sauce, just the right amount of spices, tofu and tons of veggies in the rice like corn, broccoli (I love broccoli!), shredded cabbage, red peppers and so much more!
  6. This is pretty much my motto, starting from the beginning of 2018: "The past is the past. It is great to think about it in times of personal reflection, but do not dwell on it too much. Everyday is a brand new day. Living in the moment and taking each day as it comes, makes us have complete control over our actions every day. This sort of control in the present, can make the future more certain and more favourable towards what we truly want to achieve".
  7. I was really struck by this kid's wisdom. Though a character from a TV show, this quote is so spot on. “If you go through life, expecting other people to make things good for you, you’re going to be disappointed. The only person you can depend on is yourself. And I guess I am lucky because I like myself. So, whenever I am with myself, I am happy. I’ve never once let myself down” – Brick Heck
  8. I wake up from sleep, only to discover a Buddy Guy concert, live streaming in my facebook feed! Damn! What a Sunday this is turning out to be!!
  9. Can someone please recommend a good CD compilation for the works of Mozart? I am looking for a compilation that houses just his piano based, violin based and orchestra work. No opera music, please! Thanks!
  10. My very first audiobook! My weekend is set!
  11. Had my first R programming lesson today. Absolutely interesting stuff, but slightly overwhelming too! Phew! I sure need my music fix to refresh my tired brain.
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