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Everything posted by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87

  1. Many underrated teams are giving the big-wigs a run for their money, it seems. Thoroughly enjoyed the Iceland-Argentina clash, the Germany-Mexico clash and the Brazil-Switzerland clash. What I love is a good contest. Not one sided rubbish. Early days yet, I know but I hope the momentum continues. The team that I am rooting for, is Iceland.
  2. Still reeling from the horrible news. Loved watching No Reservations with my mom. RIP Mr. Bourdain *Sigh! And then there is Danny Kirwan. I always believed that there was only one Fleetwood Mac. What a sad and horrible day!
  3. Here is the official trailer. I gotta say...It looks good!
  4. Based on a recommendation from a very sweet forum friend! Enjoying some gin with this!
  5. Had the pleasure of attending my very first classical music concert, this evening. This concert featured the works of great composers such as Vivaldi, Bartok, Barber, Rossini and Gluck. This concert was all thanks to the amazingly talented Bangalore City Chamber Orchestra. I was so humbled to have witnessed something so beautiful! My soul was awash with peace and tranquility upon listening to such wonderful music. The arrangements for Barber's "Adagio" and the Spring and Summer segments of Vivaldi's "Four Seasons" brought me to tears. Like John Keats once aptly put it: "A thing of beauty is a joy forever".
  6. Watched Downfall yesterday, for obvious reasons....
  7. Finding CD compilations that do justice to Carl Stalling's ground breaking work
  8. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the news... https://www.theguardian.com/music/2018/apr/27/abba-announce-first-new-songs-for-35-years
  9. Big News from Queen's Facebook page: ***Bohemian Rhapsody: Exclusive New Movie Image (1)*** Rami Malek (Freddie Mercury) and Gwilym Lee (Brian May) star in Twentieth Century Fox’s BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY. Photo Credit: Alex Bailey. OFFICIAL SYNOPSIS Bohemian Rhapsody is a foot-stomping celebration of Queen, their music and their extraordinary lead singer Freddie Mercury, who defied stereotypes and shattered convention to become one of the most beloved entertainers on the planet. The film traces the meteoric rise of the band through their iconic songs and revolutionary sound, their near-implosion as Mercury’s lifestyle spirals out of control, and their triumphant reunion on the eve of Live Aid, where Mercury, facing a life-threatening illness, leads the band in one of the greatest performances in the history of rock music. In the process, cementing the legacy of a band that were always more like a family, and who continue to inspire outsiders, dreamers and music lovers to this day. GRAHAM KING (PRODUCER) “This film has been 8 years in the making but I truly believe that it’s been worth it because I’m so proud of what we’ve accomplished. The movie is a true celebration of Queen’s music and a tribute to one of the greatest frontmen of all time: Freddie Mercury. Breaking through stereotypes and expectations, Freddie dared to change everything – believing in himself and his music.” “He and the band reached unparalleled success and Freddie became one of the most beloved entertainers on the planet, cementing a legacy that continues to this very day. Their music is played in sports arenas, countless films and commercials, and is heard reverberating around nearly every local bar and pub around the world. They inspire outsiders, dreamers and music lovers. And behind the music was a man who simply connected with people in a way only a handful of performers have ever done.” “I’ve been lucky enough in my career to work with some of the greatest actors – Leonardo DiCaprio, Daniel Day-Lewis, just to name a few. But the performance of Rami as Freddie rates up there with some of the best I’ve ever seen.” BRIAN MAY (LEAD GUITARIST, QUEEN) “I'm thrilled with the way our Freddie film is shaping up. Much more than a documentary of someone's life, it's a piece of pure art, chiselled out of solid rock. It speaks of families and relationships and hopes and dreams, and heartache and disappointment, and ultimately of victory and fulfilment, in a way that everyone can connect to. It hasn't been an easy journey - but all the most worthwhile journeys are like that! Rami and Lucy and the boys give monumental performances - more than worthy of the originals !!” www.queenonline.com Source: https://www.facebook.com/Queen/posts/10155603170832362
  10. Thanks so much for your post! My cramps aren't too severe. It goes away after an hour or two. My poor friend at work gets horrid cramps and she has to take a day off sometimes, when things become unbearable! It is these mood swings that have really scared me. I must confess that I took a day off from work on Friday to figure out what was going on with me, only to realize that it was PMS, all along. I'll be lying if I said I wasn't really relieved!
  11. OK. I have to admit. PMS really screwed with me this month. I have never experienced it, to this extent. The physical symptoms eased quickly but I became mentally disturbed. I was in a horrific state of mind. I stopped enjoying my work. I found it difficult to concentrate. I went to bed early but woke up, feeling fatigued, sad and irritable. I became so jumpy. The weather wasn't exactly helping either. It is so hot and humid. I used to have dark thoughts every night, such as : I am worthless. I am a failure. I am not afraid to die. Even if I die tomorrow, no one will care. I am better off dead. Not sure where the hell these thoughts even came from! This unfortunately lasted for slightly more than a week. I got my period today and I am (at last) feeling relaxed and positive. I am no longer feeling like a basket case. I feel normal and happy. Edited to add: I had a very bad attack of the flu a few weeks ago before these PMS symptoms set in. I have read that the physical fatigue from the flu does last for weeks. Maybe things got aggravated because of this? Hmmmm...
  12. I post sporadically, these days. Julie, why don't you retire and start enjoying life? I mean, you've worked hard for decades and now, perhaps it's time to put your feet up? I'm doing well. I love my job in Analytics, but sometimes things get so overwhelming. I have been working for nearly 2 years now. The corporate world is OK but I really miss the world of Academia. I am planning to go back to school in a couple of years and get a second Master's degree, hopefully followed by a PhD.
  13. Yes, Kipper. You're right. There is a massive discrepancy between how men and women are treated. In extreme cases, women are treated like property. In India, even in middle class and upper middle class homes, there are subtle differences. I mean, in childhood (if the poor girl survives dangers such as female infanticide), it pertains to the brother getting more to eat during meals. While in college, it all boils down to the girl being discouraged from pursuing advanced degrees like a PhD (especially in science and math oriented subjects), for fear that she will not be able to find a suitable husband to 'settle down' with. My parents are very liberal minded. I am the only daughter and I don't have siblings. I feel so lucky because I have been encouraged to forge my own path, right from the get go! There are two female colleagues at work (who are also friends of mine), who might quit their jobs, just to get married. Another female colleague did the same thing, just last year. I know, to each their own but she really loved her job and it just broke her heart that she had to quit. I could see the pain in her eyes, on her last day! She had been with the company for three years. Interestingly, her husband still has his old job! My neighbours have asked me, whether I have any plans of quitting my job, to get married. I have managed to evade that question, every time. The truth is, I want to have a career. I also want to travel the world and I am hoping to go back to school to pursue a PhD in Analytics. None of my plans and my bold way of thinking, would have been possible, if it weren't for my wonderful parents! The case that you told me about that involved domestic violence, made my blood boil. I am so glad that the poor wife and daughter managed to get into a shelter. What happened to the other daughter? I hope she's still not with the father?! Marriage should always be an equal partnership. When a man assaults a woman, he to be human in my book! But that and sickening concepts like 'honour killing' are so commonplace in some sects of the Indian community that it is shocking how people have come to accept it! There have been cases of honour killing even in countries like Canada. Absolutely horrific!
  14. Sath, there is no need to feel bashful while venturing into this thread! Feel free to join in, at anytime!
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